to bad i cant repHas anyone pointed out that #TheonSet is part of #Targset now
Got 8,002 dudes with no dikks on that squad![]()
This season?who died?
I don't think it's that simple. first of all she turned LF down at first. then when she saw that The North didn't necessarily respek the Stark name, she called on him again. but it was never a sure thing that he would even come, or make it on time. she also told Jon they should wait until they had more menSansa used Jon and his men to be the bait/decoy.
Maybe I got the wrong word, but I dont think he as good as you're putting him out to be
He is guided by emotion too much, and he is skilful, some could say lucky. Hard Home was skill and luck, the Battle of the b*stards was skill and luck. But Sansa made the key move in the clutch. If Jon knew he had more men (it was not 10,000 or I misheard) he would have done exactly the same thing. Look at how he got baited out by Ramsey. A leader of an army would not do that, a leader of a unit yes, but not the whole army. He risked his life over one life. Ramsey is more clever, but got beaten by bae
As for Rickon, she knew he was dead already. She said it, he is ruthless and a b*stard.
Has anyone pointed out that #TheonSet is part of #Targset now
Got 8,002 dudes with no dikks on that squad![]()
Ghost is not the last Stark DirewolfMan.... why didnt they let jon's wolf kill that c*nt?
Is he still alive? the last stark dire wolf?
... another thing
I dont get it.... if cersei is found guilty for incest won't tommen kiss that throne goodbye?
I dont know why i hate that high sparrow prick... someone is finally teaching cersei some humility.
I wonder what's his end game. is he a true believer?
She is just learning. After she made Ned admit to treason and he was still killed she knows how the game is played.The funny thing is for all the talk about Jon not being able to strategize, Jon's initial plan from the night before was basically to pull off a Cannae-like battle. That's why he was saying he wanted Ramsey "coming at them full tilt." Even with the lack of numbers, the battle might have gone a lot differently had Jon not gotten baited into arrow range trying to save Rickon. Hell, even after Jon got baited, things might have went differently if the army didn't charge right in behind him (I justonce I saw the rest of his army charge in after him).
Speaking of Rickon, it's interesting that Sansa wrote him off before the battle when he was basically the major reason Jon agreed to help her in the first place ("That monster has our brother and our home"). She was right in knowing Rickon was going to die no matter what, and Jon shouldn't have let himself get baited the way he did. At the same time, I see why he did what he did. Rickon was basically the reason Jon was out there going into the battle in the first place, so of course he was going to try his damnedest to save him.
Makes you wonder just how much Sansa really cares about the people around her vs. their usefulness to her. Then again, they could show her mourning in the next episode over Rickon, which would be a nice way of showing she's not just a female Littlefinger.
Fact is her "plan" cost 1000s of men their lives. And almost cost Jon his,Y'all OD'ing with the Sansa hate.
After all she's been through she clearly has trust issues, and LF played on that when he last spoke with her by reminding her Jon's her half brother. Sure, she should've been open and honest with Jon. That was indeed an error. Not only cuz he would have waited on the Knights of the Vale, but also because Littlefinger was camped near the Manderly's and could've went to personally garner their support where Jon could only send a raven.
But let's chill with this narrative that she's just power hungry and was trying to get Jon killed. If that were the case she wouldn't have warned him not to play into Ramsay's hand (which he did anyways) and she wouldn't have assured him that Rickon was a lost cause so he needed to be prepared for that. She still being played by Littlefinger, so she has to smarten up there, but all this anti-Stark stuff y'all talking is out of bounds.