Yeah I think that episode beats Hard Home for me
Too much to talk on. I was in tears when Sansa showed up. That's my red haired queen

. Love you girl
She was right in not telling Jon, IMO. Jon wasn't listening and got his team murked because
he is not a tactical leader. He is a 10/10 soldier but he can't see the forest from the trees
Where was the tactics? We're was the rope a dope? Ramsey had that pincer down to a T. If Sansa had brought the Vale from the beginning they would all just been murked, you need the edge
Sansa already said you can't be obvious with Ramsey, and my bae was right
Rickon need to learn to dip and dive. Running in a straight line is dumb
Oh, and Yara and Daenerys flirting was quite possibly the sexiest thing so far. I watched that scene about 3 times
So much in that episode. Too 3 episodes of TV I've watched
Gotta watch again