Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread

May 7, 2012
When did Arya morph into this killer? Her scenes in Braavos showed her sweeping, rinsing dead bodies, going to poison the thin man--which she never did, brutally killing Meryn Trant a knight of the King's Guard BEFORE she had any fight training from the Faceless Men--leaving her blind which only served to give her the skills to kill The Waif a character she never would've encountered and had to kill had she never gone to the FM and that resulted in her ultimately leaving the FM--and then this season she just continuously got her ass beat by The Waif.

She was shown training with Syrio and learning from The Hound..she wasn't a weak girl who only knew how to stick em with the pointy end, she hasn't been that since literally the very moment that Jon said that to her and even then she already showed she was a skilled archer in the scene when she shoots over Bran's shoulder.

She was shown killing the Frey man that was talking about killing her family. She was already a very capable killer just from her limited training and the fact that she's a little girl extremely willing to kill giving her an advantage due to the element of suprise, and she has still done her most impressive and brutal killings prior to receiving her Faceless Man fight training--also the most relevant killings in regards to her story and character development. They didn't show anything that would indicate she's learned anything about being stealth. Sure she learned to fight blind/in the dark but that doesn't mean she knows how to magically sneak up on people now and pull off shyt like Jaqen did at Harrenhall to pay back Arya for saving him.

Everyone knows we're supposed to assume she's a better killer now, but they just spent two seasons accomplishing nothing that would indicate what invaluable skills she picked up from the FM, which should've been easy to do and extremely interesting to watch given it was one of the best characters in the show learning to become a shapeshifting assassin meanwhile she spent multiple episodes literally sweeping the floor and washing dead bodies. They took a potentially great storyline and made it two seasons of filler just to keep a fan favorite in the show and move her along towards the end game.

I agree 100%. People are taking things that didn't happen in Arya's arc and interjecting them as if they did occur. It's that fine line between interpreting something and putting in things that aren't actually there. There's nothing we've seen that says, "master assassin Arya," unless she plans on killing everybody in the dark. We've never seen Arya beat an armed opponent straight up besides Joffrey bih ass --not even in practice. She had the Waif looking like a prime Sweet Pea/Mayweateher hybrid. I'm not sure how you can extrapolate from that nobody can fukk with her now.

The biggest thing Arya has going for her character is what Ra's told Bruce in Batman Begins (odd connection, I know): "The training is nothing. The will is everything. The will to act." So yeah, she's still going to do her thing; but, let's not pretend like Arya is some super beast from the time she spent with the faceless men.

Did you two miss her Jason Bourne-esque escape through the city streets? Did y'all see her fight off the Waif after she poked her and then jump without hesitation off the bridge into the river? Did y'all see her last training session with the Waif where she did the classic jump from your back straight to your feet move? The Arya who left Westeros would not have been able to do any of that.

Arya is NOT a master assassin. The two times she was supposed to poison some random people, she did not go through with it. Arya IS a much better fighter than she was when she got there. They absolutely have shown us that.

And claiming her low light fighting skills are only useful for fighting the Waif is just silly. The night is dark and full of terrors, breh, and now the Young Goon is prepared.


All Star
Oct 16, 2012
Did you two miss her Jason Bourne-esque escape through the city streets? Did y'all see her fight off the Waif after she poked her and then jump without hesitation off the bridge into the river? Did y'all see her last training session with the Waif where she did the classic jump from your back straight to your feet move? The Arya who left Westeros would not have been able to do any of that.

Arya is NOT a master assassin. The two times she was supposed to poison some random people, she did not go through with it. Arya IS a much better fighter than she was when she got there. They absolutely have shown us that.

And claiming her low light fighting skills are only useful for fighting the Waif is just silly. The night is dark and full of terrors, breh, and now the Young Goon is prepared.

No, I saw it and it was kinda cool looking, a little cheesy and far fetched though--which Maisie Williams the actress who plays Arya even alluded to in an interview last night when she said she had to actually convince them to tone it down because many of the moves weren't believable for her character. What would've been even cooler than her sweeping for multiple episodes is seeing how she suddenly became able to jump from a second story window with a life threatening wound, then outrun a T1000 clone that threw a man 5 feet through the air.

Would've been nice to see where she got those 2 bags of silver from also.

And I didn't claim Arya's new fighting skills were ONLY good for fighting the Waif, I said that her skills pre-FM were good enough to kill off grown men, one being a knight of the King's Guard, while what she gained with the FM was only used to defeat a person she never would've encountered had she never gone there in the first place.

I also said I understand that we have to assume she gained all these skills offscreen. My issue is why keep all the interesting shyt offscreen and show little more than filler for 2 seasons for one of the show's best characters? I don't have an issue understanding the outcome of the story, it was just bad writing and bad TV that led to that result.
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May 7, 2012
No, I saw it and it was kinda cool looking, a little cheesy and far fetched though--which Maisie Williams the actress who plays Arya even alluded to in an interview last night when she said she had to actually convince them to tone it down because many of the moves weren't believable for her character. What would've been even cooler than her sweeping for multiple episodes is seeing how she suddenly became able to jump from a second story window with a life threatening wound, then outrun a T1000 clone that threw a man 5 feet through the air.

Would've been nice to see where she got those 2 bags of silver from also.

They've shown her training with the Waif, she looked markedly better than she ever did. How many training sessions should they have shown? Training session get old, fast. They told us she was training, showed a few sessions to illustrate progress. That's enough for me. :yeshrug:


All Star
Oct 16, 2012
They've shown her training with the Waif, she looked markedly better than she ever did. How many training sessions should they have shown? Training session get old, fast. They told us she was training, showed a few sessions to illustrate progress. That's enough for me. :yeshrug:

They showed multiple training sessions doing the same exact thing, why couldn't they have mixed in something that showed where she gained the ability to jump from a 2nd story window with such a bad injury? And I don't really even care about that I only brought that up cause u brought that scene up like it was some groundbreaking incredible scene. In one of my other posts I talked about how I wanted to see her exploring the House of Black and White and see them delve into the FM's history far more. There's no explanation, regardless of who it came from David, Dan, and George included, that would make me think the best way to handle Arya's storyline was parking her in Braavos for 2 seasons the way they did. Even if we're gona learn everything about the FM next season, Arya's story was still poorly handled the last 2 seasons.

I still love the show, but I'm not gona overlook huge missteps and they've made quite a bit of them in the last 2 seasons. Seasons 1-4 the show built its reputation largely by paying attention to all the small details, and they've gotten so far away from that now. Seems like they just want to get it over with and are mailing it in at this point based on how popular the show already is and the viewers' desire to see the endgame.


Apr 30, 2012
Yeah this thread is starting to become the same as every other thread on a popular show. Just a bunch of bytchin. I thought this shyt was different but nah it's same.Niccas say every episode is whack if it don't have some shocking shyt in it. I'll come in for the Horse Face killah and Obarth recaps but outside of that I'm good.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Some of you crying over the Blackfish's death not being shown like he was a major and important character :mjlol:

Did nothing but stand on a castle for an episode and a half FOH :mjlol:

Vary's sold Tyrion and the others out right?, I mean he dips right before Mareen gets raided :jbhmm:

Varys is the head cheerleader of the #Targset fan club. He wouldn't betray those loyal to the Targs and he definitely wouldn't betray Tyrion while Tyrion is serving Dany. Remember an entire plot line of last season started with Varys trying to get Tyrion to Mereen.
May 7, 2012
lol he was implying that the Starks are alcoholics and didn't want the fly stealing any of the meade, yo

When he said "spit it out you wee little shyte" he probably was inferring that the Starks are drunks :ld:?

But are the Starks known as drunkards in Westeros?

I assumed it was making fun on the Starks tryna make the bug do the honorable thing and spit out the drank it stole.

Corny, I know but I've yet to think of a non-corny meaning


We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
I do think it's funny how people complain about things happening off-screen since this series started off as the show where almost every fight or action scene ended anticlimactically or happened off screen, especially in seasons 1-3.

Robb's entire military campaign happened off-screen. His military campaign was a big deal too, since his enemies kept bringing up how he was pretty much Goldberg with his undefeated streak. Jaimie was even captured off screen. Now that I think about it, the entire war of the 5 kings happened off-screen. I know how it happened in the books, but I've always thought that not getting Stannis vs Renly in battle was anti-climatic. The battle at the fist of the first men happened off-screen. Dany's military conquests happened off-screen. The Hound killing Micah happened off screen. Robert being gutted. I really could go on and on.


and this


Should have happened off-screen though:scusthov:

This show has the WOAT accountants. I dont understand how the execs dont reign these a$$holes in. Does anyone here know how much of a G tyrion is on the battlefield? Greyworm questioning him is ridic.


We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
I do think it's funny how people complain about things happening off-screen since this series started off as the show where almost every fight or action scene ended anticlimactically or happened off screen, especially in seasons 1-3.

Robb's entire military campaign happened off-screen. His military campaign was a big deal too, since his enemies kept bringing up how he was pretty much Goldberg with his undefeated streak. Jaimie was even captured off screen. Now that I think about it, the entire war of the 5 kings happened off-screen. I know how it happened in the books, but I've always thought that not getting Stannis vs Renly in battle was anti-climatic. The battle at the fist of the first men happened off-screen. Dany's military conquests happened off-screen. The Hound killing Micah happened off screen. Robert being gutted. I really could go on and on.


and this


Should have happened off-screen though:scusthov:

This show has the WOAT accountants. I dont understand how the execs dont reign these a$$holes in. Does anyone here know how much of a G tyrion is on the battlefield? Greyworm questioning him is ridic.


We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
I do think it's funny how people complain about things happening off-screen since this series started off as the show where almost every fight or action scene ended anticlimactically or happened off screen, especially in seasons 1-3.

Robb's entire military campaign happened off-screen. His military campaign was a big deal too, since his enemies kept bringing up how he was pretty much Goldberg with his undefeated streak. Jaimie was even captured off screen. Now that I think about it, the entire war of the 5 kings happened off-screen. I know how it happened in the books, but I've always thought that not getting Stannis vs Renly in battle was anti-climatic. The battle at the fist of the first men happened off-screen. Dany's military conquests happened off-screen. The Hound killing Micah happened off screen. Robert being gutted. I really could go on and on.


and this


Should have happened off-screen though:scusthov:

This show has the WOAT accountants. I dont understand how the execs dont reign these a$$holes in. Does anyone here know how much of a G tyrion is on the battlefield? Greyworm questioning him is ridic.

Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
This show has the WOAT accountants. I dont understand how the execs dont reign these a$$holes in. Does anyone here know how much of a G tyrion is on the battlefield? Greyworm questioning him is ridic.
goddamn how many times you gonna post the same sh*T breh?

stop stompin ya keyboard ya stinky b*tch


Apr 20, 2015
I love the episodes that develop the characters further, but we haven't even had any of that this season. Jon Snow was killed and resurrected and has shown literally no change. The Northern houses have no idea he was killed yet they are receiving who they should believe is the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and not even questioning how or why he's been able to leave his post there to fight a war a man of the NW should have no part in, all with the North's most hated enemies the Wildlings. House Glover is sworn to the Boltons, he said even talking to Jon and Sansa could get him skinned, but he didn't think to take them hostage and deliver them to Ramsay which would've ended the battle before it began and made the Glovers the second most powerful house in the North, and technically it would've been the honorable thing to do given that to these Northern houses Jon is a deserter of the NW and a traitor to his people also since the Boltons helped the Glovers retake their castle.

Melisandre brought Jon back from the dead...and hasn't appeared since.

No one around Jon is making a big deal about the fact he's been resurrected, even though none of them have seen it before, they dont watch the show.

The Wildlings apparently think Jon is some type of god, a label he got by dying due to breaking 1000s of years of tradition and letting those very Wildlings cross the Wall. He also killed Qoran Halfhand, their most hated enemy. Put Mance out of his misery. Killed a major White Walker, yet he had to beg these same Wildlings to come fight for him. In the book even before he's been killed they are ready to ride out to Winterfell with him just off the strength of the Pink Letter.

Jaime's whole redemption arc has been destroyed since he started the season as Cersei's lapdog and threatened to catapult a kid over the walls of Riverrun.

Tyrion took a step back, even though that attack would've happened anyway and if anything Tyrion bought them enough time for Dany and the Dothraki to make it back by negotiating with them. But still no character development for anyone involved in Meereen--well we saw Missandei and Grey Worm have their first drink and first real laugh, still not satisfying.

Little Fingers been in 2 episodes. Varys has only been in a handful and done nothing of substance. Arya only learned the skills needed to kill someone she never would've encountered had she never gone to the FM in the first place. Sansa all of a sudden wants to play the game at the expense of her "brother" and literally only the 2nd person she can trust outside of Brienne.

King's Landing has taken a group of religious zealots who didn't exist as far as we knew prior to the High Sparrow's first appearance yet 2 episodes later had a firm grip on KL, something everyone in the show has been trying to accomplish since literally the very beginning. Now the High Sparrow is essentially the Pope of the Middle Ages, having even more power than Tommen and an entire city of followers--who by the way we've never been introduced to either. They missed a huge opportunity in never bringing in some low born characters in KL and developing them and showing how frustrated they were becoming which would explain the Sparrows quick ascension and would've been great to see.

Theon found his courage from half a glass of beer and a tough love pep talk.

Yara fukked the shyt out of a prostitute with no dikk.

Euron killed his brother, the king of the Iron Islands, admitted it, and then became king because he promised he's going to attempt to marry Dany. And told his subjects to build 1000 ships something I imagine they will have accomplished by episode 10.

The show is still very enjoyable just off of how visually pleasing it is, and the anticipation of wrapping up the whole build up of the first 4 seasons, but man have they dropped the ball.