Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
This is why I stopped posting in this thread more and more over the years.

Muhfukkas see an entire episode of piff. Great plot twist and acting throughout all the lands. Tremendous chase scenes and brutal deaths.

"...but..but I didn't see the black fish die" :sadcam:
"...but..but why did they cut away from the fight scene between arya and the waif" :sadcam:

Thank God 95% of you didn't start watching this show and posting in these threads from episode 1.

Y'all would've been like "but we didn't see Jon Arryn die on screen :shaq2:. Did they not have the budget!? :aicmon: I hypothesize he's still alive :smugdraper:"


May 1, 2012
I mean she was there for damn near two seasons which is however many years in the show, i think it's implied that she had more training than just getting her ass beat. secondly, she showed improvement in her fighting, just because she couldn't match toe to toe with the waif doesn't mean she ain't nice in them streets/nicer than the average adversary, look how she did meryn trant. she learned a lot such as being elusive, gaining trust, playing a part, fighting, methods of murder, etc as well as picked up the skill of fighting in darkness, something the waif didn't even possess. I don't know how people look at this and don't see the evolution.
Some people are just fukking remedial If they don't see it onscreen then it didn't happen. Even if they did show it then people would be complaining that it's boring or they're spending too much time on her training.
The Arya/Ja'qen storyline promised so much ando delivered nothing. Very disappointed.
What were you expecting? I never thought she would become No One. She learned a lot spending time over there but I never thought there would be an ultimate payout where she became a ruthless cold blooded killer.


All Star
Oct 16, 2012
the main plot hasn't really moved much but i still enjoy the smaller, more character driven episodes just the same.

the first few seasons are more plot heavy and serve the world building while the later seasons further flesh out the characters. the same thing happened with sopranos.

eventually shyt will hit the fan, but until then i'm perfectly fine just further exploring this world and engaging in the lives of the characters. last night's episode was piff for me. really enjoyed it.:yeshrug:

I love the episodes that develop the characters further, but we haven't even had any of that this season. Jon Snow was killed and resurrected and has shown literally no change. The Northern houses have no idea he was killed yet they are receiving who they should believe is the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and not even questioning how or why he's been able to leave his post there to fight a war a man of the NW should have no part in, all with the North's most hated enemies the Wildlings. House Glover is sworn to the Boltons, he said even talking to Jon and Sansa could get him skinned, but he didn't think to take them hostage and deliver them to Ramsay which would've ended the battle before it began and made the Glovers the second most powerful house in the North, and technically it would've been the honorable thing to do given that to these Northern houses Jon is a deserter of the NW and a traitor to his people also since the Boltons helped the Glovers retake their castle.

Melisandre brought Jon back from the dead...and hasn't appeared since.

No one around Jon is making a big deal about the fact he's been resurrected, even though none of them have seen it before, they dont watch the show.

The Wildlings apparently think Jon is some type of god, a label he got by dying due to breaking 1000s of years of tradition and letting those very Wildlings cross the Wall. He also killed Qoran Halfhand, their most hated enemy. Put Mance out of his misery. Killed a major White Walker, yet he had to beg these same Wildlings to come fight for him. In the book even before he's been killed they are ready to ride out to Winterfell with him just off the strength of the Pink Letter.

Jaime's whole redemption arc has been destroyed since he started the season as Cersei's lapdog and threatened to catapult a kid over the walls of Riverrun.

Tyrion took a step back, even though that attack would've happened anyway and if anything Tyrion bought them enough time for Dany and the Dothraki to make it back by negotiating with them. But still no character development for anyone involved in Meereen--well we saw Missandei and Grey Worm have their first drink and first real laugh, still not satisfying.

Little Fingers been in 2 episodes. Varys has only been in a handful and done nothing of substance. Arya only learned the skills needed to kill someone she never would've encountered had she never gone to the FM in the first place. Sansa all of a sudden wants to play the game at the expense of her "brother" and literally only the 2nd person she can trust outside of Brienne.

King's Landing has taken a group of religious zealots who didn't exist as far as we knew prior to the High Sparrow's first appearance yet 2 episodes later had a firm grip on KL, something everyone in the show has been trying to accomplish since literally the very beginning. Now the High Sparrow is essentially the Pope of the Middle Ages, having even more power than Tommen and an entire city of followers--who by the way we've never been introduced to either. They missed a huge opportunity in never bringing in some low born characters in KL and developing them and showing how frustrated they were becoming which would explain the Sparrows quick ascension and would've been great to see.

Theon found his courage from half a glass of beer and a tough love pep talk.

Yara fukked the shyt out of a prostitute with no dikk.

Euron killed his brother, the king of the Iron Islands, admitted it, and then became king because he promised he's going to attempt to marry Dany. And told his subjects to build 1000 ships something I imagine they will have accomplished by episode 10.

The show is still very enjoyable just off of how visually pleasing it is, and the anticipation of wrapping up the whole build up of the first 4 seasons, but man have they dropped the ball.
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Apr 18, 2013
I just realized what the "rumor" was that Qyburn told Cersei

I'm going to spoiler tag it because I'm 95% sure its correct, I'm a human spoiler

Don't click if you want to be surprised

The rumor was that the Mad King has caches of wildfire stashed throughout King's Landing. Go back to Bran's vision in episode 6 frame by frame and you are gonna see the future. It's about to get lit. Literally
i thought that dream included the past really. They showed the mad king screaming "burn it all" right as Jamie killed him...if the wildfire wasn't used at all before Jamie killed him then it's correct to assume that it's to come. Good read :jbhmm: I specifically came in here for someone to clue me into that.

Verbal Kint

May 13, 2015
TC, Ap
Every time we're like 'nah that character ain't that stupid, gotta be some shenanigans :ohhh:', next episode comes and its like ':francis: nah they just stupid'.
Tyrion got played :francis:
Arya strolling round like sunshine and lollipops unarmed then ate the chicken on the platter, got her health up and ran a 4.57 40 through them Braavos streets after having her small intestine sliced in half :dwillhuh:
Jaqen showed this girl all they secrets, she decides she's done and he just smiles and lets her roll out like he ain't invest time and resources into training her.:stopitslime:
Brienne rode Littlefingers chopper to Riverrun then left again in 6 hours sol
Tommen stay getting played:snoop:
Book Blackfish escaped the castle and is bound to show up somewhere wrecking shop but they killed this nikka off camera :stopitslime:

I love the show but I don't know what they're doing anymore brehs :mjcry:

Alexander The Great

I ain't gonna say this sh*t again
Apr 30, 2012
yo, so what happened to the tully army after they surrendered the castle? are they just free to go or prisoners?


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
I was so pissed at that f@ggot Edmure i wanted to break the TV
Ayria Stark lured home girl into a trap and executed fairly well :ehh:
The look on Lancel's face when The Mountain peeled his monk fukkboy :mjlol:
I wonder what Cersei and Qyburn have up their sleeve :jbhmm:

I think BlackFish escaped.
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May 1, 2012
:russell:Im just sick of things being dragged on. There is no reason why Aryas story, High Sparrow needed to last 2 seasons.

When did Arya morph into this killer? Her scenes in Braavos showed her sweeping, rinsing dead bodies, going to poison the thin man--which she never did, brutally killing Meryn Trant a knight of the King's Guard BEFORE she had any fight training from the Faceless Men--leaving her blind which only served to give her the skills to kill The Waif a character she never would've encountered and had to kill had she never gone to the FM and that resulted in her ultimately leaving the FM--and then this season she just continuously got her ass beat by The Waif.

She was shown training with Syrio and learning from The Hound..she wasn't a weak girl who only knew how to stick em with the pointy end, she hasn't been that since literally the very moment that Jon said that to her and even then she already showed she was a skilled archer in the scene when she shoots over Bran's shoulder.

She was shown killing the Frey man that was talking about killing her family. She was already a very capable killer just from her limited training and the fact that she's a little girl extremely willing to kill giving her an advantage due to the element of suprise, and she has still done her most impressive and brutal killings prior to receiving her Faceless Man fight training--also the most relevant killings in regards to her story and character development. They didn't show anything that would indicate she's learned anything about being stealth. Sure she learned to fight blind/in the dark but that doesn't mean she knows how to magically sneak up on people now and pull off shyt like Jaqen did at Harrenhall to pay back Arya for saving him.

Everyone knows we're supposed to assume she's a better killer now, but they just spent two seasons accomplishing nothing that would indicate what invaluable skills she picked up from the FM, which should've been easy to do and extremely interesting to watch given it was one of the best characters in the show learning to become a shapeshifting assassin meanwhile she spent multiple episodes literally sweeping the floor and washing dead bodies. They took a potentially great storyline and made it two seasons of filler just to keep a fan favorite in the show and move her along towards the end game.
She was capable of killing, which is different from being a capable killer. Syrio taught her about being stealthy back when he had her chasing cats in season 1. She learned to fight, as opposed to using the element of surprise like she did with the Frey man and with Trant. She learned to take faces as well and there's no indication that she won't be able to take faces in the future. I don't think anyone has shapeshifted, just changed faces.

I love the episodes that develop the characters further, but we haven't even had any of that this season. Jon Snow was killed and resurrected and has shown literally no change. The Northern houses have no idea he was killed yet they are receiving who they should believe is the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and not even questioning how or why he's been able to leave his post there to fight a war a man of the NW should have no part in, all with the North's most hated enemies the Wildlings. House Glover is sworn to the Boltons, he said even talking to Jon and Sansa could get him skinned, but he didn't think to take them hostage and deliver them to Ramsay which would've ended the battle before it began and made the Glovers the second most powerful house in the North, and technically it would've been the honorable thing to do given that to these Northern houses Jon is a deserter of the NW and a traitor to his people also since the Boltons helped the Glovers retake their castle.

Melisandre brought Jon back from the dead...and hasn't appeared since.

No one around Jon is making a big deal about the fact he's been resurrected, even though none of them have seen it before, they dont watch the show.

The Wildlings apparently think Jon is some type of god, a label he got by dying due to breaking 1000s of years of tradition and letting those very Wildlings cross the Wall. He also killed Qoran Halfhand, their most hated enemy. Put Mance out of his misery. Killed a major White Walker, yet he had to beg these same Wildlings to come fight for him. In the book even before he's been killed they are ready to ride out to Winterfell with him just off the strength of the Pink Letter.

Jaime's whole redemption arc has been destroyed since he started the season as Cersei's lapdog and threatened to catapult a kid over the walls of Riverrun.

Tyrion took a step back, even though that attack would've happened anyway and if anything Tyrion bought them enough time for Dany and the Dothraki to make it back by negotiating with them. But still no character development for anyone involved in Meereen--well we saw Missandei and Grey Worm have their first drink and first real laugh, still not satisfying.

Little Fingers been in 2 episodes. Varys has only been in a handful and done nothing of substance. Arya only learned the skills needed to kill someone she never would've encountered had she never gone to the FM in the first place. Sansa all of a sudden wants to play the game at the expense of her "brother" and literally only the 2nd person she can trust outside of Brienne.

King's Landing has taken a group of religious zealots who didn't exist as far as we knew prior to the High Sparrow's first appearance yet 2 episodes later had a firm grip on KL, something everyone in the show has been trying to accomplish since literally the very beginning. Now the High Sparrow is essentially the Pope of the Middle Ages, having even more power than Tommen and an entire city of followers--who by the way we've never been introduced to either. They missed a huge opportunity in never bringing in some low born characters in KL and developing them and showing how frustrated they were becoming which would explain the Sparrows quick ascension and would've been great to see.

Theon found his courage from half a glass of beer and a tough love pep talk.

Yara fukked the shyt out of a prostitute with no dikk.

Euron killed his brother, the king of the Iron Islands, admitted it, and then became king because he promised he's going to attempt to marry Dany. And told his subjects to build 1000 ships something I imagine they will have accomplished by episode 10.

The show is still very enjoyable just off of how visually pleasing it is, and the anticipation of wrapping up the whole build up of the first 4 seasons, but man have they dropped the ball.
How smart would it be to parade the red woman around people that still worship the Old God's? They would have had an even tougher sell if she was with them.

Sister Mary Clarence

I pronounce us ready to eat. Amen.
Mar 8, 2015
Saint Katherine's Convent
Euron killed his brother, the king of the Iron Islands, admitted it, and then became king because he promised he's going to attempt to marry Dany. And told his subjects to build 1000 ships something I imagine they will have accomplished by episode 10.

lmao, i was just talking about this. by the time he gets the trees cut down the war will be over.


May 1, 2012
Every time we're like 'nah that character ain't that stupid, gotta be some shenanigans :ohhh:', next episode comes and its like ':francis: nah they just stupid'.
Tyrion got played :francis:
Arya strolling round like sunshine and lollipops unarmed then ate the chicken on the platter, got her health up and ran a 4.57 40 through them Braavos streets after having her small intestine sliced in half :dwillhuh:
Jaqen showed this girl all they secrets, she decides she's done and he just smiles and lets her roll out like he ain't invest time and resources into training her.:stopitslime:
Brienne rode Littlefingers chopper to Riverrun then left again in 6 hours sol
Tommen stay getting played:snoop:
Book Blackfish escaped the castle and is bound to show up somewhere wrecking shop but they killed this nikka off camera :stopitslime:

I love the show but I don't know what they're doing anymore brehs :mjcry:
How have you missed this? He's been telling her the whole time that if she says her name she is free to go. The Waif was telling her the same thing too, except with the Waif there was the implied threat of violence. When he was telling her she could have her eyes back if girl has name, again that's him telling her she can go if she can't become No One. He never threatened her with death if she still had a name.
Ja'Qen didn't let the Waif kill her because she failed, it was because a promise was made to the many faced god and that promise had to be kept no matter whose face it was.

street heat

merchant of death
Jun 15, 2012
i was disappointed in this ep overall. i was hoping for a lot more action than what was shown.

what will cersei do now that there is no trial by combat ? :jbhmm:

flee the city ?