Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
@Lifer11 Quite a few of these points are off. I don't know how to respond to it all without creating a huge wall of text so I'll just quote a few things that stand out. I hope it doesn't get too long.:francis:

Jon Snow was killed and resurrected and has shown literally no change.

He has changed, though it was more subtle than what most predicted. People thought he would incur a supernatural change because resurrection is a magical process, when instead went through an existential crises that deeply depressed him after being murdered by his brothers. This new Jon is less than he was. He's haggard and tired. He wants to flee south and get warm. He doesn't want to fight. He had to be convinced to fight, and even then, it's a half-hearted nod, nothing like the passion and anger he had when he wanted to go fight after Ned was killed. He's clearly more afraid of death after finding out there is nothing on the other side, no Ygritte, or Ned, or Robb, or anything else. That has affected him.

The Northern houses have no idea he was killed yet they are receiving who they should believe is the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and not even questioning how or why he's been able to leave his post there to fight a war a man of the NW should have no part in, all with the North's most hated enemies the Wildlings.

I agree that we should have been given some dialogue from some of the Northern Houses about him deserting and breaking his vows.

House Glover is sworn to the Boltons, he said even talking to Jon and Sansa could get him skinned, but he didn't think to take them hostage and deliver them to Ramsay which would've ended the battle before it began and made the Glovers the second most powerful house in the North, and technically it would've been the honorable thing to do given that to these Northern houses Jon is a deserter of the NW and a traitor to his people also since the Boltons helped the Glovers retake their castle.

There is nothing contradictory about his reaction. This is a man that wept when Ned was executed. He isn't going to hand his children over personally to be flayed, but he also isn't going to commit suicide and destroy the rest of his house by joining a war with Widlings and no other Northern support. That's his sense of honor. Hear them out of respect for their father, but send them away out of disgust for their actions, and preservation to his own house, which was devastated by the previous war.

Melisandre brought Jon back from the dead...and hasn't appeared since.

The Starks have been on a Northern recruiting trip. The reason Mel hasn't been around is the same reason Tormund hasn't. Stannis reached out to all of the Northern Houses. He was supported by Ned, he was fighting the Boltons, and he was going to fight the Lannisters...yet the North almost unanimously rejected him. It wasn't 100% because of religion, but the fact that he converted to some exotic Essos religion that burns people, boldly showcasing that by showing a burning Stag on his sigil, and had some Red Witch by his side didn't help. While Jon is out trying to gather support, he already has a hard time selling the idea of wildlings, he doesn't need a Red Witch by his side complicating things even more. Mel will be back on screen when she is relevant for the story.

No one around Jon is making a big deal about the fact he's been resurrected, even though none of them have seen it before, they dont watch the show.

You already hinted at this but again, I agree. I wish we could have gotten some more dialogue from people regarding his death, mainly Sansa.

The Wildlings apparently think Jon is some type of god, a label he got by dying due to breaking 1000s of years of tradition and letting those very Wildlings cross the Wall. He also killed Qoran Halfhand, their most hated enemy. Put Mance out of his misery. Killed a major White Walker, yet he had to beg these same Wildlings to come fight for him. In the book even before he's been killed they are ready to ride out to Winterfell with him just off the strength of the Pink Letter.

You do realize not all of the Widlings saw his dead body or were at Castle Black for the resurrection? The majority of the Widlings were settling in the Gift, so it makes 100% sense that the rest would have to be convinced to fight for a Castle they don't give a shyt about. The Wildings are not a monolith. There are various clans, various traditions, various superstitions amongst them about gods. And while they united to flee south, this is still unprecedented territory for them. They have never been this far south. They have never been this organized. They have never been asked to fight another man's war. For every choice they make, they know that it is now for the survival of their entire kind, so they won't just be blindly following orders. Any step they take needs to be carefully measured, argued for, and accepted as the right thing to do for their people. And they were convinced by Jon and Tormound that fighting the Boltons was the best choice of action for their people. I'm not sure why that would be an issue in storytelling for you.

Jaime's whole redemption arc has been destroyed since he started the season as Cersei's lapdog and threatened to catapult a kid over the walls of Riverrun.
You mention the books to support your point in the last paragraph but here seem to gloss over the fact that Jaimie threatened to catapult a kid over the walls in the books too. I hated Jaimie's arc in seasons 4 and 5, but I believe his redemption arc is back on track. I don't want to spoil any potential book plot points so I'll just say we can revisit where he is on his journey after the finale. I don't believe him and Cersei will be on good terms, or that he'll be her "lapdog" as you put it.

Theon found his courage from half a glass of beer and a tough love pep talk.
Theon has been finding his courage for more than 2 seasons now. He told Sansa the truth about Bran and Rickon (knowing that could get him killed), he killed Myranda, and jumped off the walls of Winterfell, and led Sansa through a cold forest with hounds chasing, and killed a Bolton man, and gave a speech in front of his people at the Kingsmoot. One of the best things the show has done was show Theon's PTSD and his gradual journey of putting the pieces of himself back together. It didn't happen over an episode or one speech. He failed several times, like when he refused to go with Yara after she told him that he was Theon Greyjoy, or when Sansa told him he was Theon Greyjoy, yet he still couldn't shake Reek and instead went and told Ramsay about Sansa's plan. I give Alfie Allen more credit than the showrunners but it's been a very satisfying journey watching Theon become Theon again.

I either agree with your other points or don't feel compelled to respond.

Still waiting for a 10/10 or A+ episode this season. At this point, the season is hovering in the 7/10 or 8/10 range, mainly because of the Arya debacle, and not enough time North with Jon.
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A Doctor of Love
May 11, 2012
If you think you're lonely now, ohhh girl...
When did Arya morph into this killer? Her scenes in Braavos showed her sweeping, rinsing dead bodies, going to poison the thin man--which she never did, brutally killing Meryn Trant a knight of the King's Guard BEFORE she had any fight training from the Faceless Men--leaving her blind which only served to give her the skills to kill The Waif a character she never would've encountered and had to kill had she never gone to the FM and that resulted in her ultimately leaving the FM--and then this season she just continuously got her ass beat by The Waif.

She was shown training with Syrio and learning from The Hound..she wasn't a weak girl who only knew how to stick em with the pointy end, she hasn't been that since literally the very moment that Jon said that to her and even then she already showed she was a skilled archer in the scene when she shoots over Bran's shoulder.

She was shown killing the Frey man that was talking about killing her family. She was already a very capable killer just from her limited training and the fact that she's a little girl extremely willing to kill giving her an advantage due to the element of suprise, and she has still done her most impressive and brutal killings prior to receiving her Faceless Man fight training--also the most relevant killings in regards to her story and character development. They didn't show anything that would indicate she's learned anything about being stealth. Sure she learned to fight blind/in the dark but that doesn't mean she knows how to magically sneak up on people now and pull off shyt like Jaqen did at Harrenhall to pay back Arya for saving him.

Everyone knows we're supposed to assume she's a better killer now, but they just spent two seasons accomplishing nothing that would indicate what invaluable skills she picked up from the FM, which should've been easy to do and extremely interesting to watch given it was one of the best characters in the show learning to become a shapeshifting assassin meanwhile she spent multiple episodes literally sweeping the floor and washing dead bodies. They took a potentially great storyline and made it two seasons of filler just to keep a fan favorite in the show and move her along towards the end game.

I agree 100%. People are taking things that didn't happen in Arya's arc and interjecting them as if they did occur. It's that fine line between interpreting something and putting in things that aren't actually there. There's nothing we've seen that says, "master assassin Arya," unless she plans on killing everybody in the dark. We've never seen Arya beat an armed opponent straight up besides Joffrey bih ass --not even in practice. She had the Waif looking like a prime Sweet Pea/Mayweateher hybrid. I'm not sure how you can extrapolate from that nobody can fukk with her now.

The biggest thing Arya has going for her character is what Ra's told Bruce in Batman Begins (odd connection, I know): "The training is nothing. The will is everything. The will to act." So yeah, she's still going to do her thing; but, let's not pretend like Arya is some super beast from the time she spent with the faceless men.


All Star
Oct 16, 2012
I agree 100%. People are taking things that didn't happen in Arya's arc and interjecting them as if they did occur. It's that fine line between interpreting something and putting in things that aren't actually there. There's nothing we've seen that says, "master assassin Arya," unless she plans on killing everybody in the dark. We've never seen Arya beat an armed opponent straight up besides Joffrey bih ass --not even in practice. She had the Waif looking like a prime Sweet Pea/Mayweateher hybrid. I'm not sure how you can extrapolate from that nobody can fukk with her now.

The biggest thing Arya has going for her character is what Ra's told Bruce in Batman Begins (odd connection, I know): "The training is nothing. The will is everything. The will to act." So yeah, she's still going to do her thing; but, let's not pretend like Arya is some super beast from the time she spent with the faceless men.

And really what I was getting at isn't that I don't understand that Arya picked up much more than they've shown. I'm saying why didn't they show that stuff? Everything that we're supposed to infer on our own at this point would've made for much better writing and much better TV. Why was she sweeping for 3 episodes? Why couldn't they have shown her exploring the House of Black and White? Given that she's such a stubborn character she could've even done it without permission, and then have Jaqen catch her, punish her, but ultimately teach her about their history. They mention their origins in Valyria, why not delve into that much more thoroughly?

There's just so many missed opportunities that would've made it a better story, better TV, and would've accomplished everything we're meant to assume now. It makes no sense. Unless they plan on bringing Jaqen back and telling their story but even then why park Arya there for 2 seasons in a boring storyline?


May 20, 2012
This is why I stopped posting in this thread more and more over the years.

Muhfukkas see an entire episode of piff. Great plot twist and acting throughout all the lands. Tremendous chase scenes and brutal deaths.

"...but..but I didn't see the black fish die" :sadcam:
"...but..but why did they cut away from the fight scene between arya and the waif" :sadcam:

Thank God 95% of you didn't start watching this show and posting in these threads from episode 1.

Y'all would've been like "but we didn't see Jon Arryn die on screen :shaq2:. Did they not have the budget!? :aicmon: I hypothesize he's still alive :smugdraper:"

I get tired of all the negativity too. Dude's act like Black Fish was some primary character.


May 1, 2012
And really what I was getting at isn't that I don't understand that Arya picked up much more than they've shown. I'm saying why didn't they show that stuff? Everything that we're supposed to infer on our own at this point would've made for much better writing and much better TV. Why was she sweeping for 3 episodes? Why couldn't they have shown her exploring the House of Black and White? Given that she's such a stubborn character she could've even done it without permission, and then have Jaqen catch her, punish her, but ultimately teach her about their history. They mention their origins in Valyria, why not delve into that much more thoroughly?

There's just so many missed opportunities that would've made it a better story, better TV, and would've accomplished everything we're meant to assume now. It makes no sense. Unless they plan on bringing Jaqen back and telling their story but even then why park Arya there for 2 seasons in a boring storyline?
That's what happened with the face she stole when she killed Trant. How many times could they show that before people start complaining about her story going nowhere? Even now people are saying it went nowhere.

Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
This is why I stopped posting in this thread more and more over the years.

Muhfukkas see an entire episode of piff. Great plot twist and acting throughout all the lands. Tremendous chase scenes and brutal deaths.

"...but..but I didn't see the black fish die" :sadcam:
"...but..but why did they cut away from the fight scene between arya and the waif" :sadcam:

Thank God 95% of you didn't start watching this show and posting in these threads from episode 1.

Y'all would've been like "but we didn't see Jon Arryn die on screen :shaq2:. Did they not have the budget!? :aicmon: I hypothesize he's still alive :smugdraper:"
why are you back then? get lost you cac devil :camby:


All Star
Oct 16, 2012
That's what happened with the face she stole when she killed Trant. How many times could they show that before people start complaining about her story going nowhere? Even now people are saying it went nowhere.

She was punished, but it didn't delve into the FM's history. They had her sweeping and washing dead bodies for multiple episodes, but they couldn't have her punished two times in one season and one time for walking into secret rooms and showing cool shyt? The building was huge and they showed nothing. They were shapeshifting assassins and we learned essentially nothing about them. And even if she wasn't punished, just have Jaqen take her on a tour through the whole building. Have different aspects of their magic be revealed gradually by bringing us deeper into their building. Are there only 2 FM? Who was the one that drank the poison for Arya last year? So many missed opportunities.

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
I get tired of all the negativity too. Dude's act like Black Fish was some primary character.
I do think it's funny how people complain about things happening off-screen since this series started off as the show where almost every fight or action scene ended anticlimactically or happened off screen, especially in seasons 1-3.

Robb's entire military campaign happened off-screen. His military campaign was a big deal too, since his enemies kept bringing up how he was pretty much Goldberg with his undefeated streak. Jaimie was even captured off screen. Now that I think about it, the entire war of the 5 kings happened off-screen. I know how it happened in the books, but I've always thought that not getting Stannis vs Renly in battle was anti-climatic. The battle at the fist of the first men happened off-screen. Dany's military conquests happened off-screen. The Hound killing Micah happened off screen. Robert being gutted. I really could go on and on.


and this


Should have happened off-screen though:scusthov:
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All Star
Jun 6, 2015
Only thing that pisses me off is that when Arya was getting ready to leave before getting stabbed is that she never took Needle with her. I mean it was only after she was attacked by the Waif that she came back for it to fight her.


May 1, 2012
Only thing that pisses me off is that when Arya was getting ready to leave before getting stabbed is that she never took Needle with her. I mean it was only after she was attacked by the Waif that she came back for it to fight her.
She told the captain they would sail the next morning. I think its reasonable to assume she would have came back and packed up her few belongings But yeah, she should've been armed in the streets anyway.