Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread

May 1, 2012
This show really is starting to fukking stink with its shytty accountants. 10 million per episode and we dont get:

1. cleganebowl
2. Waif vs Arya thats been built up for 2 seasons.
3. Dany coming back on her dragon or w.e
4. Blackfish dying off screen.

10 mill is enough to do anything, wtf is going on.

I don't see any of this having to do with budget though. They could have done a battle at Riverrun but it would have kinda taken away from b*stard Bowl. Blackfish off-screen and Waif off-screen deaths were done by choice.. I can see the dragon shyt being cut down maybe those are expensive.
May 7, 2012
No I didn't say that, it just took too long to get there and the payoff was weak with Waif getting it off-screen (yes, it was dark, we could have at least had sound) and then Jaquen's :manny: reaction to it all lol

Jaquen's reaction wasn't :manny:, it was :obama:

I'm amazed at how many people missed that. He's no one and not supposed to have any real attachments, yet he was rooting for Arya and never really expected her to become no one. He was proud of her in that moment.



All Star
May 25, 2012
A girl did it :blessed:

A girl is Arya Stark from Winterfell and she going home :blessed:
Stark Excellence :blessed:
Them Northern military tactics :banderas:
Lured her into the cave and made it go night night :lawwd:
Young Killa bout to link up with them other Stark goons :wow:
We hitting our peak at the right time, meanwhile #thotset getting their city ran through by them slavers :mjlol:
Thotqueen with another :flabbynsick: entrance :russell:
Drogon couldn't wait to drop her off and bounce :mjlol:
#Lset finally caught a win :ehh:
Ramsay's time is here :blessed:
"The North remembers"?
Who needs the North when ya got the 3 set collab :blessed:
#Starkset, Wildling, Vale goons :damn:
Winter is coming :demonic:


Aug 9, 2014
Just as i thought John and his boys outnumbered like a muffaka, looks like all hope is lawst untill...

Thats right :sas1:

#Starkset go ahead and thank me now :sas2:


The GOAT snatching another Kingdom :russ:Chess not Checkers :russ:

little finger using teleportation again? Able to move an entire Vale army in a few days to winterfell?

let me find out GOT is just another vefrsion of the xmen

Bran = Professor X
Little Finger = Night crawler
Arya = wolverine (with the healing power after she got shanked and healed in 1 day)


Aug 9, 2014
Jaquen's reaction wasn't :manny:, it was :obama:

I'm amazed at how many people missed that. He's no one and not supposed to have any real attachments, yet he was rooting for Arya and never really expected her to become no one. He was proud of her in that moment.

exactly , he said the faceless gd requires a face and it cares not who. Arya provided him with a face


All Star
May 4, 2012
little finger using teleportation again? Able to move an entire Vale army in a few days to winterfell?

let me find out GOT is just another vefrsion of the xmen

Bran = Professor X
Little Finger = Night crawler
Arya = wolverine (with the healing power after she got shanked and healed in 1 day)

i think its implied time has passed just by them doing all this shyt. we havent seen little finger in like 3 weeks so maybe 2 months has gone by in the show


Legal Bookie
Apr 30, 2012
Las Vegas
:mjlol: nah. Every episode has been at least good with maybe the exception of last night which still had some moments. These last two gonna be lit too. :obama:
the high sparrow and arya arcs are terrible and have taken up way too much time, khaleesi been doing the same shyt for like 4 seasons and its beyond old, tyrion doint absolutely nothing, pretty much everything going on with kings landing i couldnt care less about etc. a few funny death scenes and quips here and there, and a great final 10/15 minutes with the hodor and white walker sequence is all this season has been really. its not bad enough, like the walking dead became, where i bailed after several seasons, but this tread water for 7/8 episodes then have 1 or 2 good eps at the end of the season stuff the last couple seasons is quickly becoming stale
Sep 12, 2013
the main plot hasn't really moved much but i still enjoy the smaller, more character driven episodes just the same.

the first few seasons are more plot heavy and serve the world building while the later seasons further flesh out the characters. the same thing happened with sopranos.

eventually shyt will hit the fan, but until then i'm perfectly fine just further exploring this world and engaging in the lives of the characters. last night's episode was piff for me. really enjoyed it.:yeshrug:


All Star
Oct 16, 2012
Overall, I loved the episode and am loving this season.

A couple legit gripes, but a lot of the complaints I see are just silly.

Blackfish dying off screen is a legit gripe. They brought him back after 2 seasons. Reminded usv how G'd up he was. They def should've showed us how he died. That was an error.

The Waif/Arya ending is a legit gripe, tho not an error imo. From a fan perspective, they've been building up this confrontation for two seasons, we wanted to see an epic 1-on-1 fight sequence. However, I don't think it was an error because the Waif was genuinely a better fighter. In a fair one, she's gonna beat even a healthy Arya. A wounded Arya stands no chance. It made much more sense for Arya to lure her into darkness where she holds the upper hand. It was a great illustration of how her training paid off.

Most of the other complaints I'm reading are shyt. People wondering what was the point of Arya in Bravos :mindblown:
Clearly she just morphed into a master killer. Sure, the Waif was giving her that work, but most other foes don't stand a chance. She went from a weak little girl who only knew how to "stick 'em with the pointy end" to Arya Bourne! And now she's headed home!

People complaining that there was no point to Riverrun :mindblown:
That was big for the storyline. It got Jamie out of King's Landing, and resolved a major L for Sansa: they're not getting any help from the Tully forces. People seem disappointed there was no battle, well there was never going to be a battle of Riverrun, that was a siege. One that would've lasted 2 years if they went that route.

People complaining that King's Landing storyline doesn't matter:mindblown:
The very first scene of the series showed us that shyt was getting crazy beyond the wall, yet King's Landing has been a major outline and shyt that happens there has affected things at Castle Black. Just cuz you can't see how it will unfold, doesn't mean it doesn't matter, just sit back and enjoy the show. I get that people hate the High Sparrow, his soliloquies were getting dreadful, but hasn't had one in a minute. And it's undeniable he's playing the game with the skill of prime Bobby Fisher. Cersei showed her cards, and he pulled trump like a boss:whew:

When did Arya morph into this killer? Her scenes in Braavos showed her sweeping, rinsing dead bodies, going to poison the thin man--which she never did, brutally killing Meryn Trant a knight of the King's Guard BEFORE she had any fight training from the Faceless Men--leaving her blind which only served to give her the skills to kill The Waif a character she never would've encountered and had to kill had she never gone to the FM and that resulted in her ultimately leaving the FM--and then this season she just continuously got her ass beat by The Waif.

She was shown training with Syrio and learning from The Hound..she wasn't a weak girl who only knew how to stick em with the pointy end, she hasn't been that since literally the very moment that Jon said that to her and even then she already showed she was a skilled archer in the scene when she shoots over Bran's shoulder.

She was shown killing the Frey man that was talking about killing her family. She was already a very capable killer just from her limited training and the fact that she's a little girl extremely willing to kill giving her an advantage due to the element of suprise, and she has still done her most impressive and brutal killings prior to receiving her Faceless Man fight training--also the most relevant killings in regards to her story and character development. They didn't show anything that would indicate she's learned anything about being stealth. Sure she learned to fight blind/in the dark but that doesn't mean she knows how to magically sneak up on people now and pull off shyt like Jaqen did at Harrenhall to pay back Arya for saving him.

Everyone knows we're supposed to assume she's a better killer now, but they just spent two seasons accomplishing nothing that would indicate what invaluable skills she picked up from the FM, which should've been easy to do and extremely interesting to watch given it was one of the best characters in the show learning to become a shapeshifting assassin meanwhile she spent multiple episodes literally sweeping the floor and washing dead bodies. They took a potentially great storyline and made it two seasons of filler just to keep a fan favorite in the show and move her along towards the end game.

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
i think its implied time has passed just by them doing all this shyt. we havent seen little finger in like 3 weeks so maybe 2 months has gone by in the show

Another time-related question: It feels like we’re jumping between storylines that have very vastly different lengths of time passing between each scene?

The timelines between the various storylines don’t necessarily line up within a given episode. For instance, the “Northern Tour” Jon and Sansa embark on would probably take a couple weeks, but Arya’s storyline over the past few episodes only spans a few days. We realized a while ago that if we tied ourselves in knots trying to make all the “story days” line up between all the characters the momentum would suffer.

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