Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread


Haitian American Descended From Slaves
Nov 8, 2014
Does anyone else get the feeling that the show is cooking up a sansa + Jon romance?



May 1, 2012
Does anyone else get the feeling that the show is cooking up a sansa + Jon romance?

:aicmon:No. How did you come up with that?

One thing I did notice is the slick shyt Sansa was saying about Jon when they were discussing strategy. She said he doesn't have the Stark name but she does, then she said he has just as much a claim to Winterfell as Ramsey. Jon don't need to be reminded he a b*stard, he knows that. He really should've went upside her head for that.

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
Does anyone else get the feeling that the show is cooking up a sansa + Jon romance?

I honestly wouldn't be that surprised if it went that way since it was originally outlined for
Jon and Arya to fall in love.
But based on the last episode, I see more of a cooperative rivalry.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Except you haven't been. You've been one of the main ones driving the debate.


People talking about it's a fixed time line or a loop off one episode. Those are very specific explanations. Those terms have one definition.

A paradox could mean a hundred different things. Alternate realities are literally infinite. I never claimed to have this shyt figured out like some people, I said let's wait and see. One of my first posts in here is asking why is it specifically a fixed time line, why can't it be something else?



Master Baker
May 1, 2012
:aicmon:No. How did you come up with that?

One thing I did notice is the slick shyt Sansa was saying about Jon when they were discussing strategy. She said he doesn't have the Stark name but she does, then she said he has just as much a claim to Winterfell as Ramsey. Jon don't need to be reminded he a b*stard, he knows that. He really should've went upside her head for that.
That's why it's #SMS - y'all gon learn :sas1:

Spatial Paradox

All Star
May 16, 2012
"Wylis. I saw you as a boy. You could talk. What happened?"

That foreshadowing :wow:

That reveal about the origin of the white walkers :wow:. I enjoy the lore and fantasy aspects of the world in the show as much as the political and interpersonal fukkery, so the vision with that reveal had me looking :ohhh:.

When your own creation turns on you :wow:

The last 10 minutes legit had me wondering if anyone was going to get away. Yeah, I figured Bran would get away somehow, but it had that same horror/suspense feeling "Hardhome" had last season. But this time, they combined that "Are they gonna get away!? How!? Everyone's gonna die!!!!! :damn:" feeling with a ton of tragedy which made it hit that much harder.

It wasn't enough that Summer died as they were escaping. I almost lost it when I heard those pained yelps brehs :wow:. Tired of direwolves dying :mjcry::mjcry::mjcry::mjcry:.

No, they just had to reveal how Wylis became Hodor :mjcry:

Seeing Bran's expression when he realized how he was responsible for Wylis becoming Hodor :mjcry:

Seeing Hodor push that much harder against the door while we're seeing and hearing his past self repeating "Hold the door":mjcry::mjcry::mjcry::mjcry::mjcry:

Could you imagine witnessing the moment of your own death? :mjcry:

When Bran comes to, he's going to be all :mjcry:

Summer's dead. HodorWylis is dead. The Children of the Forest, who possibly could've shed more light on how best to take on the White Walkers, dead. Bloodraven, his only mentor, dead. And as a bonus, he's leaving Bran with a Wikileaks-sized dump of information he has to sort through on his own now.

And on top of all of that, Bran and Meera are still running from the the White Walkers and the army of the dead, with Bran still getting that massive info dump. Their situation is so desperate, I can't wait to see how they make it to safety.

Easily one of, if not the best, episode of the series so far.

RIP Children of the Forest. RIP Bloodraven.
RIP Summer :mjcry:
RIP Wylis :mjcry:


Mar 18, 2013
You just gotta make your own explanation and roll with it. I made mine, it makes sense to me in the context of the show, and I've moved on m

Yea I've actually just accepted it and rolled with it. I'm just hyped for the next episodes. I'll dissect on my rewatch of the season.


May 1, 2012
Bran's physical connection with the weirwood was broken but he still stayed in the past as opposed to snapping out of it. I wonder how they're gonna explain that. Is he now already more powerful than 3ER and won't need to touch a weirwood to see what's going on or will he need to be rebooted for lack of a better word and still need that physical connection?


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI

Can I jump into this discussion brehs? I haven't been as involved in this thread as I have been in past years.

I like @hexagram23 do not believe it's a fixed timeline. It's quite reasonable, and theoretically possible, to live in a multiverse with a fixed timeline or a multiverse with a paradox. The problem with this graphic, is that each scenario creates a life ending alternative, and each scenario is only described from the point of view of the time traveler.

Hear me out on this: I think the current rendition of Game of Thrones, i.e. from Bran's perspective in 2016, is the second rendition of a multiverse. (Think XMen days Future Past)

Bran giving Hodor a mental deficiency was an escape plan that he would have had to have learned to do to ensure success. If he had already learned/created the event, then that is proof of an original timeline. An original timeline should not be confused with the use of paradox, fixed timeline, or multiverse, it simply means T1.

That alone gives us reason to believe that in the original timeline, Wylis possibly failed to "hold the door", Bran desperately wargs into his body and creates a multiverse connection between the past and present. He also possibly dies because Hodor could not indeed "hold the door." However this death or survival doesn't matter to us, because we're no longer on the T1 timeline. In fact we could be on the T20 timeline and still wouldn't know. (Think Edge of Tomorrow) The possibility of it's existence is the most important aspect.

Some will say, "the ink is dry on the past." Well that's the beauty of a multiverse, the new loop, is just a copy of the past, up until the point of your time travel. And if you think the ink is dry on the past, you still have to explain: 1) how can Hodor be mentally crippled on a linear paradox timeline, without Bran warging from the present? 2) If Bran warged from the present, to change the past, and didn't create an additional timeline, then what happens to the original timeline in a single linear paradox, as the events would continue to repeat if the future is not changed.

The event of Wylis turning into Hodor is Hodor's paradox - as he is stuck to the timeline because of Bran - but it is not Bran's final ending, thus revealing the existence of a multiverse. Hodor isn't dead because Bran made him hold the door. Hodor is dead because Bran decided to venture into the past and walk among the Walkers.

We just saw Bran turn Wylis into Hodor, and we also saw Ned at the Tower. So now, from our perspective, there are 3 Game of Thrones timelines (that we know of) going on in parallel to each other, all at different intervals. And that still leaves that original timeline which the three eyed raven is trying to guide Bran to follow.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Can I jump into this discussion brehs? I haven't been as involved in this thread as I have been in past years.

I like @hexagram23 do not believe it's a fixed timeline. It's quite reasonable, and theoretically possible, to live in a multiverse with a fixed timeline or a multiverse with a paradox. The problem with this graphic, is that each scenario creates a life ending alternative, and each scenario is only described from the point of view of the time traveler.

Hear me out on this: I think the current rendition of Game of Thrones, i.e. from Bran's perspective in 2016, is the second rendition of a multiverse. (Think XMen days Future Past)

Bran giving Hodor a mental deficiency was an escape plan that he would have had to have learned to do to ensure success. If he had already learned/created the event, then that is proof of an original timeline. An original timeline should not be confused with the use of paradox, fixed timeline, or multiverse, it simply means T1.

That alone gives us reason to believe that in the original timeline, Wylis possibly failed to "hold the door", Bran desperately wargs into his body and creates a multiverse connection between the past and present. He also possibly dies because Hodor could not indeed "hold the door." However this death or survival doesn't matter to us, because we're no longer on the T1 timeline. In fact we could be on the T20 timeline and still wouldn't know. (Think Edge of Tomorrow) The possibility of it's existence is the most important aspect.

Some will say, "the ink is dry on the past." Well that's the beauty of a multiverse, the new loop, is just a copy of the past, up until the point of your time travel. And if you think the ink is dry on the past, you still have to explain: 1) how can Hodor be mentally crippled on a linear paradox timeline, without Bran warging from the present? 2) If Bran warged from the present, to change the past, and didn't create an additional timeline, then what happens to the original timeline in a single linear paradox, as the events would continue to repeat if the future is not changed.

The event of Wylis turning into Hodor is Hodor's paradox - as he is stuck to the timeline because of Bran - but it is not Bran's final ending, thus revealing the existence of a multiverse. Hodor isn't dead because Bran made him hold the door. Hodor is dead because Bran decided to venture into the past and walk among the Walkers.

We just saw Bran turn Wylis into Hodor, and we also saw Ned at the Tower. So now, from our perspective, there are 3 Game of Thrones timelines (that we know of) going on in parallel to each other, all at different intervals. And that still leaves that original timeline which the three eyed raven is trying to guide Bran to follow.


Thank you. That was my original point, and the scope of what I was talking about when I mentioned a paradox or alternate realities.

It could be a number of things, we won't know what until a future episode.

May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
A nice little essay on the implications to this story around Bran:

S6Ep5: The Door to Infinite Sadness

Side Note: I have read that short story "Guardians" he mentions and its actually really good, despite the psychic kitten :pachaha:

I'm not sure I'm buying into the Bran=Lord of Light shyt, but I do think that Bran has impacted the story already more than we think.

Low key what if something Bran did caused the White Walkers to mobilize in the first place:merchant:

They been dormant for thousands and thousands of years. Did he maybe unsuccessfully attempt to change something from the past that was already written, in turn causing the White Walkers to mobilize? :merchant: Or maybe the White Walkers have greendreams as well and they foresaw Bran being the cause of the Wall being toppled and allowing the magic to be broken and their invasion to begin:merchant:


We need a "Thanks, Bran" gif just like them "Thanks, Obama" gifs :heh:


Haitian American Descended From Slaves
Nov 8, 2014
:aicmon:No. How did you come up with that?

One thing I did notice is the slick shyt Sansa was saying about Jon when they were discussing strategy. She said he doesn't have the Stark name but she does, then she said he has just as much a claim to Winterfell as Ramsey. Jon don't need to be reminded he a b*stard, he knows that. He really should've went upside her head for that.

I look at it this way, After enduring massive emotional, mental, and physical abuse for 5 seasons, Sansa finally realized that only she can guarantee her safety. More specifically, she's learned that her security can only come about through welding power.

Presently, Sansa wants to be seen as an equal partner in the fight to take back Winterfell. However as it stands, she isn't an equal partner. She doesn't have Jon's army or experience.

What she has over Jon is primarily her position/influence as a legitimate Stark heir. It should also be noted that Sansa is fairely experienced at "playing the game", thanks to her time spent in king's landing and her companionship with Little Finger.

So in Ep 6, She makes it explicitly clear that the line of succession still stands.

Next, She sends Brienne to Riverrun in order to secure an army. An army that most likely will swear their allegiance to a Stark, not, a b*stard with a wildling army.

Finally, She also has that vale army in her backpocket.

By the time the battle rolls around, Jon will lead the physical charge but the army will be held together by Sansa's influence.

I'm guessing the endgame in the series is to have Sansa take on the mantle of Queen/warden of the North.

It would make sense. Sansa's arc has seen her slowly transform from the weakest character in the series to one of the strongest. (Thanks in Part to her experiences with Lil Finger)