Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven

this theory is brazy :ohhh:
i'm really going to hate this show if, 7-8 seasons in.... we learn every major event of all time was just bran time traveling on some bill and ted shyt

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
The whole time we looked at Hodor as a lovable giant with a heart of gold. Little did we know that everytime he said "Hodor" he was referencing his own death. This show ain't for the kids :to:
maybe that's why he was always scared of fighting... he didn't know exactly which one was going to cause his death


All Star
Jul 31, 2013
Brehs, that might just be the best hour of television I've ever seen.

No wasted seconds, let alone minutes.

Dany and Jorah's goodbye au revoir. :mjcry: Find a cure. :sadbron: When I take the seven kingdoms I need you by my side. :feedme:Oh, NOW you need him, do you?:snoop::wtb:

New Red Priestess looking so demonic :whoo: Varis looking SHOOK for one of the first times I can remember. Dude was getting fukking reckless with his Richard Dawkins shyt. The whispers of his little birds are nothing compared to the whispers of the fires. You are now about to witness the strength of Priest Knowledge.:sas1:

The #starkset Coalition of the Wildlings is taking shape... loved the little map tour of the Northern Houses and Sansa is tentatively on her boss shyt. I don't think she fully trusts Jon... maybe she just doesn't trust his commitment after all the fukkboy "I just died" shyt last week... but she's learnt a hell of a lot from Littlefinger and is about to bring it to bear on the entire North. fukk the Boltons as a staff, army and as a motherfukking house. And if you're down with the Boltons, fukk you too. Smalljohn Umber? fukk you too. Karstarks? fukk you too. Die slow, motherfukkers... Oathkeeper make sure all your kids don't grow.

Tormund is gonna get ALLLLL up in those big drawers. :shaq:I'm lowkey surprised he hasn't tried to "steal" her and been smacked down yet... but they've got so much to do, a lighthearted skirmish between these two would probably be a waste of good screen time. I need it to happen though - Brienne the Beauty finally getting her swan feathers.:banderas::lupe::mjcry:

Bran's story just went OFF. fukk. I was seriously expecting the Hodor reveal to be connected to the Tower of Joy (as in he was holding the door to where Leanna and Jon were) but that may have turned into the greatest reveal in television history. TV watchers have been hearing that word for 6 years (book readers for up to TWENTY) and it would've been iconic even if it had been left unexplained.... but the way they did this... my GOD.. I was in pieces. Bran's face as the realisation dawned of what he had to do and as he watched Yung Hodor fitting on the floor was something for the fukking ages. I'm just glad the girl was out so I could let the tears flow... :mjcry: fukk Marley and Me, hell, fukk the Direwolves.... HODOR is the best friend a Stark EVER had.:to: I have to believe Hodor lived with visions of that his whole life. He knew one day he'd have to Hold the Door and just did everything to get Bran to that point with him. Literally carried the team on his fukking back. :salute::salute::salute::salute::sadbron::sadbron::sadbron::sadbron::sadbron:

We may never see the like of this episode again and I don't mean just in Game of Thrones. I don't know if TV gets better than this.:ohhh:


All Star
Jul 31, 2013
Damn, I didn't even mention Arya or the Ironborne.

The Kingsmoot! :blessed: Theon was on his mic-game hyping Yara, but Euron came through like B-Rabbit in the finals at The Shelter. Neither of these losers even have cocks, well guess what? I've got a massive one and I'm gonna stick it in the Dragon Queen. WHAT?:dame:

Escaped with the fleet though. :gladbron: How you gonna lose a popular vote, but still have most of the... population... on your side?:comeon:

Arya slowly losing it watching that play was gold, I tell ya Jerry, GOLD. This Stark disrespect will NOT hold - but one way or another her face will end up in the chamber.... I really hope it works out well for A Girl, but I've got a baaaaad feeling about A Man and A Waif. I'm as tied to Arya as she is tbh. I don't really want her to be A Girl. :sadcam: I want her to rescue Needle and ram it into Ramsay's pisshole.:pacspit: Winter is Coming you faceless fukks. :ooh:

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
Brehs, that might just be the best hour of television I've ever seen.

No wasted seconds, let alone minutes.

Dany and Jorah's goodbye au revoir. :mjcry: Find a cure. :sadbron: When I take the seven kingdoms I need you by my side. :feedme:Oh, NOW you need him, do you?:snoop::wtb:

New Red Priestess looking so demonic :whoo: Varis looking SHOOK for one of the first times I can remember. Dude was getting fukking reckless with his Richard Dawkins shyt. The whispers of his little birds are nothing compared to the whispers of the fires. You are now about to witness the strength of Priest Knowledge.:sas1:

The #starkset Coalition of the Wildlings is taking shape... loved the little map tour of the Northern Houses and Sansa is tentatively on her boss shyt. I don't think she fully trusts Jon... maybe she just doesn't trust his commitment after all the fukkboy "I just died" shyt last week... but she's learnt a hell of a lot from Littlefinger and is about to bring it to bear on the entire North. fukk the Boltons as a staff, army and as a motherfukking house. And if you're down with the Boltons, fukk you too. Smalljohn Umber? fukk you too. Karstarks? fukk you too. Die slow, motherfukkers... Oathkeeper make sure all your kids don't grow.

Tormund is gonna get ALLLLL up in those big drawers. :shaq:I'm lowkey surprised he hasn't tried to "steal" her and been smacked down yet... but they've got so much to do, a lighthearted skirmish between these two would probably be a waste of good screen time. I need it to happen though - Brienne the Beauty finally getting her swan feathers.:banderas::lupe::mjcry:

Bran's story just went OFF. fukk. I was seriously expecting the Hodor reveal to be connected to the Tower of Joy (as in he was holding the door to where Leanna and Jon were) but that may have turned into the greatest reveal in television history. TV watchers have been hearing that word for 6 years (book readers for up to TWENTY) and it would've been iconic even if it had been left unexplained.... but the way they did this... my GOD.. I was in pieces. Bran's face as the realisation dawned of what he had to do and as he watched Yung Hodor fitting on the floor was something for the fukking ages. I'm just glad the girl was out so I could let the tears flow... :mjcry: fukk Marley and Me, hell, fukk the Direwolves.... HODOR is the best friend a Stark EVER had.:to: I have to believe Hodor lived with visions of that his whole life. He knew one day he'd have to Hold the Door and just did everything to get Bran to that point with him. Literally carried the team on his fukking back. :salute::salute::salute::salute::sadbron::sadbron::sadbron::sadbron::sadbron:

We may never see the like of this episode again and I don't mean just in Game of Thrones. I don't know if TV gets better than this.:ohhh:

How in the hell is someone not being fully committed to getting himself killed again to reclaim a home he has no rights to fukkboi shyt?

Sansa's a dumbass. And if she was fighting with them then yeah I would say she on some boss shyt but her prissy ass is going to be somewhere being protected while everyone else including Jon is risking their lives for her own agenda :pacspit:.


All Star
Jul 31, 2013
How in the hell is someone not being fully committed to getting himself killed again to reclaim a home he has no rights to fukkboi shyt?

Sansa's a dumbass. And if she was fighting with them then yeah I would say she on some boss shyt but her prissy ass is going to be somewhere being protected while everyone else including Jon is risking their lives for her own agenda :pacspit:.

Look at it from Sansa's POV... she's been looking for someone to ride for her since Season 1; she's gone from psycho born of incest betrothal to dwarf husband to chess-playing slimeball Uncle to psycho raised by dogs husband.... she FINALLY catches up with her brother who has an army in his control and nothing on his to-do list and he sits there saying how he was really just planning to hit the all-inclusive resort in Dorne for a few weeks to sink some cocktails and chase some sun-kissed poon.

It just occurred to me that Sansa wrote the letter. It was exactly what she needed Jon to read.


Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
Look at it from Sansa's POV... she's been looking for someone to ride for her since Season 1; she's gone from psycho born of incest betrothal to dwarf husband to chess-playing slimeball Uncle to psycho raised by dogs husband.... she FINALLY catches up with her brother who has an army in his control and nothing on his to-do list and he sits there saying how he was really just planning to hit the all-inclusive resort in Dorne for a few weeks to sink some cocktails and chase some sun-kissed poon.

It just occurred to me that Sansa wrote the letter. It was exactly what she needed Jon to read.


Sansa never liked Jon though. She saw him as beneath her because he was a b*stard. She's just using him now. Plus Jon deserves a break. He was killed a few days ago, lol.


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
If the Ice King had killed Bran before he had a chance to warg, then what's the explanation for Hodor being fukked in the head............
Would love for someone to answer this
May 7, 2012
It just occurred to me that Sansa wrote the letter. It was exactly what she needed Jon to read.

yup. Notice how she wanted him to keep reading when he stopped....

Did y'all not see the rider deliver the message with Bolton armor?:dahell:

When did Sansa morph into this omnipotent schemer???


Jun 23, 2012
chitown, Sohh Icey towers, LWO
but hold up :ohhh: with yara and that fleet, red women, and a whole flock of dothraki massing up in #targset

can we even lose :jbhmm:

don't forget 2nd sons, 2 smart nikkas, the unsullied and 3 dragons :wow:

no....... no we can't lose :blessed:
dont forget A Girl out there doing thug things once she graduates into one of the faceless :takedat: #starkset
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