Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread

May 7, 2012
  • The seasons of the world they live in are fukked up.....the length of seasons being completely unpredictable. Did the COTF cause the seasons to change when they used their magic to create the Others?

I mean....there was no snow on the ground when they created the first White Walker. :manny:


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Staff member
May 2, 2012
Bunch of random thoughts I've got:

  • We need to be clear that Bran is not time traveling in the normal sense of the word, nor is he changing the past. The past is already written. If he influences the past from his greendreams, he has always influenced the past. Nothing will ever be changed.
What? :dahell:

He definitely altered the past. If he don't fukk with Hodor, he grows up to be a regular person. He changed his entire destiny. And if the events on the show don't unfold exactly how they did, then Bran never does any of that in the first place.


letti cook

Nov 14, 2014
i guess i'm the only one who didn't have expectations of a radically changed jon. dude is being strategic, shyt aint about running off and doing the right thing or being impulsive. i'm actually more annoyed that he's not driving a storyline right now, sansa drives the scenes he's in, he's gotten very little dialogue since hanging ollie IMO,
yeah,thats kinda what i mean...he's just very passive right now, playing the back..but thats gotta be temporary

Mr. Brown

All Star
Apr 30, 2012
Are we sure the person we saw in the beginning of the episode becoming a white walker is the Night King and not just the first white walker? Isn't the story that the Night King was
originally a member of the Night's Watch or something like that?

Also maybe I'm just dumb but the whole time travel stuff is confusing as fukk. I understand it's a time paradox loop and that what happened in the past was because of what Wyllis saw/heard happening in the future but it's just the concept of the actual loop that messes me up :yeshrug:

Chris Cool

Jun 22, 2014
So Cal
What? :dahell:

He definitely altered the past. If he don't fukk with Hodor, he grows up to be a regular person. He changed his entire destiny. And if the events on the show don't unfold exactly how they did, then Bran never does any of that in the first place.

Naw what he means is bran ain't changing shyt. Brans changing has got us to the point we are today, it already happened, we just don't know what it is. Hodor wasn't some proper speaking nikka who became retarded after the events of last night's episode, he been retarded, we just now know why.

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
Man this episode got my brain locked up like its trying to divide by zero. Talk about a information overload :mindblown: I damn near fell on the floor and started shaking like I was warging too watching what happened to Big Willis. Bran ruined that mans life from the future and the fukked up part is Bran was just as confused as everyone else on what he did to Willis but Willis had one job and he did it. *Looks at Phil* :wtb: Meera was moving that sled faster than the Jamaican bobsled team. I bet a direwolf could've pulled that sled a whole lot quicker though but the cold came through and it was over for summer...What I gotta put it in subtitles or something? I said when that cold comes through you know Summer is over! Everything in that cave is burning and ash. That's Nash. :blessed:

Littlefinger had that i'm finally finna fukk look but Brienne rolled up like the dime chicks ugly friend who knows you ain't shyt that cockblocks you hard. Speaking of hard, I don't think Sansas wedding night story got the reaction that she wanted out of Littlefinger. Dude damn near bit his lip hearing all that. Sansa gotta stop acting like she's the first chick to ever have anal sex. She could've stab Ramsay 100 different times so she gotta stop blaming everyone else and look in the mirror.

Damn Arya! Back at it with the white girl ass whippings! Arya like a dude who joined the military because he wanted to kill people but now he's on the other side of the world trying to decide if he's really about that life. They really out here shytting on King Robb and Lord Neddard legacies like they didn't stop the mad kings human cookouts? Being a hero in game of thrones ain't worth it. That play triggered Aryas PTSD so we gotta see where she goes from here.

King Cold got them Freddy Kruger powers. Snatched Bran out his own damn dream. 3 Eyed Raven ain't even try to boost Brans confidence either. Just told him you got us all killed and you ain't even shyt yet. Good job fam. :beli: Jolly Green Giant and Sprout little sisters out here wildin though. We still building uncontrollable super soldiers with no kill-switch? We need uncontrollable super soldiers to kill when we got piles of grenades? We killing everything the uncontrollable super soldiers control but not hitting the uncontrollable super soldiers? So many questions.

Old head hit Yara with the wrap it up box. Cotdamn their uncle jacked that nomination quicker than Donald Trump. shyt got uglier than the republican debates. Son called Yara a woman and told Reek he might as well be a woman then unveiled his Make the Iron Islands Great Again slogan while they we're standing there looking stupid. Turned the both of them to illegal immigrants and had the running for the border.

Ser Jorah Holmes spilling his heart out and DVD Daario just looking at him like you 3rd wheel ass nikka go away so i can fukk. Danarys hit him with that mindfukk curve too on some "I'm not saying I would fukk with you but If you do find a cure to a incurable disease I might hug you or something. Don't come back until you find the cure for that incurable disease though. Alright FRIEND?"

Another witch in Red talking about someone in the flames gonna change the world? :martin: Not falling for that again. Fool me once, R.I.P. Stannis. Fool me twice, shame on me. The spider ain't want to take the bait either but she had dirt on him doggie so he was forced to lean back like Roy Jones Jr.

I told y'all two seasons ago that OG Uncle Blackfish survived the red wedding on some solid snake shyt as was coming back in full goon mode. Freys gonna learn the old fashioned way.

I'm not saying Kings Landing is boring :sas1: I'm just saying the best episode of the season had no Kings Landing in it :sas2:

Still though it's R.I.P. to Big Willis. Had your whole life ruined so you could do something 30 years later. You could've been somebody but Bran inadvertently made you a living doorstop that only needed to stop one door ever. You deserved better. You never did nothing to nobody. :to:


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Naw what he means is bran ain't changing shyt. Brans changing has got us to the point we are today, it already happened, we just don't know what it is. Hodor wasn't some proper speaking nikka who became retarded after the events of last night's episode, he been retarded, we just now know why.

The problem with that is Hodor was saying "hodor" before Bran was even warging. Or, the alternative is he wasn't, and Bran retroactively changed the past this episode.

Either way, something was changed. And the writers can't really play it any other way than "it already happened, now you know the reason" because he's been saying "hodor" since his first appearance. It's not as if they could show us anything other than what already happened, anyway.



Apr 30, 2012
What? :dahell:

He definitely altered the past. If he don't fukk with Hodor, he grows up to be a regular person. He changed his entire destiny. And if the events on the show don't unfold exactly how they did, then Bran never does any of that in the first place.


Sounded like breh was saying Bran influencing Willis is the past how it was always meant to be. In other words had Bran not fked with Hodor would actually be him messing with the past. Then present day Hodor would all of the sudden be talking all normal and shyt probably would of met a big ugly winterfell bytch and wouldn't even be with Bran in the woods.

This time shyt is one of the reasons I don't reallly fukk with time paradox themes, that shyt and alternative dimensions kind of irk me. Feel it's kind of lazy storytelling to be honest. Anyway not to rant too much because I really don't think the time shyt is gonna play a big part in the series going forward.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Sounded like breh was saying Bran influencing Willis is the past how it was always meant to be. In other words had Bran not fked with Hodor would actually be him messing with the past. Then present day Hodor would all of the sudden be talking all normal and shyt probably would of met a big ugly winterfell bytch and wouldn't even be with Bran in the woods.

This time shyt is one of the reasons I don't reallly fukk with time paradox themes, that shyt and alternative dimensions kind of irk me. Feel it's kind of lazy storytelling to be honest. Anyway not to rant too much because I really don't think the time shyt is gonna play a big part in the series going forward.

Ok but to say "that's how it was always meant to be"....that still means he altered the time line, but for the better.

You get what I'm saying? He changed the time line either way. And if he changed it for the better, or corrected was it wrong in the first place? Especially considering several people (including Bran) had to fukk up to plant the seeds for this "correct" version of reality to exist.

But yeah....time travel typically isn't a good look story wise, for these exact reasons.


Rusty Kuntz

It be ya own peoples, huh?
Nov 13, 2012
Myself. fukk 12(1)!
Drogon knows what to do when the time is right
He does? That nikka pulled a Charizard and is more concerned about flambeing kids (the human AND goat kind) along the countryside. How many times he gotta dip out on Daenerys before people realize he's a delinquent child? :russ:

But I guess that's what happens when you have a deadbeat, absentee mom :sas1:
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May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Another stellar episode. This season is shaping up to be the best since season 2.

About Hodor. I wasn't all that affected by his death. Don't get me wrong, the entire sequence was well shot, well acted, well directed, and well executed. But Hodor, as a fairly minor character, never really connected with me, so I wasn't all that devasted. Besides that, in a series that routinely brutally rapes, maims, and mutilated it's characters, it's not hard to become desensitized to it all. Hell, being ripped apart by wrights is damn near a peaceful and quiet death next to having your dikk cut off by Jeffrey Dahmer Bolton....

Speaking of the dikkless, Theon putting all pride aside (the ONE thing that directly led to his demise) and publicly supporting his sister Yara at Kingsmoot was a cool moment of further redemption for him. I kind of think the show is dropping the ball on Euron a bit because in the books he's MUCH more brutal, manipulative, and cunning than the show is giving him credit for. I think the show writers probably thought he was too close too Ramsay- like but they've so far stripped him of what made him interesting. He literally shows up, MURDERS the King (again the taboo against Kinslaying really doesnt apply to show-verse) and brags about it. Why would the people have any trust in him over Yara? Even his plan to marry Dany didn't seem like it was "enough". Hopefully it comes out that he at least has the Dragonhorn..

Arya is totally going to tell the Faceless God to kiss her ass after learning that the cult she's joined is basically a high priced assassins for hire league. And she's totally gonna kill the Waif lol.

Sansa is really trying to play the game, I don't think she should've sent Breanne away however, it would've been perfectly acceptable to send Podrick as an emissary. And I'm still iffy about why she didn't tell Jon about how she got the information from little-finger..... But I understand...

Little-Finger DEFINITELY has something up his sleeve. I don't buy his puppy eyes for a second. Simping is for Ser Jorah and Jamie. Whatever "love" Little-Finger felt for anybody died with Cat. Dude is playing a LONG con.

Varys, quite understandably, hated magicians and fanatics. But he thought it was gonna be one way....:sas1: And the priestess of the light proved it was another :sas2:

Bran's old bored ass is like that kid who doesn't want to take a nap and ends up sneak ordering over $500 worth of shyt from PPV and your cable gets cut off:martin:. Dude just COULDNT chill with the time hopping for a few hours and let grandpa Raven get some Z's... Jon's the only Stark who ain't reckless with his direwolf. The direwolf community looking at the Starks REAL funny in the light...

Dany sending Ser Jorah on a quest to find a cure for greyscale was ALMOST heartbreaking, but seriously, this dude need to find another chick to simp. You ain't NEVER gonna get it like En Vogue said homie. I almost halfway expected her to say that when he returns she'd marry him to give him extra incentive, but nah, Daario already told him "ya bytch out here choosing breh, and she AINT choosing you :umad:".

Next week's predictions.

-Cersei and Jamie's plan backfires massively and The Sparrow gets another W

-Dany finally shows up back in Mereen and wants to quickly put an end to the revolt, so she agrees mostly with Tyrion's plans, except she wants the Slave masters killed.

-Arya refuses to kill that actress and turns on the Faceless Man, maybe she kills the Waif.

-Jeffrey Dahmer Bolton pops up to remind everyone how horrible he is by doing something sickening to Rickon

-Bran and Ole girl are saved by Cold Hands, who turns out to be Benjen Stark

- Sam shows up back home with Gilly and stands up to his father. I don't know how this particular storyline plays out but Sam is DEFINITELY going to man up on his pops.

-Jon decides he wants to be named a full Stark and have the Northern houses follow him. Sansa refuses to legitimize him, leading to a temporary rift.
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May 7, 2012
Yea I can't see how you can argue Bran can't change the future. He hasn't yet warged greenspeared or whatever to any events that have happened during his life, so "the ink is dry" stuff works.

But what if he greenspeers/wargs in to Jamie whilst he's long stroking his sister in the broken tower? Could Bran get his legs back? Who knows.

I agree this is a wormhole I hope the show doesn't go down.
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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
How fast do these walkers move anyways? Dudes found bran in like 5 minutes. Like they were just down the street

Excellent point. That King Ice Walker can find any where. And you are telling that girl is gonna pull him where exactly?


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Yea I can't see how you can argue Bran can't change the future. He hasn't yet warged greenspeared or whatever to any events that have happened during his life, so "the ink is dry" stuff works.

Yeah but even that is kinda :patrice:because the sole reason he needed to fukk up Hodor's mind is because things unfolded in a very specific way. That's why I'm :dwillhuh: when people say "this was always supposed to happen". So best case scenario was Bran, crippled, leading the Night's King to murder Three-Eyed Raven, and having a girl pull him through a snow storm while an undead army hunts him? :francis:

Even if the answer to all that is "yes, that's exactly how it was meant to unfold"....he had to fukk up Hodor's mind to get out of all that. So it's a "chicken or egg" situation.
