Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
I am going to pretend I didn't just read a post saying season 1 of Spartacus was shyt...

That is neg and ignore status...
who out here talking shyt


The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
If Ramsey stays behind the walls (which judging by the trailer he probably won't since it looks like they doing open battle) then it wouldn't matter how big the army is. I forgot if it's said in the shows but in the books it's said that 1 good man behind the walls of winterfell is worth 20 outside of it
but jon knows about the secret passages right? the maester did.. i'm thinking ned would tell his own damn family about secret ways to escape in case something happened.. like a fire exit


Nov 3, 2015
:scust:honor? :skip: these men follow a bytch made kinslayer.:pacspit: fukk that hoe ass nikka. The nikka could have prevented everything. he knew what the fukk was going on, he knew of those abominations, he knew who killed jon arryn, he knew what ned was walking into, and instead of doing something about it tucked his tail like the bytch that he is and fled to dragonstone. :pacspit:

:salute: to king renly. You know you a bytch nikka when your lil bro, who has know claim to the throne whatsoever, says :manny: and claims the throne for himself.:skip: the audacity of that shyt, big bro still alive and everything. stannis too chickenshyt to produce an heir so all renly had to do was wait. shyt don't go down like that up north.:sas2: #starkset got respeck in our names.:birdman: that nikka too p*ssy to face the people's champ renly one on one. Out here using magic for his kinslaying and shyt.:scusthov: don't even get me started on what he did to shireen:to: big dummy singlehandedly put an end house baratheon.

2x kinslayer who was killed by a woman:huhldup: that was the end of his chapter and that's who these dudes decide to still follow after?
how dare you use the word honor.

:pacspit: #stannis
:pacspit: #stannisset

Renly had no fukkin claim to the throne whatsoever

he openly committed treason by gathering and army and preparing an attack on the rightful king Stannis

Renly is also a fakkit so he would never produce an heir

he's also a coward because he didn't fight at all in Robert's rebellion

meanwhile Stannis

While the rebellion raged on, Lord Tyrell besieged the castle for an entire year both by land and by sea. True to his orders, Stannis resisted and refused to yield despite being forced to eat the horses, cats, and dogs of the castle, and eventually even rats and glue.[3][4] Meanwhile, the Tyrell army feasted in full view of the castle walls to taunt the besieged garrison. Lady Olenna Tyrell later remarked that her son was no true warrior, as the only thing he personally laid siege to at Storm's End was the banquet table in the command tent.

Renly is a fakkit and a traitor he was executed for treason against the crown and conspiracy to kill the rightful King. It was not kinslaying it was justice.

And pay attention, Ned stark lost his head because he realized Stannis was the rightful heir and worked to put STANNIS on the throne.


The King of Comedy
May 1, 2012
Detroit, MI
I just watched the season 1 finale... and this broad got unburnt again? :wtf:

Guess that just the prophecy...


All Star
Nov 9, 2012
This season brehs..

Our presence is finally felt. Like silver daggers as rain, in a gust of hundred mile winds. For centuries, we reigned only in your tales and myths. Myths skewed to misrepresent the pulses in The Land of Always Winter.

But now is now, and here is here. Treaties signed, and treaties broken. This is change. This is The Long Night. Winter is no longer coming. Winter is here.

Alright brehs, so i wake up from my slumber right, mean ass hangover an shyt. Wake up to see these Wildling fukks setting shop in our agreed upon establishment. Granted their women are dime pieces compared to our bytches. And wildling p*ssy certantly lives up to their name


Cant take dikk for shyt tho. Maybe its the icicle dikk but whatever. You know the saying, once they go wight they are probably dead.. Nah foreal, I probably killed her.. With mah dikk. Anyway thats beside the point.

We tried to compensate, but enough is enough. Believe me when i say its no hard feelings. Maybe after the slaughter if any of yall still breathing we can have some drinks an shyt. Maybe let yall assimilate or something.

But its over brehs. No need for a game seven. Maybe yall steal a game but this is practically lebron in the eastern conference.

Fact is were just too icey for yall, word to gucci. I mean look at my wrists homie, forget what you sittin on.

Yall get the gist mayne, its ova for you sukas. fukk a cac, fukk a cacette. We putting a whole new spin on #whiteprivelege.

This is the first warning. If any of yall who are free agents, got worked and dont have a set to claim, this is a golden opportunity. If not, be ready to pick your severed head up of the snow an watch us wreck shyt.

@Kotal Kahn

@Morning Scruuub








Clapsteel O'Neal

put a red dot on your head like a hindu
May 10, 2012
Not saying that theory is correct but I'm :dead: at "an actor said" being the reason it's not true.

The entire cast lied about Jon Snow not coming back. It's not as if they can just come out and say "yeah, you're right".


So what are you doing then? Arguing just to argue? You have your ways of figuring out things...i have mine :dahell:

And i think you're being intellectually disingenious...we ALL knew they were lying about jon snow from the jump, he's top 3 most important character in the show and him being resurrected was the biggest plot 'twist' we've seen thus far in the show. Of course they had to lie about that. Rickon's direwolf being dead isn't one of those plots thats high up enough on the totem pole to warrant that :heh: the actor also chose to "no comment" other questions about where rickons story was heading this season, so why didn't he do that when asked the fate of shaggydog? :dahell: ...furthermore, miss me with the :dead: cos I never said I was solely basing my opinion on that article, just using it as added evidence, for which it'll become concrete evidence when you see rickon on a bolton cross in a couple of episodes...or do I have to spell everything out when making posts?

Also, can you point me to another time when a GoT flat out lied about the direction the plot of their character was heading in? Cos i don't remember any other instances? :jbhmm:
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Nov 3, 2015
So what are you doing then? Arguing just to argue? You have your ways of figuring out things...i have mine :dahell:

And i think you're being intellectually disingenious...we ALL knew they were lying about jon snow from the jump, he's top 3 most important character in the show and him being resurrected was the biggest plot 'twist' we've seen thus far in the show. Of course they had to lie about that. Rickon's direwolf

not to mention if Osha Rickon and the Umbers were plotting something huge and elaborate that involved faking the death of Shaggydog etc. why tf would Osha try and kill Ramsay with a knife ? if she had a plan she wouldn't risk it by trying something so blatant.

the Umbers are traitors and Shaggydog is dead. Rickon will most likely die too for that shock value the show revolves around. Sucks but its GRRM fault for being a fatass who writes slow and ends up having his greatest work ruined by 2 money/rating hungry morons

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
So what are you doing then? Arguing just to argue? You have your ways of figuring out things...i have mine :dahell:

And i think you're being intellectually disingenious...we ALL knew they were lying about jon snow from the jump, he's top 3 most important character in the show and him being resurrected was the biggest plot 'twist' we've seen thus far in the show. Of course they had to lie about that. Rickon's direwolf being dead isn't one of those plots thats high up enough on the totem pole to warrant that :heh: the actor also chose to "no comment" other questions about where rickons story was heading this season, so why didn't he do that when asked the fate of shaggydog? :dahell: ...furthermore, miss me with the :dead: cos I never said I was solely basing my opinion on that article, just using it as added evidence, for which it'll become concrete evidence when you see rickon on a bllton cross in a couple of episodes...or do I have to spell everything when making posts?

Also, can you point me to another time when a GoT flat out lied about the direction the plot of their character was heading in? Cos i don't remember any other instances? :jbhmm:
Kit Harrington lied but I think he's the only one. But that is a special case, especially given the crazy amount of marketing that went on during the off-season to spread the "is he really dead?" discussion.

Clapsteel O'Neal

put a red dot on your head like a hindu
May 10, 2012
Kit Harrington lied but I think he's the only one. But that is a special case, especially given the crazy amount of marketing that went on during the off-season to spread the "is he really dead?" discussion.
Exactly, that's what I what's @hexagram23 chatting about then like they lie in interviews on the regs? :heh: