Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread

Verbal Kint

May 13, 2015
TC, Ap

#WalkerGang aint nothin to fukk with




All Star
Jul 31, 2013
hmm not sure, but also to point out varys was a slave as well, so actually in that one scene all four of those in mereen in power, were at one point slaves.

Very good point.

So were Jorah and Daario. Only really Dany out there holding any kind of influence that's never officially been in chains - arguably Viserys treated/sold her like one and Drogo took some convincing to stop raping her like one.


Your objective semi-troll
May 9, 2012
someone has to throw Jonathan Pryce some p*ssy to stop him babbling about being shoeless..please...its been damn near 2 seasons of this shyt.
i don't usually post in GOT threads but everyone else i've spoke to about the show has heard me complaining about it so some of yous can read it too.
For real. Get this nikka in some Asics already damn.


Oct 14, 2012
Great episode - this series keeps picking up speed and quality.

Sansa finally reaching Castle Black instantly peeled every onion in my apartment... EARLY .:mjcry:

Jon with that post-shank clarity - Edd disappointed to see him go, but he literally risked it all for these Crows and they left him to bleed out in the snow. Had Olly under his wing being groomed for Lord Commander and the little fukker looked him square in the eye and stabbed him in the heart. fukk the Night's fukking Watch.:stopitslime:

Sansa's really nutted up the last couple of seasons - Jon needed that pep talk, but once that letter arrived there was no way Jon wasn't riding. :birdman:

Starkset collecting the Ws they've been starved of for YEARS and starting to look STRONG :whoo:

looking at the current rosters Vs The Boltons Melisandre's Winterfell visions are looking better than her Eastwatch visions.

Jon, Tormund and the Wildlings
Sansa, Brienne, The Notorious P.O.D and every Northman who "remembers"
Baelish and The Knights of the Vale


Ramsay and the Bolton Armies
The Karstarks
The Umbers

Oh, it is LIT my brehthers.:obama::obama::obama:

Dany's bits were great. Yeah, the white saviour shyt is a little old... but what do you want? Replace her with a swarthy saviour for balance in the later seasons? She's a Targ. She's only got one more fire to set now... but who's the love she'll set it for?

Haven't seen anyone mention that Jon and Dany are now both effectively Demigods to their peoples. Tormund said to Jon after the resurrection that the Wildlings now "think [he's] a God" :blessed: and Dany has just done her best Phoenix routine in front of the Dothraki horde.:blessed:
Jon snow :troll:

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
Holy shyt we finally get a Stark reunion and its Jon and the person who hated him the most out of all the kids. At least she kept it real and said she was always a bytch to him. Sansa ain't never caught a body but quick to call Jon out on some it's just a fight between life and death why you so scared? Son just came back to life and you asking him to put it on the line again 24 hours later, he still ain't processed what happened yet.

Catfish witch treating Stannis like that ex you ashamed you fukked with. So Stannis is really dead. Got a pour out some ale for the realest man in westeros. Dude did everything his god asked of him and gave up the most and still got fukked over. He's still the one true king but unfortunately his plot armor was made out of paper towel. Breinne really rolled up like yeah I killed Stannis, I should kill all tree of yall but that ain't gangster i wanted to tell y'all to your face like a man...sized woman :birdman:

Littlefinger got Howard from Big Bang Theory managing the vale for him now. Got lil man calling him uncle like he ain't knock his mom down and off. Going to be interesting to see what side of the fight he's on because we all know what happened last time he said he was backing a Stark.

Tyrion my dog, but he really tried to participate in the oppression olympics and Missi had to let him know he wasn't no athlete. She hit him with the M.Bison like "I'm sure your that day you were a slave was the worst day of your life,but for me and No Worm, it was a Tuesday.fukk peace"

Reek Milly went back to philly but it wasn't no brotherly love there. He needs to just come back to the north and use them robin hood level bow skills to snipe Ramsay

Margery was like "Loras if you skrong we skrong den!" and Loras was like "I was side dikk to the softest man in Westeros, you think I know anything about being skrong? Just kill me now." :sadbron:

Queen of Thorns not letting Cersei dignity out that boston crab she got it in. Margery ain't walking the naked mile i ain't gon say it no mo :birdman: How the women Tyrells stronger than the men Tyrells? Cersei gonna let them take all the heat of killing Bernie Sanders.

I feel like I was lied to about the Dothraki like I was the wildlings. Here I was thinking they were wild savages just roaming the lands sleeping under the stars and whatnot. The dudes got a city, with a mall, man I think I seen the McDonalds arches in the background next to a starbucks sign.

DVD Dario was throwing salt in Ser Jorah Holmes of the Friendzone greyscale wound with the Tom Brady accuracy

Dario - don't let her size fool you, she's rode my dragon a bunch of times and never fell off :smugfavre:

jorah - :leostare:...:merchant:...:to:...:beli: thats it pull up bruh

Dario - Nah, if i kill you, i'm brainless but if you kill me than you famous. You kill me then I can't keep fukking the girl of your dreams :bryan:

Dario seen that House in Valarya and was like nah fam if you touch my blade I gotta throw it away. i got this. We can't share water anymore either. This dude jorah tried to hit a nikka with dust in the middle of the night and missed,how you miss a dust attack in the dark?

Danarys titties just as lopsided as her way of thinking. She's gathering all this stuff to leave a bigger piece of land to go try and win a smaller piece of land that she's never even been too. I was expecting Jorah to yell out Busoms! like Urkel and faint. He's seen the fire trick before so you know the titties was the only amazing thing to him. Her white savior shyt has gotten old though.

Speaking of shyt that's gotten old, The invincible Ramsay Bolton wins again. This guys plot armor is so strong that Tony Stark is going to buy it to make the new Hulkbuster suit for Avengers 3. People have no reason to be letting this guy do any of the stuff he's been doing. Northerners supposed to be the toughest people in the kingdom but they just rolled over and played dead while this dude seized the whole north? I can't wait until next episode when the Tyrell army rolls up on the sept but Bernie Sanders is in winterfell next to the white walker king pledging their loyalty to Ramsay :martin:

R.I.P. Stannis. The true king and true protector of the realm, the first man off the ship in the battle of black water bay,the first man up the ladder in the castle wall, and the last man to retreat. He died the way he lived. Making sure someone did their duty. :mjcry: