Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread


All Star
Jul 31, 2013
In fact, the High Sparrow reminds me of Savonarola:

Girolamo Savonarola - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By the way I love how the tyrant Joffrey was followed by his polar opposite Tommen. Dynasties often used to alternate between good and cruel kings.


Savonarola is spot on, exactly what I was thinking.... surely he eventually burns at the hands of the Borgia Pope Lannister King?

His speeches have been smokin'... I think half these posters must have their ears on wrong. I've loved his whole storyline and last night was one of his best performances.

Margaery's got him pegged though. Yung Hillary's comin' for that ass Birdie Sanders :usure:

Clapsteel O'Neal

put a red dot on your head like a hindu
May 10, 2012
I just can't believe we're restarting the entire Dany storyline allover again. Like bruhhhhhhh we seen her try to lead the dothraki before, officially done with her storyline.

Nah don't get it...she's fufilling prophecies left and right now...she's about to crush the buildings...she has everything now to go and take over westeros (and this is coming from a viewer who doedn't like dany)

1. She has gone through her second out of the three fire miracles she is meant to experience in her life with her burning up all the khals

The three fire miracles are 1. for life (when her dragons hatched) 2. for death (now when she just burnt the khals 3. for love (which hasn't happened yet)

And she was told by quaithe in a dream (i forget how it goes in the show) that in order to succeed with her plans she would

“To go north, you must journey south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward, you must go back. To touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow.” “Quaithe?” Dany called. “Where are you, Quaithe?” Then she saw. Her mask is made of starlight. “Remember who you are, Daenerys,” the stars whispered in a woman’s voice. “The dragons know. Do you?

To go west you must go east = to go to westeros you must go to mereen

To go forward you must go back = to get the full army you need to conquer westeros and claim the throne you must go back to vaes dothrak and become the true khaleesi again and add the dothraki to the unsullied as your army

This is a HUGE W for the #targset mandem cos now danerys is in the strongest position over EVERYONE as it stands

This is exactly what I was trying to say but you worded it 100x better.

Ramsey ain't some kinda brilliant strategist. He's basically a serial killer. And @EgyptianBasses I get why they respect him as a goon....I don't see why anybody would trust him with running the entire North. I wouldn't make him Warden Of A Lemonade Stand. Not every soldier can be a king.


Ramsay's plot and character as a whole can summed up in one quote

“If you acquire a reputation as a mad dog, you’ll be treated as a mad dog. Taken out back and slaughtered for pig feed.” -Roose Bolton

this is why i'm not tripping off anything he does in the show and actually think he's an amazing character. He's been built up to be just a rabid, murdering pyscho.............and he's acting just like one with anyone he comes into contact with. And he's not making it out of this season alive so we might as well enjoy him while he lasts

Clapsteel O'Neal

put a red dot on your head like a hindu
May 10, 2012
Now, once I got hipped to looking at the definition of characters names after the who shaggydog added a new depth to a couple characters :lupe:

1. Shaggydog (it was written :ohhh:)

In its original sense, a shaggy dog story is an extremely long-winded anecdote characterized by extensive narration of typically irrelevant incidents and terminated by an anticlimax or a pointless punchline.Shaggy dog stories play upon the audience's preconceptions of joke-telling.

Rickon and Shaggydog were born just to die from the beginning :to:

2. Arya....when she became no one...she actually became arya :mindblown:

In buddhism, an arya is someone who has directly realised that the ego self does not exist. So ironically, in this last episode when Arya surrendered herself and faced the death of her ego, she became arya


i'm sure there's more that can be figured out
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letti cook

Nov 14, 2014
Why do people hate the High Sparrow story line?

It discusses the enforcement of morality (e.g Saudi religious police swag)....a popular pseudo-communist movement in Medieval times when most people in Europe were serfs...the backfire of Cersei's shortsighted plan. The pull of an enigmatic and charismatic preacher who finds an audience among the poor in decadent and corrupt Medieval state. I find it fascinating.

In fact, the High Sparrow reminds me of Savonarola:

Girolamo Savonarola - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By the way I love how the tyrant Joffrey was followed by his polar opposite Tommen. Dynasties often used to alternate between good and cruel kings.
straight up...that shyt is boring as fukk..especially on a show with nikkas coming back from the dead, time traveling, face changing assassins, dragons, zombie armies etc.

every time this sparrow shyt pop up, im like

Clapsteel O'Neal

put a red dot on your head like a hindu
May 10, 2012
Why do people hate the High Sparrow story line?

It discusses the enforcement of morality (e.g Saudi religious police swag)....a popular pseudo-communist movement in Medieval times when most people in Europe were serfs...the backfire of Cersei's shortsighted plan. The pull of an enigmatic and charismatic preacher who finds an audience among the poor in decadent and corrupt Medieval state. I find it fascinating.

In fact, the High Sparrow reminds me of Savonarola:

Girolamo Savonarola - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By the way I love how the tyrant Joffrey was followed by his polar opposite Tommen. Dynasties often used to alternate between good and cruel kings.

Francis of Assisi and his Franciscan Order is where the faith militant comes from too

Francis of Assisi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I find these types of links the most fascinating aspect of the story too because I love history when its told in an entertaining way. Like my mind was blown when i found out julius ceasar wore elvis like tassles and was considered the hipster of his day when he was young. But anyway...

@The Fukin Prophecy i feel you but as Mark Twain once said

"Truth is stranger than fiction"

You say oh this high sparrow storyline is sh1te cos this wouldn't happen etc etc but there have been many times in history when the poor and/or maligned has overthrown the rich (look at the french and haiti revolutions for quick examples) and an extremist/cult leader/weird charasmatic societal figure has exploited nobility or sonned the life out of them (look at rasputin for a quick example)...cersei's complete retardation and complete dillusionment from the realities of her situation also quickly reminded me of the mary antionette quote "let them eat cake"

So the high sparrow story line isnt as far fetched as it would initially seem. Also, this type of fan reaction reminds me of the omar jumping out of the third storey building scene in season 5 of the wire because the fans said the show had jumped the shark doing such a ridiculous scene when in fact they toned it DOWN because that scene happened in real life and the drug dealer that did it jumped from the FIFTH storey building and they knew people would write it off as fantasy if they stuck to the original story. I say all of yhis just to say i wouldn't write things off so quickly due to a lack of knowledge.


All Star
Jul 31, 2013
Great episode - this series keeps picking up speed and quality.

Sansa finally reaching Castle Black instantly peeled every onion in my apartment... EARLY .:mjcry:

Jon with that post-shank clarity - Edd disappointed to see him go, but he literally risked it all for these Crows and they left him to bleed out in the snow. Had Olly under his wing being groomed for Lord Commander and the little fukker looked him square in the eye and stabbed him in the heart. fukk the Night's fukking Watch.:stopitslime:

Sansa's really nutted up the last couple of seasons - Jon needed that pep talk, but once that letter arrived there was no way Jon wasn't riding. :birdman:

Starkset collecting the Ws they've been starved of for YEARS and starting to look STRONG :whoo:

looking at the current rosters Vs The Boltons Melisandre's Winterfell visions are looking better than her Eastwatch visions.

Jon, Tormund and the Wildlings
Sansa, Brienne, The Notorious P.O.D and every Northman who "remembers"
Baelish and The Knights of the Vale


Ramsay and the Bolton Armies
The Karstarks
The Umbers

Oh, it is LIT my brehthers.:obama::obama::obama:

Dany's bits were great. Yeah, the white saviour shyt is a little old... but what do you want? Replace her with a swarthy saviour for balance in the later seasons? She's a Targ. She's only got one more fire to set now... but who's the love she'll set it for?

Haven't seen anyone mention that Jon and Dany are now both effectively Demigods to their peoples. Tormund said to Jon after the resurrection that the Wildlings now "think [he's] a God" :blessed: and Dany has just done her best Phoenix routine in front of the Dothraki horde.:blessed:


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
For real though....why are the Targaryens/Valyrians pale with silver hair? It makes no sense :patrice:

In terms of geography, Valyria is next to Ghis, Meereen, Yunkai, Astapor and the Dothraki Sea. In fact, it's further south, almost on the same latitude as the Summer Islands and Sothoros (Africa). It's further south than Dorne. Basically, almost everyone in most cities around Valyria have brown skin. It's hot. How could pale white people exist there? :patrice:



All Star
Jun 6, 2015
The chick that played the Dothraki girl was a major character in the UK show the tunnel, starring alongside Stannis da GAWD :blessed:.

Hannah John Kamen, that's her name.


Yall know the name of the broad with the curly hair talking to Vaerys earlier in the season?


Stark till I die
Apr 30, 2012
For real though....why are the Targaryens/Valyrians pale with silver hair? It makes no sense :patrice:

In terms of geography, Valyria is next to Ghis, Meereen, Yunkai, Astapor and the Dothraki Sea. In fact, it's further south, almost on the same latitude as the Summer Islands and Sothoros (Africa). It's further south than Dorne. Basically, almost everyone in most cities around Valyria have brown skin. It's hot. How could pale white people exist there? :patrice:

Banging your sister for hundreds of years has a effect on your kin