Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread


Nov 3, 2015
I'm going to dispel the popular notion, only around these parts for hilarious trolling, that Ned lied to his children. He told the truth, from a certain point of view. You're a father, who wants your kids to grow up with your best principles. It doesn't help anyone to tell them the complete truth when some very little fact doesn't change the overall narrative. You don't want to put cheating, or dishonor in your children's minds as an option, because you know the less patient ones will use what you've said at and inopportune time. I know I did.

All that being said, Ned is a scumbag for other reasons, namely not getting Sansa and Arya out as soon as he was going to go against Cersei just in case, killing Lady for that c*nt, and letting Jon volunteer for the wall, which is 4Life, without telling him of his birth. He's also an arrogant but naive b*stard. However, nothing about what was revealed besmirches his honor.

The rest of the ether on @Food Mane 's post was "you didn't have to do all that" :dead: level. But it's good to give the more deluded members of #Starkset some nut and clit kicks.:smugdraper: Now stay humble, before someone posts another one.
Ned didnt want anyone to find out Jon is a Targ because Robert wanted to wipe out every Targ on Earth and wouldve killed him. He felt sympathy for Cersei cause she is also hiding the true parentage of a b*stard (like him) from Robert so he told her to leave and gave her mercy.

Killing Lady tho :pacspit: Robert and Renly even told him its all good Joffrey just being a little bytch boy but dumbass Ned did it for c*nt Cersei smh


Nov 3, 2015
cant wait to see Manderly's speech (was confirmed based on casting leaks) and how itll raise the morale of StarkSet :wow:


Delete account when possible.
Aug 1, 2015
Ned didnt want anyone to find out Jon is a Targ because Robert wanted to wipe out every Targ on Earth and wouldve killed him. He felt sympathy for Cersei cause she is also hiding the true parentage of a b*stard (like him) from Robert so he told her to leave and gave her mercy.

Killing Lady tho :pacspit: Robert and Renly even told him its all good Joffrey just being a little bytch boy but dumbass Ned did it for c*nt Cersei smh
I understand not telling Jin growing up, and keeping the biggest part of the story hidden from everyone. But not telling him, once he was grown, was a douche move. Jon would have been mature enough to keep that secret. Why have him suddenly bound to the wall without knowing that?


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I understand not telling Jin growing up, and keeping the biggest part of the story hidden from everyone. But not telling him, once he was grown, was a douche move. Jon would have been mature enough to keep that secret. Why have him suddenly bound to the wall without knowing that?

there was a scene where Ned told Jon he was going to tell him about his mother next time he saw him

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
cant wait to see Manderly's speech (was confirmed based on casting leaks) and how itll raise the morale of StarkSet :wow:
I'm expecting this to be my favorite scene of the season:noah:. I can already hear the swell of music, Sansa's eyes welling with water :mjcry:, Davos looking on in surprise:gladbron:, Jon looking on with pride:obama:, and little ten year old Lyanna Mormont giving her approval (and her troops). It should be one of the most triumphant, goosebump inducing moments of the series, right up there with Robb being crowned King of the North, Dany emerging with her dragons, Oberyn telling Tyrion he will be his champion:blessed:. I might not forgive D&D if they fukk it up.


Delete account when possible.
Aug 1, 2015
there was a scene where Ned told Jon he was going to tell him about his mother next time he saw him
I remember that, but it was already when Jon had decided to Jon the Watch. He would've taken the black by then. I think the implications of that secret would have a profound effect, enough to make most normal dudes think about deserting. Plus, he was treated like shyt by the Catlyn-influenced kin.

Just don't think the wall was a place to carry that much weight.


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
I understand not telling Jin growing up, and keeping the biggest part of the story hidden from everyone. But not telling him, once he was grown, was a douche move. Jon would have been mature enough to keep that secret. Why have him suddenly bound to the wall without knowing that
You're forgetting dude was like 15/16 in the books, maybe 17-19 in the show, Ned promised to tell him of his parents the next time they met up, but then all the shyt popped off in KL and he got killed and that was the end of that.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Cosign, tho I'm not sure if it's really an okie doke or just bad writing (them killing Shaggy Dog would need to be explained if this is just a trick). I still maintain it's confusing and the Umber betrayal came out of nowhere.

They say the Umbers want help to get the Wildlings off the land neighboring theirs...OK, what's that got to do with Rickon? Ramsay stated a few episodes ago that he needed the support of just three houses to hold the North and defend against a Lanister army: The Karstarks, M_____(who's name I keep forgetting), and the Umbers. All the Umbers would need to say is: "Help us with the Wildlings, which is the job of the Warden of the North, and we'll help you with the Lanisters and support your claim as Warden". Why would they up and hand over an innocent kid to a known psychopath? What he's done to Theon Greyjoy is common knowledge on the North at this point. Ramsay's been flaying folks all over. They know exactly what he's capable of doing to Rickon. They've been sheltering him for three seasons (not sure how long that is show wise, but I'd guess at least a year since Fat Walder got pregnant and gave birth), and one day they just up and kill his direwolf, shackle him and his wilding friend (great point about them allegedly detesting Wildlings so much yet keeping her alive, inexplicably), and serve him up to be tortured?:wtf:

Plus, since they know the Bolton's are untrustworthy, why not keep the Rickon chip in your back pocket? Use the Bolton's to help you get rid of the Wildlings, then when the time is right overthrow Ramsay and install Rickon who'll be so grateful it'll only help your house's position.
it wasn't THEM... it wasn't ONE DAY

it was Greatjon... the FATHER who was sheltering them..

Smalljon speaks on this to Ramsey, saying his dad wasn't shyt either, and he didn't even care when he saw him die... So he's basically another Ramsey.. Dad died and he's like "fukk what dad was talking about"

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
it wasn't THEM... it wasn't ONE DAY

it was Greatjon... the FATHER who was sheltering them..

Smalljon speaks on this to Ramsey, saying his dad wasn't shyt either, and he didn't even care when he saw him die... So he's basically another Ramsey.. Dad died and he's like "fukk what dad was talking about"
Yeah it looks like a new leaf is bring turned all over Westeros. The Kingdom had been relatively stable for years, with most people following tradition, but that was because the Targaryens had that juice. But now that the Targ dynasty is over, we're seeing houses give the middle finger to tradition. If you look at it from the young Northern Lords or heirs POV, look at what they have seen happen in just a few years.

Robb said fukk you to Walder Frey, used his bridge and troops and then said fukk your ugly ass daughters.
The Freys said fukk you to guest rights, and violated a salt and bread tradition that goes back thousands of years.
Roose said fukk you to leaders of the north for thousands of years and killed Robb, and got rewarded as Warden of the North for it.
Tyrion said fukk you to his family and murdered the king and hand of the king.
Renley said fukk you to rules of inheritance and raised an army to fight his brother because he fukking felt like it.
Jon Snow said fukk you to Westeros and brought over cannibal Wildlings.

I can see the young bucks set to inherit like the young Karstark and Smalljon being like man fukk this honor and tradition shyt. Westeros is in chaos right now, nobody is following the rules, so we aren't either. We're about to take slices of pie for ourselves.:birdman:. I can see Smalljon thinking his dad is an idiot for being a Stark dikkrider and not getting anything out of it.

And though it's still shytty, it fits in with what Elaria and the Sand Snakes did too.

Westeros is destroying itself before the WW's even come. I think that is supposed to be the entire point of the series.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I remember that, but it was already when Jon had decided to Jon the Watch. He would've taken the black by then. I think the implications of that secret would have a profound effect, enough to make most normal dudes think about deserting. Plus, he was treated like shyt by the Catlyn-influenced kin.

Just don't think the wall was a place to carry that much weight.

if Ned told him the next thing he would obviously say is to not to act on on it and dont tell anybody, he had been trying to hide Jon's parentage his whole life, what reasoning would he have to stop trying to hide Jon?

in Ned's mind the wall would be the perfect place for him

to the starks the wall is not punishment, its an honor