Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread


Oct 14, 2012
I think the filler argument is a little misplaced since even in 10 episode seasons, they are still skipping important character moments and rushing certain plotlines.

I for one think it's bullshyt that we didnt get a single scene of Bran reacting to what happened with Hodor and Summer. He is the only Stark (aside from Robb, who was dead) that didnt grieve on screen or react to the death of his direwolf. How does he feel about the Hodor situation? Or his role as the 3 eyed raven? Or that the children of the forest are gone? Or his role in the great war period? Hold the door was a crucial character moment and plot point but it happened and then we just skimmed right past everything interesting that would come after so we could get Bran to his next plot point, development of his character be damned.

I have a pretty lengthy list of scenes they just flat out skipped this season that made certain plotlines feel rushed or incomplete. If they cant get to certain character moments in 10 eps, i have my concerns about them being able to do it in 7. Sure we will get big plot moment after big plot moment but the exhaustive details in between are what always made those climaxes satisfying.

I personally dont believe them when they say they only have 13 more eps of content. I think its more likely that they are physically unable to produce a ten episode season going forward given the budget increases and raised standards for action. Season 6 almost killed them and they cant outdo it with more cg (they cant hide the dragons like they have the past 2 aeasons) and still make the spring deadline. I understand that and i am adjusting my expectations accordingly. What they did the last two episodes is unheard of for a tv show and unfair or not, it will be the expectation going into the final act. Its a standard that is impossible to reach in 10 episodes going forward. Big budget movies would struggle to reach that standard in the amount of time the showrunners are given. I get it. But dont tell me that if they did 10 eps it would be filler, even though they are skipping shyt that wouldn't be filler.
I made a post saying nearly exactly the same a couple weeks back, I completely agree, its not enough time to put everything left in Only 13/14 episodes, and if they do it'll just feel rushed. Yes the scenes of dialogue or showing a characters feelings towards something or seeing them travel isn't as fun or exciting as non stop action, but the pacing will just seem off. Not saying they should have an entire season of a character traveling from A to B like in the early seasons, but to have all of these characters appearing at anywhere in Westoros at any point the story calls for it? I know it's all not happening in 24 hours of g.o.t. Time or not all at the same time,but it seems it's gone from one opposite to the other,?there Just sort of needs to be a happy medium i guess is what I'm saying, which is why I said two more full 10 episodes would be perfect...providing they can afford it.

Just my opinion tbf I still love the show just don't want 6 seasons of buildup of the "big/main" story arcs to be pushed into just over a seasons worth of episodes, just don't want them to rush it and fukk up after all this time, I have faith tho


Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
And I didn't really see anyone talking about Tommen. Little dude never even had a chance. There was not one moment since before Joffrey was even buried that he wasn't being manipulated by someone. Tywin, Margaery, Cersei and then finally the High Sparrow.

Lil man couldn't catch a damn break. Last one wouldn't even have happened and he probably would've been a kind and eventually decent ruler had it not been for his mom's jealousy and fear of that damn prophecy.


Aug 9, 2014
i'm not about to explain that...... but here's some googles

All that said, some fans (okay, me) still got a little riled when they watched “The Winds of Winter” and saw Varys standing beside Daenerys on a ship bound for Westeros. Wasn’t he just in Dorne just a few scenes ago, striking a deal with Olenna Tyrell and Ellaria Sand? It’s a long way from Dorne to Meereen, far further than it is from the Vale to Mole’s Town. How could Varys get to Meereen so fast when the likes of Brienne and Pod couldn’t even make it back to Winterfell in time for Jon’s coronation as the new King in the North? And why did he come back at all if he was preparing Dorne to receive Dany’s fleet?

In the interest of being a lover, not a hater, let’s break this down rationally and see what we can learn. In accordance with what Cogman and Martin say above, it’s obvious that time has jumped forward quite a bit in that final scene. And the fact that Varys is present isn’t the only indicator. For example, notice that Dany has ordered dragon heads carved on her ships. That doesn’t just happen overnight.


As to why Varys has come back, notice that the sun of Dorne can be seen on some of these sails. We can assume that Varys sailed back to Meereen with this escort, and that Dany added the Dornish ships to her fleet.

Notice the Dornish sails on the right side of the frame.

True, this doesn’t completely answer the question of why Varys returned. After all, in “Battle of the b*stards,” Tyrion said that the Masters’ ships, together with the Ironborn ships Theon and Yara brought, should be enough to transport Dany’s army to Westeros. If that was the case, it might have been a better idea to harbor the Dornish ships back in Dorne, rather than risk losing them on a long sea voyage. Perhaps Tyrion was wrong, and more ships were needed to take the entirety of Dany’s army across the Narrow Sea? The episode doesn’t say.

Whatever the case, it’s clear that a good chunk of time passed between when Dany laid the smack down on the Masters in “Battle of the b*stards” and when her fleet set out from the Bay of Dragons in “The Winds of Winter.” We might be tempted to ask whether a similar amount of time passed between events in Westeros—might Cersei’s rule already be well underway when Dany arrives? But remember, “[t]he timelines between the various storylines don’t necessarily line up within a given episode,” so I don’t think we can assume anything. For all we know, the Battle of Meereen happened at the same time or after Cersei’s pyromaniacal killing spree.

Time jumped around quite a bit over in Westeros this week, too. For example, I’m guessing that a lot of time passed between Cersei’s burning of the Sept of Baelor and Olenna’s sit-down with Ellaria Sand, since Olenna would have to have had time to learn about the events in King’s Landing, mourn her dead family members, receive Ellaria’s invitation, and make the trip to Dorne. All that takes time.

With some thought, it’s possible to make sense of the timelines on Game of Thrones, although I think the show could take more care to line them up. Or maybe I should just relax and not nit-pick…nah. Bring on Season 7.
But isn't this what I said and I mentioned it would have made more sense if Varys were to have just wanted in Dorne/sun spear. I don't thing you're disagreeing with what I stated previously. Theres a time jump


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
It looked kinda silly to me in the preview so I was dreading it but man did it deliver. HBO had better submit that scene for emmy consideration.

I know it's been answered already but Miguel directed this one also but it's a problem with tv shows in general. You can't really come in and put your own spin on shyt to make it look wildly different for the sake of cohesiveness. The finale for example, marked a difference everyone noticed almost immediately from the opening scene.

Like for example, when I was first watching through Naruto Shippuden, there's an episode called Team 10 that's extremely jarring because it looks like a completely different show. It's technically a filler episode but I see it more of a character development episode and they slowed down the pace of the show and had shots like this:


And then the next episode it was back to regular budget animation and it caught me so off guard.

You know those other directors are envious of him because episode 9 and episode 10 are some of the best episodes of the entire show, and easily this season. Episode 10 was just :damn: from start to finish. The score was just masterful.
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA

I have thought about this and after another few rewatches this is my "most likely" rankings:

1) Jaehaerys (because it fits the lip reading, Jaeherys was the first to push the prophecy, and it also starts with a J which Ned may have intentionally kept when choosing Jon)

2) Aemon (doesn't fit the lip reading but makes sense in the narrative as a nice parallel to Maester Aemon who helped him blossom

3) Aerys or Aerion (fits the lip reading but doesn't make sense in the narrative)

4) Aegon (possibly fits the lip reading and a potential narrative purpose but Rheagar already had a kid named Aegon)

5) Starky McStarkface
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
But isn't this what I said and I mentioned it would have made more sense if Varys were to have just wanted in Dorne/sun spear. I don't thing you're disagreeing with what I stated previously. Theres a time jump
Why would Varys wait in Dorne with the ships when Dany needed the ships to bring her army to Westeros:heh:

The Dornish and Highgarden fleets serve literally NO purpose unless they sailed them back to Meereen first. The armies can attack via land. The ships are for Dany.


Walker Lexus Ranger
Jun 9, 2012
Dany: Holup:dwillhuh:What have you done in 6 seasons except talk, brehette? Serious question?

Mama Tyrell: Well:patrice:I-
Dany: Are you finished or are you done? :birdman:You poisoned a king. That's it. You been taking Ls for seasons. Your fam just got fried like lemon pepper wings, nikka:scust:

Mama Tyrell: But-

Dany: But what bytch?:ufdup:The fukk you ever earned yourself? Yeah, I got my husband killed, but I bounced back after ether. Your husband's ashes getting scattered in the Blackwater. I don't even need y'all flower ass muhfukkas. I got dragons, bytch. I've been conquering cities for seasons. You can't even conquer high blood pressure, Golden Girls in the face ass nikka:pacspit:

Mama Tyrell:

Dany: You ain't got bars like that
When my name come up, respeck it. Cersei murdered you on your own shyt. Sending Dorne ravens when they ain't even give you their numbers. Guess what, I don't respect my elders. I've crucified a ton of nikkas, don't cross me. Double entendre, don't even ask me how. It's finna be a hot winter. Get my fukking dragons in the back.
:dead: breh I can't at work right now
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
I have thought about this and after another few rewatches this is my "most likely" rankings:

1) Jaehaerys (because it fits the lip reading, Jaeherys was the first to push the prophecy, and it also starts with a J which Ned may have intentionally kept when choosing Jon)

2) Aemon (doesn't fit the lip reading but makes sense in the narrative as a nice parallel to Maester Aemon who helped him blossom

3) Aerys or Aerion (fits the lip reading but doesn't make sense in the narrative)

4) Aegon (possibly fits the lip reading and a potential narrative purpose but Rheagar already had a kid named Aegon)

5) Starky McStarkface

I just thought of some blockbuster evidence for #1 on my list that I have never seen anywhere else yet on the internet. Take all the circumstantial evidence that I posted above as well as the circumstantial evidence around Jaehaerys II and the prophecy

@horse. kills

If Jon truly is named Jaeharys and is now the true successor to be king, he would be King Jaehaerys III Targaryen

Note that he is the 3rd of his name

Well, take a look at the Game of Thrones title graphics that HBO has always inexplicably used:


Notice the O's always have 3 lines in them? :krs: Did I just stumble onto hard evidence for Jon's birth name?:krs:

85 East

DJ D'eeznuts
May 21, 2012
:merchant: :pachaha: that is dark as hell

not trolling at all when I say Ned may just have killed those nurses with Dawn :yeshrug: he promised Lyanna he'd keep the baby's parentage a secret. for a man who lied to his entire family for 15 years about fathering a b*stard, it's not too unbelievable

I don't think Ned would do that. One of them had to breast feed Jon while Ned travelled with a baby to Winterfell...
May 29, 2012
I just thought of some blockbuster evidence for #1 on my list that I have never seen anywhere else yet on the internet. Take all the circumstantial evidence that I posted above as well as the circumstantial evidence around Jaehaerys II and the prophecy

@horse. kills

If Jon truly is named Jaeharys and is now the true successor to be king, he would be King Jaehaerys III Targaryen

Note that he is the 3rd of his name

Well, take a look at the Game of Thrones title graphics that HBO has always inexplicably used:


Notice the O's always have 3 lines in them? :krs: Did I just stumble onto hard evidence for Jon's birth name?:krs:

I bet you are dead sober lol


Mar 30, 2013
So is john gonna march north to fight the white walkers? or south to take the throne... hmm

I need to see my boy little finger on the throne at least once before he dies, hes the only character who has not played his hand yet :blessed: