Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread


Jul 14, 2015
Big Mama Tyrell :...and who are you? :francis::troll:

Missandei: :smugbiden::jawalrus: You have the pleasure of speaking to Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the first of her name....

Mama Tyrell: Oh do spare me dear... I know the titles. "Breaker of Chains..and so forth and so forth"...Titles are so boring. :beli::russell:
Because you're women, I expected you will not ruled by ego...but I can see I was wrong.

Dany: :merchant:
:laff: :laff: :laff:

Pretty much. She had 3 straight Don Demarco's on those girls :banderas:

I hope she goes the full distance. Could you imagine Grandmammy Tyrell face to face with the Night's King just ripping his ass to shreds, as he stands there silently :laff:



Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
Sorry if it's been posted already but
Jon Snow's Real Name On 'Game Of Thrones' Gives Away His Lineage
No matter what Bran Stark says, it’s pretty obvious that “The Winds of Winter,” the final episode of Game of Thrones season six, confirmed a long-held fan theory: that Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. The evidence came in the form of Lyanna whispering her child’s name to brother Ned, who agrees to raise him as his own. In case that wasn’t clear enough, the scene then seamlessly transitions from baby Jon to adult Jon.

HBO intentionally didn’t provide closed captioning for whatever Lyanna whispers to Ned, but according to Redditor “sparkledavisjr,” who has watched the Tower of Joy scene “about fifty times,” she didn’t say Jon. “I’m not a great lip-reader,” he wrote, “but I’m fairly certain what she says is Jaehaerys.”

It’s a name that probably isn’t familiar to non-book readers, because it’s only been mentioned once on the show, when Samwell is talking to Gilly during a forgettable scene in season three. Jaehaerys I Targaryen was the king of the Seven Kingdoms — the fourth Targaryen to hold such a title — approximately 200 years before the start of the series. He was dubbed “The Conciliator” or “The Wise.” A century and a half later, Jaehaerys II Targaryen became the 16th Targaryen to sit on the Iron Throne, and almost the last. That dishonor went to his son, Aerys II, better known as the Mad King, or Daenerys’ father.

If Lyanna was in love with Rhaegar (as seems likely), it makes sense for their son to have a Targaryen traditional name like his siblings Aegon and Rhaenys. Jaehaerys would be a good pick as the name isn’t associated with any real negative connotations, like Aerys, Maegor, etc. Not only is Jaehaerys the great-grandfather of Jon, he was the King who received the ORIGINAL PROPHECY about the prince who was promised from the woods witch with Jenny of Oldstones.

This prophecy is what caused Jaehaerys to force his children Aerys and Rhaella to marry, because it was prophesied that the [Prince That Was Promised] would be born of their line. Rhaegar was aware of this prophecy, and while he originally thought that he was the PTWP, he realized later he was not and that it would be one of his children. That is why he took/seduced Lyanna in the first place. His wife Elia could not have any more children, and he knew there must be a third child (The dragon must have three heads). (Via)

Ned couldn’t call the child Jaehaerys, though. That name’s as synonymous with the Targaryens as Cletus is to slack-jawed yokels. So Jaehaerys became Jon, possibly in honor of Ned’s friend and Hand of the King predecessor, Jon Arryn. Good thing, too: “You know nothing, Jaehaerys” isn’t nearly as catchy.



R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
Big Mama Tyrell :...and who are you? :francis::troll:

Missandei: :smugbiden::jawalrus: You have the pleasure of speaking to Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the first of her name....

Mama Tyrell: Oh do spare me dear... I know the titles. "Breaker of Chains..and so forth and so forth"...Titles are so boring. :beli::russell:
Because you're women, I expected you will not ruled by ego...but I can see I was wrong.

Dany: :merchant:
Dany: Holup:dwillhuh:What have you done in 6 seasons except talk, brehette? Serious question?

Mama Tyrell: Well:patrice:I-
Dany: Are you finished or are you done? :birdman:You poisoned a king. That's it. You been taking Ls for seasons. Your fam just got fried like lemon pepper wings, nikka:scust:

Mama Tyrell: But-

Dany: But what bytch?:ufdup:The fukk you ever earned yourself? Yeah, I got my husband killed, but I bounced back after ether. Your husband's ashes getting scattered in the Blackwater. I don't even need y'all flower ass muhfukkas. I got dragons, bytch. I've been conquering cities for seasons. You can't even conquer high blood pressure, Golden Girls in the face ass nikka:pacspit:

Mama Tyrell:

Dany: You ain't got bars like that
When my name come up, respeck it. Cersei murdered you on your own shyt. Sending Dorne ravens when they ain't even give you their numbers. Guess what, I don't respect my elders. I've crucified a ton of nikkas, don't cross me. Double entendre, don't even ask me how. It's finna be a hot winter. Get my fukking dragons in the back.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
@Tasha And

The writers point blank said today The Night's King represents death. Not literally death itself but he has no motivation other than wiping out every other character on the show. Also, they said he'll never speak.

So the White Walkers definitely aren't interested in politics, pacts, or parlaying with humans.

Showrunners talk "hurtling toward" the end of Game of Thrones


Coincidentally enough Arya's dancing and Faceless masters say there is only one God and his name is Death. And what do we say to hi?? Not today.


Raised in Ruins
Jul 3, 2015
Food for thought

All of that is to say, what if we've been looking at this all wrong? What if the forces of destruction are the men, and the White Walkers there to balance their reign of terror as The Children of the Forest once intended? What if the Night's King is Azor Ahai, not there to save men, but to save the world from their endless brutality?

Read more at 'Game of Thrones': The Night's King is Here, Plotting THIS



Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
Given all the other craziness that went on in this finale, I have to give it up to Sir Davos/Liam Cunningham for his scene. Powerful stuff. shyt had a breh holding back the :mjcry:'s

For Shireen :mjcry:

Also my boy has been jokingly predicting for the longest time that Sam will be the key to all this in the end, and will come back a Wizard with the magic to defeat Walkerset :laff: :laff: I'm starting to think he just may be right now though :leon: :ohhh: :dead: Breh might sweep in like the Vale and wipe out the whole squad :damn:

Was just about to write this very thing. Rare that a man giving a speech in a show or film can make a brother cry but he did it. I was more frustrated than anything all season, wondering if Davos was ever gonna call The Red Woman to account, but when he finally did it...:sadbron: And it was even worse (betta) on the rewatch, it took two plays for me to realize just how piff this finale and this whole season was, although not flawless.

A nikka is mighty mad about GRRM not delivering his book though. I was feenin for that special announcement after the credits but knew it was unlikely.

It looked kinda silly to me in the preview so I was dreading it but man did it deliver. HBO had better submit that scene for emmy consideration.

One of the few complaints I've had about this show (and HBO prestige dramas in general) is they're competently shot but the cinematography doesn't really stand out. They don't experiment much with camera placement, or editing, for framing. Even when they have guest directors like Michael Slovis, their work is indistinguishable from any other episode.

This episode though....I don't know who directed it but they killed it. It's the best season finale of the series (so far) and easily the best looking episode of the entire series.

Not much else to say besides #Starkset. Oh, speaking of which I'm kinda :what: at #Targset trying to claim Jon. I realize he has Targaryan blood.....but he don't know yall. At all. He grew up with the Starks, seen Ned as his father, sees Winterfell as his home, and just risked his life to take it back. At least let him realize he's related to yall before you claim him. As of right now it's not a factor.


I know it's been answered already but Miguel directed this one also but it's a problem with tv shows in general. You can't really come in and put your own spin on shyt to make it look wildly different for the sake of cohesiveness. The finale for example, marked a difference everyone noticed almost immediately from the opening scene.

Like for example, when I was first watching through Naruto Shippuden, there's an episode called Team 10 that's extremely jarring because it looks like a completely different show. It's technically a filler episode but I see it more of a character development episode and they slowed down the pace of the show and had shots like this:


And then the next episode it was back to regular budget animation and it caught me so off guard.