My thoughts on the controversial deaths or non-deaths:
Theon & Sansa - I don't see why this is so controversial. They clearly weren't committing that. If they were, they wouldn't have rushed to jump, they rushed cuz they wanted to be gone before Ramsey returned. The only question is if they survived the fall, but I think the writers take it a bit slower there with two main characters if they aren't going to survive. They're alive with only a bit of a head start on the hounds.
Jon Snow - I agree with the prevalent belief that he's dead but will be resurrected. Makes perfect sense. They've shown us that Mel's Lord of Light has that power, they've shown us that Mel learns of this power from Thoros, and she just happens to run off from Stannis back to the Wall. She's clearly there for a reason. My only doubt was in the fact that it would be an impossible secret to keep, but I like
@jay211's theory that he already filmed his scenes. That way they can keep book readers in the dark there as well.
Stannis - I was sure he was dead, but reading this thread has put some doubt in me. It would be incredibly lame if he's still alive unless there's some amazing writing twist. I can't think of one that isn't lame.