Bruh this show has really ruined me as a person. I just watched a dude burn his daughter for reasons unknown. Stannis just set guys growing beards back by 100 years. Poor Shireen, when she said she would do anything to help she wasn't thinking how Stannis was thinking.

I don't pick sides or sets but, I need Stannis to win this shyt now.He done gave up more than everyone else for it. His only daughter, his brother, but not his frumpy bum bytch of a wife who decides she wants to save Shireen AFTER the fire. Wackest bytch in Westeros. My dude Sir Reading Rainbow Davos better come through and get melisandre the fukk outta here.
Somebody needs to explain to Arya how to play Assassins Creed: Braavos. She switching missions 2 feet away from her target to go on trailing missions and getting detected.
Speaking of Assassins Creed, Reese Bolton really took 20 men and shut down Stannis whole army.

Stannis was right to hang his security. Nobody saw 20 dudes sneaking around? Reese a sadistic fukkboy but thats who wins wars, the guy who will go the extra mile to hurt people.
Prince Oberyn girl was just pouring out some liquor for him, it wasn't about disrespect

Someone needs to explain to her how a trial by combat works. She ready to start a war over a nikka volunteering to fight to the death then getting killed.
Blackwater Bronn escaped certain death twice with a broken jaw and a nice set of titties. He needs to scoop up that sand snake for the cruise back to Kings Landing and get some boat rocking motion in the ocean going.
All I could hear when Sir Jorrah of the friendzone was fighting was Peter Cetera singing Glory of Love which is funny because i ain't seen a dude get his ass whipped like that in front of a girl he loves and still win since The Karate Kid. He was looking real Larry Holmes like out there in front of her.
Indian Jew Fro like that new dude your homegirl is seeing who pops up at the outing and thinks he's allowed to talk shyt like he's fam because he's messing with your homegirl but your homegirl already let yall know shes just using him and her ex is still blowing her back out. Even Kelly C got in on the clowning like so how many bodies you caught boo? Everyone else up here caught bodies so we know what we talking about

Son died twice in that episode.
Sons of the Harpy got more fukkery and confusion going on than the Sons of Anarchy. Their leader must be Jax or something. First they were the rich people killing slaves and the gladiator games would stop all that, now they're killing rich people and slaves at the gladiator games? These dudes just want to kill it ain't no rhyme or reason to it. Even ISIS got rhyme and reasons bruh. We better get some answers next episode, its a lot of dead harpies out there, somebody gotta know somebody. Bet Danarys happy now she ain't lock Drogon the don up, son came through with the flamethrower and scooped her up. She ain't even look back to see if her peoples were alright. Some leader huh

Good luck breaking that Westeros wheel.
Tyrion looking like NONE of this shyt was in the job description

I think you left out the part where your people hated you this much.