Just caught up.. wtf at sacrificing their seed. Even for tv that sh*t was disgusting
F*ck Stannis and that witch. They're both losers and failures. Hope they get bodied quick

If the people in the arena have accepted Dany as a ruler than why did they boo Sir Jorah (an embodiment of dany's regime and culture)?
Like I said the devil is in the details.
If they dont address it next episode I think she's good. But they did make it obvious when he touched her.
i noticed a lot of people wondering all season how the unsullied been getting sonned and i just saw somebody wondering why that 1 dothraki gladiator got that work so quick. as a pre-gunpowder era war buff i just wanna clarify some things.
unsullied and dothraki are both specialized units. unsullied are spearmen that fight best as one cohesive team like the spartans
in 1 on 1combat, some are better than others but their specialty is this ^^
dothraki are like the hun and mongol hordes. they are cavalry and they can destroy entire armies with the number of horsemen and mounted bowmen when they outnumber them which they always do
but off their horse in a 1 on 1 battle, they generally arent that special. now u may say "what about khal drogo dude was bad ass". khal drogo killed another dothraki. we never saw him fight a knight like jorah. we did see what jorah did to that other dothraki to save dany tho.
spearmen, cavalry, and bowmen are useless in this type of guerilla warfare shyt the harpies are on. this is when u need 500 ser jorahs and barristans and jamie lannisters and jon snows.
if dany had a true kingsguard of knights like her father had, she would have been better protected. harpies probably wouldnt have even tried that shyt.
then again, idk why they had that bytch protected by just like 50 dudes. i would have had at least 250 unsullied there surrounding me.
Now can you explain where the Second Sons are? Wouldn't they be better than unsullied for her queensguard?
And welcome back, breh
A mercenary is a soldier who takes temporary assignments fighting for wages rather than as an official member of an army. There are a number of different types of mercenaries. The terms "sellsword" and "freerider" carry a certain stigma in Westeros. Sellswords are said to have no loyalty, and freeriders no discipline.
A Sellsword is a mercenary who hires out his services to the highest bidder. Inevitably, this sort of lifestyle involves a great deal of violence and physical exertion. Many sellswords are organized into companies. Some of the sellsword companies are very disciplined (such as theGolden Company), and some are nothing but rabble joined together in search of loot (like theBrave Companions); the Second Sons and the Stormcrows are in the middle.[1] Most tend to be experienced professional soldiers, as it is a profession a man tends to chose after he's tasted a few battles and learned that he's good at fighting.[2]
jorah is a piece of shyt manOh wow only just realised that
Greyscale is extremely infectious, spread through touch contact with an infected person, or even spread on unsterilized objects that have been touched by the infected. A single touch from an infected person is enough to spread the disease to another person.
It must only be contagious after a certain time
you know he'd smash if he could.. with the grayscale.. and not even tell her![]()
thanks breh
second sons are sellswords. untrustworthy and undisciplined. they have some fierce fighters but some sellswords are dudes on the run from their countries justice like jorah(its never mentioned but before jorah got together with dany he was a sellsword with other companies in essos). there might be some good fighters here and there within the second sons, but nobody that would be trusted enough to take care of a queen. they all fight for money after all.
They can't even get their spoilers right either
LMAO at Bran not being a main character. What, because he isnt on Entertainment Weekly covers?
@dem bath salts and @horse. kills I dont know if yall are trolling with this Bran shyt or what?
There is ZERO argument that he is not a character on par with Dany. Not from the show. Not from the books.
I'm not gonna go further in this thread since its walking a fine line, but if yall seriously aren't trolling them lets take it to the other thread.
Bran not being in this season is irrelevant. His story is caught up to the books and HBO didnt want to spoil him yet.
I have to disagree. The show is pretty clear about Jon, Tyrion and Dany being the main characters. Books may be different, but on the show it is those three.
Jon didn't deserve the heartache of being a Stark breh. He should have been leading the squad instead of Rob and the dorky mother.
Here we goGood thing he's not a Stark, breh![]()