Official Game of Thrones Season 5 Thread (No books/leaks spoilers; spoiler tags not allowed)

Doctor Doom

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama
Sep 30, 2013
I know what you better do, stop talking bout what you outta do:comeon: You would pick that post apart if there was anything debatable, but there isn't breh:manny:And I agree, you shouldn't try to go tit for tat against #Targset...or #LannisterSet, #StannisSet, #ByrdGang, #GreyjoySet...shyt any set:yeshrug:You nikkas are the Yung Bergs of Westeros. You come around any of the trill sets that have wins on their record and you're getting your chain snatched. This isn't opinion it's documented fact. If that's our greatest conquest so far, cool. Name me #Starkset's greatest conquest, breh. Don't worry, I'll wait:sas1:

Breh, how would you know what nikkas do in Winterfell? You ain't in Winterfell, breh:pachaha:Talking about other men's castles, that's chatty patty, my dude

What is TargSet's greatest conquest? :mindblown:

You nikkas haven't even won a battle against a real army. :mjpls:

Slaughtering brown men in robes doesn't count. :umad:

Meanwhile Starks actually have wins in ACTUAL wars. :snow:

Battle of the Whispering Wood ring any bells? Ya' know the battle where we took Lannister forces by complete surprise, slaughtering the entire army, and taking several highborns captive? :sas1:'

Then again, you probably won't count that since the opposing force actually had an army to defend themselves with, not a bunch of merchants. :yeshrug:

How about the Battle of the Camps where we beat Lannister forces so bad, the sellswords they hired with Casterly Rock gold immediately defected to our side? :sas1:

How about the Battle of Castle Black? Ya' know the battle where Jon Snow was able to hold off a host of 100,000 wildings with maybe 200 men at Castle Black? The battle where he was actively commanding? Guess you forgot that. :snow:

Why don't you talk about the war you're losing in your own city as your soldiers get done up by nikkas in masks wearing comfy slippers? :ohhh:

Talk shyt when TargSet wins actual battles, breh.

@Adam3000 , tell 'em man. They can't hear me. :snow:


May 1, 2012
GAME DAY TODAY. Let's Gooooooooooooooo

Should I try to record it ? :lupe: I'd probably get caught so quick :sadbron:

How was it breh?
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
What is TargSet's greatest conquest? :mindblown:

You nikkas haven't even won a battle against a real army. :mjpls:

Slaughtering brown men in robes doesn't count. :umad:

Meanwhile Starks actually have wins in ACTUAL wars. :snow:

Battle of the Whispering Wood ring any bells? Ya' know the battle where we took Lannister forces by complete surprise, slaughtering the entire army, and taking several highborns captive? :sas1:'

Then again, you probably won't count that since the opposing force actually had an army to defend themselves with, not a bunch of merchants. :yeshrug:

How about the Battle of the Camps where we beat Lannister forces so bad, the sellswords they hired with Casterly Rock gold immediately defected to our side? :sas1:

How about the Battle of Castle Black? Ya' know the battle where Jon Snow was able to hold off a host of 100,000 wildings with maybe 200 men at Castle Black? The battle where he was actively commanding? Guess you forgot that. :snow:

Why don't you talk about the war you're losing in your own city as your soldiers get done up by nikkas in masks wearing comfy slippers? :ohhh:

Talk shyt when TargSet wins actual battles, breh.

@Adam3000 , tell 'em man. They can't hear me. :snow:


They can't hear you because they are on the other side of the world

Targ Queen has a fetish with conquering cities off in the butthole of the planet, then immediately abandoning them and leaving them worse off then before

Khaleesi looking like George Bush out here :huhldup:



Accept to take the L
May 1, 2012
What is TargSet's greatest conquest? :mindblown:

You nikkas haven't even won a battle against a real army. :mjpls:

Slaughtering brown men in robes doesn't count. :umad:

Meanwhile Starks actually have wins in ACTUAL wars. :snow:

Battle of the Whispering Wood ring any bells? Ya' know the battle where we took Lannister forces by complete surprise, slaughtering the entire army, and taking several highborns captive? :sas1:'

Then again, you probably won't count that since the opposing force actually had an army to defend themselves with, not a bunch of merchants. :yeshrug:

How about the Battle of the Camps where we beat Lannister forces so bad, the sellswords they hired with Casterly Rock gold immediately defected to our side? :sas1:

How about the Battle of Castle Black? Ya' know the battle where Jon Snow was able to hold off a host of 100,000 wildings with maybe 200 men at Castle Black? The battle where he was actively commanding? Guess you forgot that. :snow:

Why don't you talk about the war you're losing in your own city as your soldiers get done up by nikkas in masks wearing comfy slippers? :ohhh:

Talk shyt when TargSet wins actual battles, breh.

@Adam3000 , tell 'em man. They can't hear me. :snow:
John Snow is not stark set tho:sas2:


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Not sure if this has been posted....apparently the show will have scenes from future books, long before the books actually come out. This was assumed, but now it's been verified. Also there's a summary of the few 3 episodes towards the end of the article:

It looks like we’re about to see a lot fewer “Game of Thrones” spoilers!

In a reversal of fortune, fans of the HBO show will soon be able to spoil the adventures of Tyrion, Hodor and The Khaleesi for those reading the George R.R. Martin books.

“I kind of wish that there were some things we didn’t have to spoil, but we’re kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. The show must go on...and that’s what we’re going to do,” said “Game of Thrones” showrunner David Benioff to an Oxford Union audience over the weekend.

Martin has long kept Benioff and others at HBO in the loop with regard to what he intends to do with the final two (still unpublished) “Song of Ice and Fire” novels, “The Winds of Winter” and “A Dream of Spring.”

Both books still lack publication dates.

The TV series has already deviated significantly from the first five books (you can ask Sandor Clegane about that), and will continue to deviate, but future chapters and future episodes will also share major events, per Benioff.

Benioff implies also that Martin has made his peace with having the series’ Big Finish hit the screen before the page, noting “the thing that’s kind of fun for George is the idea that he can still have surprises for people even once they’ve watched the show through to the conclusion.”

What’s still not entirely clear is whether this year’s 10 “Game of Thrones” episodes (launching April 12) will incorporate events from the two unpublished novels.

May 7, 2012

At least W had the courage to go straight at the cats who tried to kill his father...She marched away from the land that killed hers. Welcomed the guy who was supposed to defend him into her camp...only that bytch ass nikka Lefty Lannister has a worse track record :scust:

They talk about how fukked up those slave cites are since the Great White Hype abandoned them, but I'd imagine Qarth is fukked up too. It went from the greatest city to losing all of its 13:scust:


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
What is TargSet's greatest conquest? :mindblown:

You nikkas haven't even won a battle against a real army. :mjpls:

Slaughtering brown men in robes doesn't count. :umad:

Meanwhile Starks actually have wins in ACTUAL wars. :snow:

Battle of the Whispering Wood ring any bells? Ya' know the battle where we took Lannister forces by complete surprise, slaughtering the entire army, and taking several highborns captive? :sas1:'

Then again, you probably won't count that since the opposing force actually had an army to defend themselves with, not a bunch of merchants. :yeshrug:

How about the Battle of the Camps where we beat Lannister forces so bad, the sellswords they hired with Casterly Rock gold immediately defected to our side? :sas1:

How about the Battle of Castle Black? Ya' know the battle where Jon Snow was able to hold off a host of 100,000 wildings with maybe 200 men at Castle Black? The battle where he was actively commanding? Guess you forgot that. :snow:

Why don't you talk about the war you're losing in your own city as your soldiers get done up by nikkas in masks wearing comfy slippers? :ohhh:

Talk shyt when TargSet wins actual battles, breh.

@Adam3000 , tell 'em man. They can't hear me. :snow:
Look at #StarkSet y'all, claiming the Night's Watch as usual. Y'all nikkas gotta be the biggest herbs on Google Earth Nas. Are you nikkas so desperate for "wins" that you'll claim an organization that literally makes it known they don't side with any particular house?:dead:Please, give me the lame excuse that since Jon Snow's in the Night's Watch you get to claim it. I'd love to crush that tired argument with the quickness for the fiftyleventh time. Stannis is the only one that could maybe try to claim the Night's Watch since he just saved those nikkas asses. You losers are patting yourselves on the back for winning two battles?:dahell:You lost the fukking war, nikka:dead:So you have no conquests:heh:You haven't conquered shyt. You slaughtered an army by surprise? Sounds like exactly what happened to your a damn wedding:mjlol: You took some hostages? You then lost said hostages. My bad, you didn't lose them, you killed them and let the most important one go:pachaha:#Targset has conquered and currently holds cities, nikka. We aren't boasting about winning battles that only leads to our "king" getting murked because he can't keep his word. We aren't boasting about warging into retards and killing a couple of rogue Night's Watch members:pachaha:We're boasting about having dragons, breh. We should wait until we beat an army? Why, because @Breesus' Last Son said so on an internet forum? Hate on the squad that conquers kingdoms with minimal effort and minimal casualties while your squad has turned into the definition of maximum casualties, brehs:deadmanny: Guess what, since this is the TV show thread, I'll worry about losing a war that hasn't started when said war starts and we actually start losing it. Y'all nikkas that scressed to see #Targset catch an L that you're analyzing set photos and using them as arguments?:mjcry:Don't worry #:flabbynsick:Set , #Targset will catch an L eventually and you'll get a chance to shyt on us without sounding like goal post moving herbs:blessed:But knowing y'all, you'll probably take an L or six in the same episode:patrice:

@Jax , tell 'em man. They can't hear me

Food Mane

May 1, 2012
Wolf gang is wilding out here :what:

Claiming Stannis, Claiming John Snow :heh:

Just face the truth: THEY DON'T fukk WITH YOU

Your set is the miniature crippled John Lennon and his band of mutants, retards and forest elves. That's it. No Sansa, No Stannis, No John, No Arya.

Stop taking credit for the actions of others.


Staff member
Jul 22, 2012
My nikka @R.E.N. Spells Ren putting up a fight:obama:Trust, this ass whooping that's funna commence will hurt me more than it hurts you:mjcry:

I'm not mad at seeing Stannis boss up. I'm just confused how the Starks are involved. Y'all nikkas been workers ever since you knelt to #Targset back in the day:umad:I seem to recall Stannis bossing up with the Night's Watch, which y'all desperately try to claim for some semblance of relevance when they don't claim y'all back:scusthov:We celebrating other men coming to our rescue now?
We're chilling in the furthest wings of the kingdoms we other nikkas would know something about cats living rent free in your crib, doe:mjpls:Refresh my memory on where you Stark nikkas are lamping at, btw? Khaleesi da gawd essentialy did kill her brother. You right:manny:Same brother that hoed her out for an army. That sounds like a girl becoming a woman right chea and realizing she has power. Her husband and son were very unfortunate casualties that in the end became catalysts for giving us dem dragons which you #Starkset nikkas always convientantly ignore:russ:Honor? You mean like swearing to marry the wife of a banner man, reneging on said promise and getting yourself, your mom and a ton of dudes that were riding for you killed? Yeah, we ain't as honorable as #DemStarkBoys:mjlol:
:bryan: HE BACK!

You don't want these Targset problems pleighboy :takedat:


Staff member
Jul 22, 2012
Wolf gang is wilding out here :what:

Claiming Stannis, Claiming John Snow :heh:

Just face the truth: THEY DON'T fukk WITH YOU

Your set is the miniature crippled John Lennon and his band of mutants, retards and forest elves. That's it. No Sansa, No Stannis, No John, No Arya.

Stop taking credit for the actions of others.
I've seen these nikkas claim #desertgang too :mjlol:
Them castles ain't gon save ya'll from dragons plus a dothraki army fam :pachaha: