Damn, this was a great episode, Winter is Coming and the Westeros folk better get their Northface and Timbalands ready, cause the Ice King said "Come at me Bro" to Jon in so many words...
Reek is so broken, he is like an intelligent dog, the Theon personality is completely gone, no fire this time around I'm afraid.
Cersei looking:
Went from Queen Mother to Queen Fiend....karma is coming back and now she has to do the Confessions Usher style.
The dialogue between Dani and Tyrion was great, finally great to see the interaction and banter.
#Snowman - You have to root for him, he's the most noble and stand-up guy on the show. Broken ribs (probably from all the blood he was coughing up) and still put in the work against the White Walker goons...
I guess Ramsay is going to do some Jeepers Creepers/Hannibal Lecter shenanigans to Stannis and group, poor guys.