Official Game of Thrones Season 5 Thread (No books/leaks spoilers; spoiler tags not allowed)

Arianne Martell

"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"
Jan 22, 2014
House Martell #SnakeGang #Targset
And Sansa was schooled by littlefinger and cersei, what's your point?


This was the PERFECT opportunity for them to advance the idea they've been slowly developing that sansa is maturing from the naive, helpless girl she was into someone capable of playing the game


margery was schooled her whole life.

sansa = couple of months with LF...:yeshrug:

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
That was exactly my problem with it; it was so obvious I figured the show would do something smarter/unexpected instead like they normally do.

I think what would've been more in keeping with the arc Sansa has been on is for her to instead do something similar to what margaery did with joffrey

Margaery won over a sadistic sociopath by feeding his ego and giving him the idea that he might have found someone who would also enjoy hurting others. Based on their dinner together and her conversation with myranda, sansa knew ramsay's character and should've been smart enough to come up with a plan by now. Knowing he's a sadistic freak who MUST have something crazy in mind for their wedding night, the moment they got back to the room she should've basically told ramsay "myranda's in love with you. let's go kill her to get me in the mood :steviej:". I bet that sick nikka would've gone from :demonic: to:leon::banderas:

Would've been the dark, shocking, controversial scene they were obviously reaching for, except this one wouldn't have felt like a regression for sansa

But it's whatever :yeshrug:

The only problem with your suggestion is that it would require Sansa to all of a sudden show a level of guile that she really has not shown and probably doesn't have yet. Maergery was shown from Day 1 as playing the game and being a deft manipulator so what she did to Joffrey seemed perfectly in character and realistic.
Sansa has been shown to be opening her eyes to the horrors of the world around her but none of her time with Littlefinger has rubbed off enough on her to give her the skillset to manipulate a maniac like Ramsey the way Maergery did Joffrey. Plus Ramsey is a different breed of freak than Joffrey. At his core Joffrey was a willful child who specialized in a heightened form of impulsive childish behavior. Joffrey was basically a spoiled brat pulling the wings off of butterflies. Ramsey is a fully grown sociopath who is smarter than Joffrey and not as easily manipulated especially by a character like Sansa who, at best has developed a haughty coldness to mask her fear and uncertainty but she is not in any way a skilled manipulator. The best she has been able to do since falling under Littlefinger's tutelage was slightly disarm her nutty aunt but even then her manipulations were kind of weak and ineffective.

Now if she had a blade hidden in her dress sleeves and stabbed Ramsey to death, then I would have seen that as something surprising yet still well within the parameters of who Sansa has become but I could never see her do what Maergery did to Joffrey.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
1) we've already seen it work

I guess we see that scene differently because to me it seemed like Ramsey was going to hunt that poor girl down regardless of whether his side piece got jealous or not. Using the jealousy angle was just part of his sick game and not a case of him being manipulated into taking an action he would not have taken on his own in due time anyway.


Sep 21, 2012
The only problem with your suggestion is that it would require Sansa to all of a sudden show a level of guile that she really has not shown and probably doesn't have yet. Maergery was shown from Day 1 as playing the game and being a deft manipulator so what she did to Joffrey seemed perfectly in character and realistic.
Sansa has been shown to be opening her eyes to the horrors of the world around her but none of her time with Littlefinger has rubbed off enough on her to give her the skillset to manipulate a maniac like Ramsey the way Maergery did Joffrey. Plus Ramsey is a different breed of freak than Joffrey. At his core Joffrey was a willful child who specialized in a heightened form of impulsive childish behavior. Joffrey was basically a spoiled brat pulling the wings off of butterflies. Ramsey is a fully grown sociopath who is smarter than Joffrey and not as easily manipulated especially by a character like Sansa who, at best has developed a haughty coldness to mask her fear and uncertainty but she is not in any way a skilled manipulator. The best she has been able to do since falling under Littlefinger's tutelage was slightly disarm her nutty aunt but even then her manipulations were kind of weak and ineffective.

Now if she had a blade hidden in her dress sleeves and stabbed Ramsey to death, then I would have seen that as something surprising yet still well within the parameters of who Sansa has become but I could never see her do what Maergery did to Joffrey.

It IS indeed a leap, but it's leap in the direction her arc in the book/show seemed to be heading towards and I'll take a leap forward over a fall backwards. Could've been justified by the fact that it wouldn't have been something she thought up on the fly like margaery, given that she's been in winterfell for a bit and has had a chance to observe him / plot

Regardless, I don't think there were any good or even satisfying options here. I made peace a long time ago with the idea that this particular divergence from the books was gonna lead to clumsy storytelling :yeshrug:

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
And Sansa was schooled by littlefinger and cersei, what's your point?


This was the PERFECT opportunity for them to advance the idea they've been slowly developing that sansa is maturing from the naive, helpless girl she was into someone capable of playing the game

I didnt really think about it....but you're right. They even alluded to her making decisions. So she could have flipped the switch on that scene I guess. Especially since the way last season ended it seemed like we'd see more of conniving Sansa.


But I guess they are thinking more about Reek's reaction than what happens/happened to Sansa.
May 7, 2012
And Sansa was schooled by littlefinger and cersei, what's your point?


This was the PERFECT opportunity for them to advance the idea they've been slowly developing that sansa is maturing from the naive, helpless girl she was into someone capable of playing the game

And Margery herself.

No one is thinking she should be as skilled as Margery who's been manipulating dudes with her snatch for years, but how she gonna walk in those chambers that night and think she wasn't gonna give it up?:mindblown:

At least try to play the game, smh


Mar 18, 2013
I thought jaquen h'agr served the red god in season 2 and now it's the many faced God. Wtf????

the many faced god is what they call every god. their theory is that there is only 1 god, and thats the god of death, and that he wears many faces. so basically the many faced god = red god, drowned god, old gods, the 7 gods, the great stallion(dothraki god) and etc etc.

at least thats what it seems like to me. i could be wrong tho but im doing a re-read and will be getting to those parts soon.

Clapsteel O'Neal

put a red dot on your head like a hindu
May 10, 2012
And Sansa was schooled by littlefinger and cersei, what's your point?


This was the PERFECT opportunity for them to advance the idea they've been slowly developing that sansa is maturing from the naive, helpless girl she was into someone capable of playing the game

Schooled by Cersei? :dead: Cersei can't play the game her damn self :stopitslime:

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
Ramsey Snow is the second greatest character in the books next Joffery the Game of Thrones writers are not doing him justice they made him too predictable.

The writers suck and the season is only going to get worse but you're a dikk rider so you probably think everything they do is golden.


fukk boi alerts all over your posts :snoop:

Everything they do ISN'T a matter of fact Sansa JUST got interesting. The Dorne arc is horrid currently. Dany hasn't done anything in like 8 episodes. :dahell:

fall back, pleb. :ufdup: nikka just said "Ramsey Snow" (Ramsay Bolton :snoop:) and Joffery were the greatest characters in the books :laff:....your lack of understanding, poor grasp of modern tv writing and character development continues to reveal your elementary thinking skills. Did you even read the books, breh?

Doubtfull. fukk outa here, you worse than nikkas with spoilers with your faux-outrage, pseudo-feminist, riff-raff. Get angry about some real shyt like women actors not getting paid as much as men. Or women directors not getting the same amount of funding and production base. Get mad about some real shyt besides a rape scene.


Apr 30, 2012
jacked this from @Box Cutta but :dead:

how could HBO fukk this up so bad

that fight scene and the whole angle with those females is cringeworthy to me.

i get story development on the other fronts & i'm not expecting deaths and tons of action weekly, but this season has been a snooze 6 episodes in.

King Crimson

Member of a very exclusive gang
May 7, 2012
I don't get the shock and outrage? Everyone knows Ramsay and the Boltons are maniacs, Sansa decides to Marry him.:francis: What did they think was gonna happen on the wedding night? Ramsay was going to cuddle with her?:mjlol: She's actually lucky all he did was let Theon watch.:manny:
If I recall correctly, in the series Littlefinger does not know what kind of person Ramsey is. I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain someone asked the question before and it was answered.

fukk these writers for what they did to my blue eyed queen :pacspit:

That's why I stream their shyt for free !:pacspit:

You clowns like a show where all the black people in the series are either servants, guards, or charlatans. :manny:
Troll detected; troll ignored.

That was exactly my problem with it; it was so obvious I figured the show would do something smarter/unexpected instead like they normally do.

I think what would've been more in keeping with the arc Sansa has been on is for her to instead do something similar to what margaery did with joffrey

Margaery won over a sadistic sociopath by feeding his ego and giving him the idea that he might have found someone who would also enjoy hurting others. Based on their dinner together and her conversation with myranda, sansa knew ramsay's character and should've been smart enough to come up with a plan by now. Knowing he's a sadistic freak who MUST have something crazy in mind for their wedding night, the moment they got back to the room she should've basically told ramsay "myranda's in love with you. let's go kill her to get me in the mood :steviej:". I bet that sick nikka would've gone from :demonic: to:leon::banderas:

Would've been the dark, shocking, controversial scene they were obviously reaching for, except this one wouldn't have felt like a regression for sansa

But it's whatever :yeshrug:

Nah, I doubt that that would have worked for Sansa, or even Margery. Ramsey doesn't seem that easily manipulated and he probably would have had something worse in store for them if he tried that on them.

The only problem with your suggestion is that it would require Sansa to all of a sudden show a level of guile that she really has not shown and probably doesn't have yet. Maergery was shown from Day 1 as playing the game and being a deft manipulator so what she did to Joffrey seemed perfectly in character and realistic.
Sansa has been shown to be opening her eyes to the horrors of the world around her but none of her time with Littlefinger has rubbed off enough on her to give her the skillset to manipulate a maniac like Ramsey the way Maergery did Joffrey. Plus Ramsey is a different breed of freak than Joffrey. At his core Joffrey was a willful child who specialized in a heightened form of impulsive childish behavior. Joffrey was basically a spoiled brat pulling the wings off of butterflies. Ramsey is a fully grown sociopath who is smarter than Joffrey and not as easily manipulated especially by a character like Sansa who, at best has developed a haughty coldness to mask her fear and uncertainty but she is not in any way a skilled manipulator. The best she has been able to do since falling under Littlefinger's tutelage was slightly disarm her nutty aunt but even then her manipulations were kind of weak and ineffective.

Now if she had a blade hidden in her dress sleeves and stabbed Ramsey to death, then I would have seen that as something surprising yet still well within the parameters of who Sansa has become but I could never see her do what Maergery did to Joffrey.

^^^All this right here.^^^

I want to like the Dorne storyline, and I currently do, but I wish the snakes were more badass. I mean, they started alright with homegirl playing horse daggers with dude's forehead, but they been kinda ehh since then. I would expect the daughters of Oberyn Martell to be much more fearsome and deadly warriors. They're kinda lacking. That being said, they haven't been given much to work with. Sunday's encounter was something out of a Scooby Doo episode. No one's luck is that shytty. They run into each other trying to pull off the same mission? :why:
I still have hope for them though.

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
yeah and? I am a woman that eventually will be a mother to sons or I had a son I could not imagine him being tortured let alone getting his penis cut off :mjcry:..same goes for the sansa scene. Did you see my comment stating how bad I felt for her even tho I'm #snakegang and #targset?

Further, the women protesting the show are idiots that have nothing else better to do but to seek attention, bytch and moan...there are REAL issues in this world concerning women to get mad about and fight for. But watching fictional show on tv is optional...if you don't like then turn the damn tv off or change the channel. I guess this is "first world problems" :yeshrug:

dap + rep its nothing to change a channel.

it was based on a series that a white man wrote, then written and directed for a tv show by white men :comeon:

in the books there are Black wealthy people with power and their own country as well so STFU.

Xalahbar Xho is a prince from the summer islands. And on the Summer Islands the country is abundant in resources, they make the best bows, have some of the best tradesmen and sailors. And "war" is ritualized to a point where ONLY the soldiers are hurt, royal famlies that lose are exiled and not killed and the land isnt harmed and the women aren't raped. In other words, Naath and the Summer Isles are prolly the most civilized place in the ASOIAF world. :beli: