I roll with #Targset, but I have to admit I didn't need to see the Starks take another L like that

. I thought this might be the moment with Reek regained some of his manhood, especially when he closed the door. If he would of Hulked up at the moment and went after Ramsey
Instead Ramsey was the one ripping clothes off

Take heed in the fact that the North remembers. Travel back to season 1 when a young Danny was sold off into marriage to Khal Drago by her lame brother. She got those Dothraki back shots and if I help to guess Khal Drago might have been packing more lumber than Ramsey -no homo

. Now look how far she has come, got herself an army, dragons, and people kidnapping dwarfs for her. Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel for her.
At least Arya is fairing better. She moved to the next level and is not ready to become no one, but is ready to become someone. Was that giant chamber with all the faces some kind of database for the faceless men to use when they out there killing

Let me get Face No 271 for this mission or something.
I didn't even think about the Dornish blades being poisoned, don't tell me the homie Bronn is about to die. Didn't even get a chance to finish his song. Jamie could have stayed in Westeros and collected his disability check if that is the case. Wheelchair Martell seemed to be looking after his daughter anyway. He might have been able to talk some sense into Cersei.
She can feign ignorance all she wants on some "It wasn't me, it was the High Sparrow" but at soon as old dude finds out about all the skeletons she has in her closet

. Messing up things for Tommen, dude just starting getting a taste of Sweet Marge

, then Queen Mother had to go and lock her in the basement. Now all he has is Sir Pounce. Something tells me that isn't the p*ssy he would want to keep him company at night.