Oh Margaery, you thought you could play on Cersei's level. But she's making the smart play getting Granny......I knew that Cersei gonna f*ck with her like

Tommen isn't going to be getting any for awhile.

...... Tommen is so over his head. He needs a Tywin, instead he's caught in a tug of war between two women. Based on what the witch said Tommen will eventually die but I feel that with the right influence he would make a great king. Cersei is so going to regret her decision. She's trying to get back at Margery but arming religious fanatics is a baaad idea, especially when you're the incest queen.
Loved the Jamie and Bronn scenes. Bronn was like, really gonna keep telling that lie Jamie? like

Is there anyone in KL, that doesn't know Jamie and Cersei were f*cking?
Daenerys it's time to let out the dragons and have them burn some things in Mereen, this shyt is getting out of hand. STEP UP Queen
Think Baristan is a goner, went out like a G though.
I was glad that Jon resisted Melisandre's seduction. That woman is always scheming with her religious fanaticism but still have me

and was almost

on her.