Official Game of Thrones Season 5 Thread (No books/leaks spoilers; spoiler tags not allowed)


Stark till I die
Apr 30, 2012
Tommen getting checked by the Jehovas witness :snoop: Made me miss Joffery. I was like...NO WAY would Joffery allow that shyt...

I hope Jaime starts using his hand like a dagger and he becomes ill at parring sword attacks...Cause he looking mad
with the sword play, I need him to get his confidence back ASAP..

I think my nikka Terry Funk is gonna get handled by those Sand Snake bytches...Them hoes all got different weapons and it sounds like the Red Viper taught them how to scrap.

Let me find out Jon Snow can't be burned like Daenerys:ooh:.....He already was knee deep in some wildling p*ssy, ate it and everything...Not a wart or blister in sight. Got the Red witch like :shaq:... Why she mimic Ygritte tho, "you know nothing Jon Snow"...Is that supposed to remind Jon of something....Or did the lord of light get that shadow to get inside Ygritte to make Jon wanna fukk?....:ohhh:....sounds like I'm reaching, but I was thinking that shyt...I dunno:yeshrug:
U know how this story goes, Bronn going down like a champ while that fakkit Jamie will make it out somehow



Mar 18, 2013
for everybody thats clowning on tommen for not checking the sparrows, i made a post about this in the leaked episodes thread.

think back to that riddle that varys told littlefinger in season 2

“In a room sit three great men, a king, a priest, and a rich man with his gold. Between them stands a sellsword, a little man of common birth and no great mind. Each of the great ones bids him slay the other two. ‘Do it,’ says the king, ‘for I am your lawful ruler.’ ‘Do it,’ says the priest, ‘for I command you in the names of the gods.’ ‘Do it,’ says the rich man, ‘and all this gold shall be yours.’ So tell me – who lives and who dies?”


stannis - forsake the faith and alienated all the people who believe in the 7 and the ones that believe in the old gods
tommen/cersei - abominations to the faith which they probably already know since people were shouting shyt at tommen
danarys - non-existant to the small folk of westeros

rich man

littlefinger - currently scheming. has a lot of power right now because of his smart moves but all he has is the vale and a tenous relationship at best with the boltons


the sparrows - currently armed and legitimized by cersei's dumb ass and have all of the smallfolk who follow the faith of the 7 behind them
melisandre/thoros of myr - not enough believers to do any damage. only have stannis and his men
bran/man in the tree/old gods - all the north and beyond the wall is behind them

if tommen had slaughtered the sparrow like joffrey would have done, there arent enough men in kings landing that could stop the commoners from revolting and overthrowing the lannisters in the name of the 7.

so tell me, who really has the power right now?
May 7, 2012
Tommen getting checked by the Jehovas witness :snoop: Made me miss Joffery. I was like...NO WAY would Joffery allow that shyt...

Yea, I could hear the little b*stard screaming down from heaven up from hell: "Kill them all! I command it!" :mjcry:

I hope Jaime starts using his hand like a dagger and he becomes ill at parring sword attacks...Cause he looking mad
with the sword play, I need him to get his confidence back ASAP..

fukk Jamie Lannister. I should neg you. :beli:

Let me find out Jon Snow can't be burned like Daenerys:ooh:.....He already was knee deep in some wildling p*ssy, ate it and everything...Not a wart or blister in sight. Got the Red witch like :shaq:... Why she mimic Ygritte tho, "you know nothing Jon Snow"...Is that supposed to remind Jon of something....Or did the lord of light get that shadow to get inside Ygritte to make Jon wanna fukk?....:ohhh:....sounds like I'm reaching, but I was thinking that shyt...I dunno:yeshrug:

Jon already showed he can be burnt when he fukked up his hand saving the Lord Commander Mormont from the wight in season 1.
May 7, 2012
for everybody thats clowning on tommen for not checking the sparrows, i made a post about this in the leaked episodes thread.

think back to that riddle that varys told littlefinger in season 2


stannis - forsake the faith and alienated all the people who believe in the 7 and the ones that believe in the old gods
tommen/cersei - abominations to the faith which they probably already know since people were shouting shyt at tommen
danarys - non-existant to the small folk of westeros

rich man

littlefinger - currently scheming. has a lot of power right now because of his smart moves but all he has is the vale and a tenous relationship at best with the boltons


the sparrows - currently armed and legitimized by cersei's dumb ass and have all of the smallfolk who follow the faith of the 7 behind them
melisandre/thoros of myr - not enough believers to do any damage. only have stannis and his men
bran/man in the tree/old gods - all the north and beyond the wall is behind them

if tommen had slaughtered the sparrow like joffrey would have done, there arent enough men in kings landing that could stop the commoners from revolting and overthrowing the lannisters in the name of the 7.

so tell me, who really has the power right now?

You think the commoners like these religious wingbats?

I think the commoners rather like their wine and whores.


Mar 18, 2013
You think the commoners like these religious wingbats?

I think the commoners rather like their wine and whores.

not everybody is religious no, but enough are that most will get behind whatever movement doesnt get them killed. the sparrows seem to be the only ones who care about the smallfolk. high sparrow sitting there feeding them himself and winning their hearts. people been ready to turn on the lannisters since season 2(remember the riot on the way back from shipping out myrcella). the only reason they didnt is because they loved the tyrells and margery with her piety. but now they have loras and will expose him as a homo which will make the commoners have less love for them as well.
May 7, 2012
I think a lot of people missed an important part of that uprising. When the guy was talking to Kelly C, he goes, "this (the slave fights) are the only things that will unite this city, YOUR city"….

then they cut to the Sons of Harpy. But if you take a look at them, they look like slaves AND masters in the ranks. They've been unified alright, and Kelly C will be the last one to realize it.

great plot from the writers/director

Kelly C knows the Harpy are masters and slaves. They talk about this fact when she first learns of them. Some slaves were happier knowing there were slaves beneath them....I believe we'd call them "house nikkas"

Sonny Corinthos

May 1, 2012
Port Charles, NY
Tommen getting checked by the Jehovas witness :snoop: Made me miss Joffery. I was like...NO WAY would Joffery allow that shyt...

I hope Jaime starts using his hand like a dagger and he becomes ill at parring sword attacks...Cause he looking mad
with the sword play, I need him to get his confidence back ASAP..

I think my nikka Terry Funk is gonna get handled by those Sand Snake bytches...Them hoes all got different weapons and it sounds like the Red Viper taught them how to scrap.

Let me find out Jon Snow can't be burned like Daenerys:ooh:.....He already was knee deep in some wildling p*ssy, ate it and everything...Not a wart or blister in sight. Got the Red witch like :shaq:... Why she mimic Ygritte tho, "you know nothing Jon Snow"...Is that supposed to remind Jon of something....Or did the lord of light get that shadow to get inside Ygritte to make Jon wanna fukk?....:ohhh:....sounds like I'm reaching, but I was thinking that shyt...I dunno:yeshrug:

fukk Joffrey....Tommen is that dude ...that's my soft King....he just wants to run up in Margery's guts 24/7. That's the type King I would be:mjcry:
May 7, 2012
Unsullied are probably dope as hell against standing armies, but using them as police in tight corridors ain't their strong suit.

Dope episode, the show is just too good :francis: in the preview it looks like Danerys came to her senses and is about to get her living Apache Helicopters back. It's all fun and games until them dragons come out

Unleash Apache Helicopters on "your" city brehs :skip:
May 7, 2012
not everybody is religious no, but enough are that most will get behind whatever movement doesnt get them killed. the sparrows seem to be the only ones who care about the smallfolk. high sparrow sitting there feeding them himself and winning their hearts. people been ready to turn on the lannisters since season 2(remember the riot on the way back from shipping out myrcella). the only reason they didnt is because they loved the tyrells and margery with her piety. but now they have loras and will expose him as a homo which will make the commoners have less love for them as well.

Yea the extremely poor will side with them and the Lannisters will always have their detractors (even in that scene, they were calling Tommen a b*stard), but like Tyrion tried to explain to Joffery (or was it Jorah to Dany?), by and large the common folks don't care about the game of thrones. They just want a full harvest and to enjoy life. These religious nuts are infringing on their ability to enjoy life (running up in brothels, emptying their barrels of wine/ale)

You cited the riddle....the answer to that riddle is that power resides where people think it resides. Tommen's problem is he doesn't know how much power he has. He has the muscle to put those clowns down. While the High Sparrow is feeding them slop, the Crown (thanks to the Tyrells) is bringing in real food to the capital, Tommen would need only remind people of that or step up awareness of that fact.


Mar 18, 2013
Yea the extremely poor will side with them and the Lannisters will always have their detractors (even in that scene, they were calling Tommen a b*stard), but like Tyrion tried to explain to Joffery (or was it Jorah to Dany?), by and large the common folks don't care about the game of thrones. They just want a full harvest and to enjoy life. These religious nuts are infringing on their ability to enjoy life (running up in brothels, emptying their barrels of wine/ale)

You cited the riddle....the answer to that riddle is that power resides where people think it resides. Tommen's problem is he doesn't know how much power he has. He has the muscle to put those clowns down. While the High Sparrow is feeding them slop, the Crown (thanks to the Tyrells) is bringing in real food to the capital, Tommen would need only remind people of that or step up awareness of that fact.

good points, but u have to consider where that real food is going. the tyrells and lannisters are not giving it away. the problem was that there wasnt even any food to sell. now they can continue to restock the markets, but the poor will only get scraps and slop from anybody. but what they get from the sparrows is also spiritual nourishment. it isnt only the poor joining them either, look at lancel. lancel is kevan lannister's heir and a knight and he has forsaken all his claims to land and riches to fight for the faith. he is not the only knight to do that even tho the show hasnt done a good job of illustrating that.

people back then were very religious in general(think back to davos' dialogue about stannis forsaking the 7 and burning those statues). maybe they didnt go to church all the time or at all, but if suddenly u have a bunch of armed christian rebels in your town that were legitimized by the queen herself, u gonna remember your "our fathers" real quick. u also might join them if u dont want to get run over by that train.

the answer to the riddle is yea, power resides where people believe. but its an illusion as well. right now, the faith inside of kings landing is growing and growing. cersei fukked up big time by legitimizing them and not nipping it in the bud. in no time, their power will grow beyond anything they can control considering the fact that tywin is dead. its gonna be interesting in kings landing.
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
Wanna get this work for spoiling? :pacspit:

people don't like to see previews for a reason, they spoil


fukk outta here with that bullshyt:camby:

Trailers are spoilers now:rudy:

Magazine articles talking about PAST events are spoilers now?:rudy:

So it would have been a spoiler for a 9 month period to say that Tywin Lannister was dead, until S5E1 when we saw him on his funeral pyre?:rudy:

Should I go back through this thread and find posts where you are discussing the pre-season trailers?
May 7, 2012
good points, but u have to consider where that real food is going. the tyrells and lannisters are not giving it away. the problem was that there wasnt even any food to sell. now they can continue to restock the markets, but the poor will only get scraps and slop from anybody. but what they get from the sparrows is also spiritual nourishment. it isnt only the poor joining them either, look at lancel. lancel is kevan lannister's heir and a knight and he has forsaken all his claims to land and riches to fight for the faith. he is not the only knight to do that even tho the show hasnt done a good job of illustrating that.

people back then were very religious in general(think back to davos' dialogue about stannis forsaking the 7 and burning those statues). maybe they didnt go to church all the time or at all, but if suddenly u have a bunch of armed christian rebels in your town that were legitimized by the queen herself, u gonna remember your "our fathers" real quick. u also might join them if u dont want to get run over by that train.

the answer to the riddle is yea, power resides where people believe. but its an illusion as well. right now, the faith inside of kings landing is growing and growing. cersei fukked up big time by legitimizing them and not nipping it in the bud. in no time, their power will grow beyond anything they can control considering the fact that tywin is dead. its gonna be interesting in kings landing.

Indeed. I wonder how long it'll take Cersei to realize arming these fanatics probably wasn't a good idea? :patrice: