#Targset may have lost a battle, but most def we will be winning the war. Salute to the old homie Barristan for putting in that work along with Greyworm against those Harpies

. We got Jorah coming back to his Queen and bringing along Sherlock Tyrion with him. You saw how quickly he deduced who Jorah was, his intellect will be of great use to Queen Khaleesi. All these Harpie goons running around is just another reason for her to bust her dragons

Stannis had his best scene of the series to me talking to his daughter, not gonna even front I got
Props to Jon Snow for being able to resist the fire witch, when she undressed

Littlefinger is creepy as hell, but I be damned if he isn't putting Sansa onto game. Sansa better just hope that Ramsay doesn't play any games in the woods with her

Bronn and Jaimie make a good tag-team pairing, but those Sand Snakes are no joke. I see the spear doesn't fall far from the tree. Shout out to my girl Indira Varma as well, had a thing for her ever since first seeing her in Luther. Bronn keeping it real as well when he hit Jamie with that "Your niece

Cersei strikes back this episode, but maybe arming religious fanatics isn't the best move.
People in incest houses shouldn't throw stones.