why did stannis kill renly so fast?
you would think he could have waited for renly to take out kings landing first
watching the series over again, I see every side made so many stupid mistakes
Taking Kings Landing would have been a major, crushing blow to any other side. Sorta the "possession is 9/10ths of the law" reasoning. Lanniester's crushed, Renly and the Tyrells as strong as ever, Robb Stark possibly bending the knee to Renly (Or maybe he keeps fighting to maintain the north as a separate kingdom, either way, it's not helping Stannis)...it would have been over.
If Renly took the throne, yeah the Lannisters are dead...but then you've got Renly, a very well liked noblemen, sitting on the throne and he still has his sizable army behind him.
Hell, many of Stannis's bannermen may have called it quits at that point...a Baratheon on the throne is a Baratheon on the throne....
But now that I think about it....was this scenario even possible? Weren't Stannis and Renly about to war with each other anyways? Renly had his people, as well as the Tyrells, Stannis wasn't about to win that battle.
Stannis's plan was sound. Kill off Renly, take his bannermen (Except for the Reach folks), sack Kings Landing....most of the realm would have considered that the end of it.
He had literally everything he needed to take the throne and completely end the war....he just wasn't counting on 1) Tyrion's excellent defense and 2) Tywin coming back like
Stannis got fukked...but he had to play that hand. No way could he just sit back and let another nicca take the throne...you've gotta be aggressive on these westeros battlefields.
From my perspective, his dumbest move was killing Robb Stark (Assuming that he gets the credit via magic). I don't think Robb was really trying to war on Stannis like that, I think Robb would have bent the knee to Stannis after he got revenge for his father. But Stannis considered him a "usurper" so....
I always say, why didn't Renly's dumb ass respect the line of succession?
He had absolutely no claim to the throne yet let that pillowbiter gas him up.
Renly dropping that ether at 1:40
Line of succession doesn't even matter...nobody wants Stannis as their king....
Gotta say...this is still one of my favorite scenes in the show (Tyrion's trial ether might have just taken the crown....

) Lot going on here....and even though he caught that L, Renly really seems to have understood 'the game' better than Stannis.