Good choice of words, cause what they're doing right now is the equivalent of fighting off gang rape.
If I was in Balon's circle I would have ratted him out to the Lannisters and get paid. Everybody going to war now and it's time to take dibs on houses, lands, and thrones. Check Balon's choices when the war starts:

Betray Robb Stark, negotiate and co-op with Tywin Lannister. Help smash Tywin's enemies and the reward will definitely be King of the Iron Lands and maybe he'll help me get most of the North or all of it. A Lannister always pays his debts right?

Stay loyal to Robb Stark, help him defeat the Lannisters and other enemies. The reward may be King of the Iron Lands (Robb was going independent himself anyway), definitely can't claim North though but helping out will put him in good favor with the Starks.

@ everybody. fukk all them, nikkas, gonna do shyt the hard way and take it the hard way. Fighting wars on all kinds of fronts. Iron price, brehs...
Guess what he chose.