That was the most etherous part of what she's one thing to lie on him, but don't twist up the actual truth ("he made me call him
my lion" "he said that I am his" etc), that's fukked up girl
I never thought she left (I had pointed out earlier in this thread that Tywin told Cersei to have her brought to the Tower of the Hand BEFORE the Royal Wedding, but neither of them seemed concerned that she was missing at the
wedding....they had to have already gotten her), so I wasn't surprised to see her testify. This may be a reach, but this casts some suspicion on Tywin, imo. He got her before the wedding, before Joffery was murdered.....what was he planning to do with her? Why didn't he kill her like he promised he would do? Unless he was in on Joffs murder. He sure seemed comfortable sitting on that throne
This also likely means Bronn sold Tyrion out. Can't be too mad at Bronn, he's a sellsword and he never let Tyrion forget he was a sellsword