great episode brehs
Got to see Braavos

the iron bank must be rolling in it. All that money they are owed by the iron throne and they STILL gave Stannis a loan. It was cool to see my man Salladoor saan too. Him and davos are the only stannisset nikkas i fukk wit.
That ironborn vs bolton scene was piff. I just wish Yara would have cut theon's throat and put him out of his misery.

theon/ramsey scenes are good from an acting standpoint but they are tough to watch from a disturbing standpoint. everytime i remember he got his dikk cut off i feel like crying.
Khaleesi is gonna see that conquering =/= ruling. Its easy to take over a city, sack it for supplies and money and keep it moving but to sit there and control the people is stressful.
That small council scene was dope. Oberyn swaggin on them while mace tyrell acting like a buffoon. Varys with the update and dumb ass tywin STILL aint concerned. Writing letters and shyt old ass scheming fakkit

. I just hope whatever letters he wrote have the same effect on boring ass Khaleesi as they did on my man Robb
Tyrion's trial

I think Dinklage dug deep for this one. Life has to be hard for a midget so im sure he pulled from his past experiences. Everybody that ever dissed him was remembered for this scene. It was too good. The ether he threw at everybody. The way he ethered cersei and shae at the same time with this sentence

GOT brehs. #freetyrion