Well Robert killed himself by drinking too much and trying to take on a boar with his
A Boar killed Robert
King Robert, the drunkest drunkard in all of westeros, is magically killed by boar, while hunting with his kings guard, as rumors start to circulate of joffrey being a b*stard
2 days ago y'all had no idea who killed jon arryn, but now all deaths are what they seem?
there is not one death on this show that is accidental
my speculation, and its obvious it went over heads, was that every death pinned against cersei could very well be littlefingers
- jon arryn poisoned
- planted the gold knife on tyrion
- told Cersei what Ned was up to and had the gold cloaks switch sides on him
shyt he prob even had a hand in trying to get tyrion killed at backwater.
But I'm somehow crazy NOT to believe that robert baratheon was killed "by accident"