Things #Targset celebrate: taking over cities, freeing slaves, having dragons
Things #LannisterSet celebrate: winning battles, sitting on the Iron Throne/ruling the Seven Kingdoms
Things #StarkSet celebrate: warging into retards, winning fights with the help of backstabbing females
Do y'all see a disparity here? There's levels to this shyt. Honestly, shytting on #StarkSet has never really been my thing, but y'all nikkas are really partying and claiming wins off this episode?
What happened to the nikkas that were tryna claim King of the North?
You're celebrating a win over a bunch of deserters drunk off wine and rape

Word? Littlefinger is the only cat that did anything of note this episode. All I was hearing was how Dany was full of herself and getting a big head(coli slang for "girls have cooties"). Now that she's deciding to finish what she started and prove she can rule before moving onto Westeros that's an L? Insecurity isn't a good look, brehs

#Targset had 5 minutes of screentime this episode yet y'all are grasping mighty hard at dem straws looking for a negative. We'll have legit Ls in the future eventually, I'm sure. Dany choosing to be a good leader isn't one of them. Y'all coming off like #StannisSet stans right now hungry for a win. Y'all got the blood of the First Men, built the wall, supported the Night's Watch, Wardens of the North, etc. Act like champions with
some pride, not Raptors fans just happy to be here