Things considered Ls for #Starkset: Ned's death, Red Wedding, Sack of Winterfell
Things considered Ls for #LannisterSet: death of Joffrey, Jamie losing his hand, Tyrion locked up twice
Things considered Ls for #StanissSet: Losing the Battle of the Blackwater, being broke, Shireen
Things considered Ls for #TargSet: Daario being recasted and not having enough "swag", governing the cities you've conquered
Y'all nikkas aren't even trying

"Dany got split ends y'all"

"How's #TargSet gonna manage this epic L?

"Dany conquered another city but her story's boring and she annoys me. Another #TargSet L

"Y'all seen Arya murk that character whose name I don't remember?

"Bran warged into Hodor to grab something off the top shelf

"Sansa hasn't done shyt but who knows she might do shyt one day. Dem lemon cakes, doe

"Jon Snow made vows to the Night's Watch which would take away any titles or connections he has to any house(even if he wasn't a b*stard
), but he's actually outchea doing something so we're gonna claim him

"#TargSet doesn't get to claim the wisest member of the Night's Watch who vouched for Jon when they were funna cut off his head tho

I can do this for days

Only thing #Targset is mad about is not getting enough screentime

They got us on semi-Rickon status right now

Not having ships was supposed to be our L remember?
We got those now
93 to be exact
Some wanna be rulers might have conquered then turned their backs
You know, the type of rulers that would make marriage pacts then marry some random broad instead of keeping their word
Honor is important to us over here, doe