Official Game of Thrones Season 4 Thread *The North Remembers*(NO SPOILERS!!)


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
The premise behind the story hasn't been cut, just the name Azor Ahai has been cut. There are a lot of prophecies and legends and foreshadowing that aren't named on the show, probably due to both time constraints and also because it would just be even more info for people to digest when they can't even keep up with character names as it is

When I watch the show, I see nothing that contradicts the books in terms of Melisandre and Stannis and Melisandre's belief in Stannis. The only difference is not explicitly stating the name. Except for one major thing.

I think you can feel safe reading this book-only material, as it all happens early in the books and has long been passed on the TV show:

In the books, Stannis wields a sword that glows and lights up and he calls it Lightbringer. This is his personal proof that he is Azor Ahai. But some people suspect it is just a trick that Melisandre is using to help gain support, and the sword isn't actually a new version of Lightbringer but rather a "glamour" (basically a magic trick). Stannis is NOT aware it is a trick, if it indeed is a trick

As a reminder, Stannis wielded that sword on the show in the Season 2 premiere.