Official Game of Thrones Season 4 Thread *The North Remembers*(NO SPOILERS!!)


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex

This pic gotta be from Season 1, right? Heck it might be from after casting, but before they started shooting Season 1.


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
I'd assume it's bece they had a certain respect for Robert Baratheon. Even moreso because that was Ned's man. It also seemed like they were left in peace, and to their own affairs. Now when punkass joffrey comes along it's problems because, well, he's a punk bastid.
Kinda how if you working somewhere and your supervisor is a cool dude and lets you slide with shyt, you'll let certain shyt rock. When his successor comes in and busts your balls over being 2 mins late, you'll find lots of shyt to get aggy over.

I can see that viewpoint. I just dont feel how people tryna act like I'm crazy here. Like dude below.

They banded behind a 14 year old kid because he was the Warden of the North and they were his bannerman. That's how it works. The whole King of the North stuff came about because the Iron Throne was under dispute and they were discussing who to pledge allegiance to. From the time Torrhen Stark bent the knee thru the early parts of Aerys II's rule, the North had no issues under Targaryen rule. Aerys II fukked that up and they rebelled. Why would you fight along the Baratheons, agree to crown Robert king of the Seven Kingdoms and then turn around and tell him you're seceding from the Seven Kingdoms?:what: What logical reason would they have at that point to want to be independent after not being independent for centuries and after rebelling and putting someone of their choosing on the throne? You wanted these cats to fight a rebellion and then turn around and fight another one if need be?:heh: What Greatjon Umber did 20 years later doesn't matter. We're gonna act like the fact we're comparing two events, under 2 completely different circumstances, 20 years apart isn't an important distinction to make? Ned and Robert were friends and raised by Jon Arryn from the age of 8, but you expected Ned to fight a rebellion alongside him and then tell him he was going home and taking nearly half the kingdom with him?:dead:

Bruh, its a war. Who the hell was Robert Baratheon to make demands to the North when he needed their alliance to win? Why couldn't Ned Stark have said "I'll help you get your revenge on the Targs but, I want the North to become Independent?" Why not? :childplease: Who do you think had more leverage here? :what: A 14 year old kid telling a royal family ALREADY on the throne that he was seceding from the Kingdom.....or The North telling the Usurper who needed their men to win that if he wanted their help, he was gonna let The North be independent :stopitslime: What could have Robert Baratheon have done? Walked away mad and left 50,000 men on the table. No, he needed them. That's leverage.

The logical reason to be independent was what the Northern lords said to Robb. They bent the knee because of DRAGONS. They bent the knee only to the TARGARYENS. Before that, nobody could get past the Twins without getting their heads smashed in. It was too fukkin cold to war up there. The North was unconquerable. Its said over and over nobody can hold The North. So if the Dragons are dead, and House Targaryen was destroyed, what reason was there for The North to follow another royal family. A royal family that can't really force their rule on The North because the only people who ever did so were those who had Dragons. See how the Dragon thing keeps coming up :what:

Im using what Greatjon Umber said, because its a sentiment the entire North shares. The idea that "we only surrendered because the Targs had dragons" didn't pop up in their heads in the last 20 years :heh: Its been there. And to me, it doesn't seem true to the characters to have that golden opportunity to that both the Dragons were gone and the family that conquered them were gone.........yet they decided not to. It would have been more realistic to have that idea be brought up in discussion but, for Ned Stark to reject it, rather than saying the idea never came to the Northern lords at all. That's unrealistic as hell. I brought it up here because it was a discussion on this same topic over on the ASOIAF forums:
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King Crimson

Member of a very exclusive gang
May 7, 2012
Has there ever been a thread made before a show's season even began with this many replies? :heh:

shyt is bananas brehs :whoo: Over 2000 replies.
Truthfully going back and forth with everyone and seeing their theories is as interesting as the show in itself. It adds.

This pic gotta be from Season 1, right? Heck it might be from after casting, but before they started shooting Season 1.
Yeah, they look wild young. Lol @ them looking like cousins.

I can see that viewpoint. I just dont feel how people tryna act like I'm crazy here. Like dude below.

Bruh, its a war. Who the hell was Robert Baratheon to make demands to the North when he needed their alliance to win? Why couldn't Ned Stark have said "I'll help you get your revenge on the Targs but, I want the North to become Independent?" Why not? :childplease: Who do you think had more leverage here? :what: A 14 year old kid telling a royal family ALREADY on the throne that he was seceding from the Kingdom.....or The North telling the Usurper who needed their men to win that if he wanted their help, he was gonna let The North be independent :stopitslime: What could have Robert Baratheon have done? Walked away mad and left 50,000 men on the table. No, he needed them. That's leverage.

The logical reason to be independent was what the Northern lords said to Robb. They bent the knee because of DRAGONS. They bent the knee only to the TARGARYENS. Before that, nobody could get past the Twins without getting their heads smashed in. It was too fukkin cold to war up there. The North was unconquerable. Its said over and over nobody can hold The North. So if the Dragons are dead, and House Targaryen was destroyed, what reason was there for The North to follow another royal family. A royal family that can't really force their rule on The North because the only people who ever did so were those who had Dragons. See how the Dragon thing keeps coming up :what:

Im using what Greatjon Umber said, because its a sentiment the entire North shares. The idea that "we only surrendered because the Targs had dragons" didn't pop up in their heads in the last 20 years :heh: Its been there. And to me, it doesn't seem true to the characters to have that golden opportunity to that both the Dragons were gone and the family that conquered them were gone.........yet they decided not to. It would have been more realistic to have that idea be brought up in discussion but, for Ned Stark to reject it, rather than saying the idea never came to the Northern lords at all. That's unrealistic as hell. I brought it up here because it was a discussion on this same topic over on the ASOIAF forums:
I hear ya. It is a logical question. Another thing I kinda pick up on though (and this is my solely my opinion), is that it didn't seem all that bad when it was seven kingdoms. There are perks to Being consolidated under one nation. I get the feeling that things weren't all that bad under the 7 Kingdom until Aerys lost his mind. I also get the feeling that things weren't bad under Robert until he bankrupted the kingdom. In the first season while talking to Cersey he says something about there being as many armies as there are nobles with money. It sounded like a new problem.

I say all that to say that maybe there were some incentives to being 7 kingdoms.


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
I hear ya. It is a logical question. Another thing I kinda pick up on though (and this is my solely my opinion), is that it didn't seem all that bad when it was seven kingdoms. There are perks to Being consolidated under one nation. I get the feeling that things weren't all that bad under the 7 Kingdom until Aerys lost his mind. I also get the feeling that things weren't bad under Robert until he bankrupted the kingdom. In the first season while talking to Cersey he says something about there being as many armies as there are nobles with money. It sounded like a new problem.

I say all that to say that maybe there were some incentives to being 7 kingdoms.

I can agree with that. That's kinda similar to the answer @Scott Summers gave. I can see how they might have thought that way.

I'm just saying, this is a valid question too. When I look at those cold hard gangster ass dudes up North, I can easily see them telling Ned Stark during the War: "Yo, son....when all the Targaryens are dead, we need to break away from these nikkas" :camby:
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
@Malik your whole premise seems to be resting on some sort of notion that the North had been itching for sovereignty during the entire Targaryen rule. When you live a certain way long enough you become accustomed to it. Your points would be valid if at ANY point in in the Targ era before the Mad King, even once, the North had attempted to rebel or even discussed rebelling. But there was never even a sniff of it. So you are attempting to place ideas and desires in their minds that weren't there.

Why would they have any issue with Robert Baratheon on the throne when they were the ones that put him there? That is the logical question, not the one you are proposing.

Now, years later, Robert is dead, 3 different Baratheons are claiming the throne including a b*stard born one that everyone knows is a Lannister which the North did not appoint to the throne. At this point in time, the North no longer believes they have a true king. They didn't want Stannis, they didn't want Renly, and Joffrey had no rightful claim. This is where the rebellion for independence finally takes shape.

You are creating conversations in your head then wondering why they didn't act on these conversations that didn't happen


If Your Knee Dont Bend It Can Be Broken
May 2, 2012
The Wall

Thank You for my new Avy Breh

i cant root for stannis cause even tho i admit he is an honorable dutiful man and the heir to the throne by law as it stands, i cant condone him teaming up with a witch or trying to burn his nephew or killing his brother or the way he talks about his big brother. just seems like a salty and bitter ass dude to me. i rather see danarys get it. plus the fact he declared the starks his enemies just because the north declared its independence. nikka put a hex on my man robb :to:

if danarys gets to westeros and makes peace with the starks, i dont mind pledging allegiance as long as we remain kings in the north. stannis wouldnt let that rock tho, he would break before he bends.

if neither of them wants us to keep our independence, come see us at the neck bytches. dragons have been killed by men before and we have a warg on the team :jawalrus:

Breh you havent been paying attention @satam55 posted this video about Stannis already but you must have missed it

You cant watch this video and still hate Stannis it's IMPOSSIBLE like her I blame HBO for fukking up Stannis character he really should be looked at like Ned Stark was.

Watching season 1 again I'm watching Ned movements and demeanor someone please tell me what is the diffrence between Ned and Stannis? When you look at their character and what they believe in they are the SAME EXACT PERSON. I dont understand the hate for Stannis here wait I do HBO directors:pacspit:

I was watching the Baelor episode from season 1 and when Robert dies the biggest mistake Ned made was not telling everyone in that room (Robert,Ser Barristan,Cersei, Renly) while he was alive what he discovered. When Ned is in the dungeon having talks with Varys I love that conversation

Varys-"I must ask what madness possessed you to let the queen know you knew her secret?" :usure:

Ned="Mercy. I didnt want her childrens blood on my hands":to:

Varys-" The children always suffer along with the innocents.What about your daughters? They will let you take the black if you say you were lying and you can save your life":ehh:

Ned-"You think I care about my life? To live a couple more years of this?You grew up with actors I grew up with soldiers I learned how to die a long time ago":banderas:

Varys-"Ned Stark always the honorable. A pity":ufdup::camby:

I cant front that was some real G shyt Ned said in them dungeons:salute:


Mar 18, 2013
Thank You for my new Avy Breh

Breh you havent been paying attention @satam55 posted this video about Stannis already but you must have missed it

You cant watch this video and still hate Stannis it's IMPOSSIBLE like her I blame HBO for fukking up Stannis character he really should be looked at like Ned Stark was.

Watching season 1 again I'm watching Ned movements and demeanor someone please tell me what is the diffrence between Ned and Stannis? When you look at their character and what they believe in they are the SAME EXACT PERSON. I dont understand the hate for Stannis here wait I do HBO directors:pacspit:

I was watching the Baelor episode from season 1 and when Robert dies the biggest mistake Ned made was not telling everyone in that room (Robert,Ser Barristan,Cersei, Renly) while he was alive what he discovered. When Ned is in the dungeon having talks with Varys I love that conversation

Varys-"I must ask what madness possessed you to let the queen know you knew her secret?" :usure:

Ned="Mercy. I didnt want her childrens blood on my hands":to:

Varys-" The children always suffer along with the innocents.What about your daughters? They will let you take the black if you say you were lying and you can save your life":ehh:

Ned-"You think I care about my life? To live a couple more years of this?You grew up with actors I grew up with soldiers I learned how to die a long time ago":banderas:

Varys-"Ned Stark always the honorable. A pity":ufdup::camby:

I cant front that was some real G shyt Ned said in them dungeons:salute:

i cant front, stannis is a very dutiful man and would make a fair and just king. but the difference between him and ned is that when renly told ned to kidnap the kids and take joffrey away from the queen, ned said no but stannis wouldnt even need to be told that. even the convo u put, ned told the queen so she could take the kids away, stannis would have imprisoned the queen and probably told robert so they could both hang the b*stard kids and jamie lannister. stannis is a different type of honorable. ned is like scarface. "women and kids :whoa:" and stannis is like marlo stanfield "women, kids, the dogs and the fish :demonic:".

i read the books so it isnt the show that has me feeling that way, its him putting a hex on robb, killing his brother renly, burning people alive for this new demon god and forsaking the gods he was named under, and even thinking about sacrificing his own nephew to the flames. ned wouldnt have done none of that shyt so u cant say they are the same guy.
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
^^^I don't understand the hate for Stannis for taking on the Red God either. Arya and Jaqen H'agar killed 3 people in the name of the Red God and were cheered. Stannis burns some sigils of the 7 (p.s. motherfukk the 7) and he is supposed to be evil? Thoros of Myr resurrects Beric Dondarrion like 9 times in the name of the Red God, but Stannis is evil? Beric Dondarrion is a OG and saw the power in fire and accepted it and he is a hero to the story but Stannis aint?


Mar 18, 2013
^^^I don't understand the hate for Stannis for taking on the Red God either. Arya and Jaqen H'agar killed 3 people in the name of the Red God and were cheered. Stannis burns some sigils of the 7 (p.s. motherfukk the 7) and he is supposed to be evil? Thoros of Myr resurrects Beric Dondarrion like 9 times in the name of the Red God, but Stannis is evil? Beric Dondarrion is a OG and saw the power in fire and accepted it and he is a hero to the story but Stannis aint?

yea but none of those are making innocent sacrifices to the red god except stannis. they are using the red god for revenge on evil folks like the mountain. stannis is over here considering burning his own nephew and using red magic to kill his own brother instead of facing him in open field.


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
^^^I don't understand the hate for Stannis for taking on the Red God either. Arya and Jaqen H'agar killed 3 people in the name of the Red God and were cheered. Stannis burns some sigils of the 7 (p.s. motherfukk the 7) and he is supposed to be evil? Thoros of Myr resurrects Beric Dondarrion like 9 times in the name of the Red God, but Stannis is evil? Beric Dondarrion is a OG and saw the power in fire and accepted it and he is a hero to the story but Stannis aint?

no one cares that he burned some sigils. it's the demonic blood-magic shyt