starks a weak house? maybe a little history will change that outlook.
when the first men landed on westeros we fought with the children of the forest and their magic for years until they had no choice but to give up and become our allies against the white walkers. the starks built that wall, that alliance, and the nights watch.
when the andals landed and took over westeros, only one kingdom withstood their attack. thats why only the north has blood of the first men and worships the old gods. we didnt bow down to the andals and their 7 gods.
when aegon the conqueror landed, we knelt, but he who kneels lives to rise another day. wiser and stronger. aegon recognized the starks loyalty to their bannermen which they showed by not throwing their lives away against dragons, and he gave them the north. they have been wardens of the north ever since then.
the north is vast and wild and no man can tame it, but every northman from the neck up to the hill clans like the flints and norreys and even the wildlings beyond the wall know and respect one family. the starks.
winter is coming my friends, and we are the kings of winter. do not forget.