Exactly. Ned says that Dayne was the greatest OF ALL TIME....and Ned lived. No one said he could beat Dayne 1 on 1, that would be silly. But how many people are calling Jamie the GOAT? Zero. Its a different ballgame.
Jamie himself acknowledges that Barristan and the Mountain are better than him, so Jamie isnt even top 2 currently in his own mind despite being the cockiest by far.
And Im fukking retarded for saying Ned would beat him? Where is the evidence for Jamie's undefeatable greatness? All I see is him yapping his mouth. Meanwhile I see Ned overthrowing a whole kingdom and being the only survivor of a battle against 3 kingsguard led by the GOAT (Howland Reed dont count, we know the crannogmen aint about that sword life he probably survived through trickery).
@Mikey2Toes up in here making my whole point about the Jay-Z comparison. Yell it loud enough and people believe you. There aint no question that healthy Jamie was top tier. But to underestimate Ned to the point of calling someone fukking retarded is laughable. The one time the two had a showdown a fakkit with a spear decided to play for Jamie.
@southsideblk the thing you seem to be ignoring is that Jon and Robb have been training their whole lives for swordfighting. You keep putting "with training" in bold letters like there is some sort of super training that could put them on Jamie's level.
You right. I'm wrong for being so disrespectful, for sure. Maybe I think Jaime is better than he really is/was. We'll never know which is a shame. Ned had to be incredible with the sword, for sure. Him being a part of the team that won at the Tower of Joy is better than any accomplishment Jaime has, definitely, especially surviving.
Dunno why I've never been high on Ned's ability. Another reason why we need a Robert's Rebellion prequel