as a show watcher, i give the episode a 8/10. as a book reader maybe a 6/10.
-stannis getting to the wall was well executed
-lannisters taking Ls is always a pro
-arya is headed to braavos
-bran is gonna learn his true powers
-stannis getting to the wall was well done, but fukk how u gonna tell us all season the wildlings have 100,000 man army and then show like 20 dudes with mance and have that battle be over in 20 seconds

-leaving out tyrion and jamie's conversation before he helped him escape was a mistake to me and leaves too many questions as to why tyrion would risk freedom to go see tywin.
-the hound and arya leaving the eerie like nothing is kind of dumb to me too
-they made the 3 eyed raven look like an old man who got stuck in a tree instead of how he really looks
that plus the whole fireball shooting children of the forest and skeleton army was a little too corny for me. could have easily had bran and company get attacked by a white walker like sam and then have the children stab it with an obsidian dagger or shoot obsidian arrows at it.
still, i hate to sound like a book fakkit. it was good. show is still GOAT status to me.