The Prince of All Saiyans
Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
suck my dikk then easy enoughAnyway, it doesn't make sense to me, but if it prevents further complaining in here, I'm more okay with that.
Who cares if you read the books.
suck my dikk then easy enoughAnyway, it doesn't make sense to me, but if it prevents further complaining in here, I'm more okay with that.
Who cares if you read the books.
suck my dikk then easy enough
rofl seriuously need to watch your muthafukking mouth breh.
rofl oh.
shut the fukk up.yeah oh is right nikka and what?!
shut the fukk up.
don't wanna go back and forth you defending yr man
lol keyboard warrior about what? i'm the one saying shut the fukk up about parentageYou sound like a bytch. Continue to be a p*ssy ass keyboard warrior. And given the fact that you out of the loop and dont know you disrespecting a female. Its you who needs to shut the fukk up and get a clue, because your thinking and assessments is off.
Here's a little fun fact for you guys that dont know this...
Stannis/Robert/Renly's Father was a guy named Steffon Baratheon, his parents were an unamed Lord Baratheon and a woman by the name of Rhaelle Targaryen.
So yeah, technically, Stannis/Robert/Renly are the blood of the dragon as well, ironic right? This usurper is Dany's cousin, and not even a really distant relative either. I thought you guys might've enjoyed that, it was one of the platforms Robert used to place himself on the Iron Throne. Its not really mentioned in the show at all
lol keyboard warrior about what? i'm the one saying shut the fukk up about parentage
it still adds up to certain shyt you dumb fukk
lol where it got me? it got me some weirdo simp who i've never even seen in this thread saying "watch your mouth"Did i stutter muthafukka?
lmaoooooooo at your hoe ass trying to deflect, you made a muthafukka statement to and i called you on your shyt. BOTTOMLINE. dont try and mosey out the shyt "im saying this", no you call yourself, catching feeling like a female on her period and respond the way you did, now look where it got you.
I went over that a few pages ago. Keep up breh
imma need some quotes breh
Maester Aemon's brother was Aegon V Targaryen, aka Aegon the Unlikely, aka Egg
Aegon V's grandson was the Mad King, so like stated above, Maester Aemon is the Mad King's great uncle
Interestingly enough, the Baratheon brothers are Aegon V's great grandsons
So Maester Aemon is also the great uncle of Stannis, Renly, and Robert Baratheon
The Baratheon family name came from a b*stard brother to Aegon the Conquerer, that is what you are referring to
But my connection still stands
Egg's 4th child was a girl named Rhaelle. Rhaelle married an unknown Baratheon male. Their first child was Steffon Baratheon, father to Robert Stannis and Renly
So Maester Aemon is just as closely related to Stannis as he is to Daenerys, but Daenerys is part of the royal line of succession while the Baratheon brothers are not
Now, you can stop reading here if you want because I'm about to get confusing, but let me drop some moreknowledge
Hundreds of years ago was the "Dance of Dragons" which was a civil war within the Targ dynasty regarding succession of the throne. The King had named his daughter heir, but because she was a woman her brother made a claim instead and started the war. I'm not gonna go into the details, but at the end of the war it was decided that male heirs would always take precedence over female heirs in the event of problem with the line of succession such as a branch in the family tree all dying out. This male preference included cousins. So now that Viserys was murdered by Khal Drogo, I could make an argument that since Dany is the only Targ left on the Mad King's branch and she is a female, that Robert Baratheon was the rightful heir to the throne even without having laid claim to it after his rebellion. I can further that argument and state that Stannis is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne both as an act of conquering by Robert and as part of the royal Targaryen bloodline even with Dany alive
EDIT: If you haven't read the books, do not search for a Targaryen family tree for help visualizing the confusion. Just a warning.
Well, I said I would argue it but I'm not sure I would win the argument
Pretending Robert's Rebellion never happened but we were still left with only a living Dany and Robert, if Robert laid claim to the throne by blood right he might have enough of a case to at least bring it to a Great Council for ruling.
The argument against it would be that yes, Dany is a female and therefore at the bottom of the totem pole, but Robert was birthed out of the female line of the Targaryens so his grandmomma Targ has no right to the royal bloodline either.
Dany would probably win the Great Council ruling, unless they found out the only kid she could birth was a cursed demon![]()
lol where it got me? it got me some weirdo simp who i've never even seen in this thread saying "watch your mouth"