All Star
Other people already have, that's what makes it so ridiculous. Better than "LOTR"?
And for the record I'd take "GoT" over "LOTR" any day of the week, but battle-wise? It's no contest. This shyt was impressive....very impressive on a TV budget. But it's a TV budget version of any of the battles from that trilogy.
This is The Booth equivalent of calling an album classic literally 10 minutes after the first time it's heard. Even the complaint of "well I prefer this, because you knew LOTR characters wasn't gonna die" doesn't make any sense. Both of these are based on books, you could know who was gonna die or not years in advance for both.
What battle in LOTR was better than this one? Because, IMO, Helm's Deep and Minas Tirith, while awesome battles, don't carry the same weight.
In this episode, we were familiar with characters on both sides of the conflict, the violence was gorier than anything allowed in LOTR, and the one-on-one conflicts were better (the only one that stands out to me in LOTR is Aragorn vs Lurtz). Just because it had a bigger budget and more CGI doesn't make it a better battle. Rush Hour 3 had a bigger budget than The Raid, but which one had better martial arts scenes?