OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19


The #1 Rated Mixtape of all Time
Jun 20, 2014
She can't have children.
They beat that horse to death, but guess who said that the witch's prophecy could be BS? Jon Snow, the most powerful character in the entire series. Even if Dany herself said she cant have children because of modern medicine, Jon's word trumps that.


Tell me moar
May 1, 2012
A few Floors Down from the Daily Grind
None of that was handled well though.
She has been disrespected a million times before. She also had a pretty extended chunk of time between her dragon and Missandei being killed and the moment when she was sitting on top of that building in King's Landing seeing that she just easily scored the W but decideing to just say "fukk it" and burn everything down.

The moment when Dany decided to burn it all down came across as unearned because it made zero sense. What was the inciting incident that made her decide to murder an entire city in that moment? She had easily won the weak ass battle. Cersei had given up. The soldiers had surrendered and the people were cowering at her feet. So what in that instant tipped her over the edge? Because it wasn't shown to us.

Dany could have just as easily flown up to the Red Keep and burned it to the ground with Cersei in it instead of indiscriminately killing all the white trash of KL. That would have been seen as "mad" by the standards of this show and that would have made sense within the confines of what we had seen on the screen up to that point.

That bowl cut having bytch killed Dany's dragon and her best friend so Dany deciding that Cersei doesn't get to surrender would have been a believable moment (that satisfied viewers since it would have been a more fitting end for Cersei than what we got) and would have still allowed the show to do the "Mad Queen" story. Tyrion would turn on her. Jon would turn on her. Jaime would want her dead. Everyone would be justifiably angry that she ignored the ringing of the bells and she would have to explain her behavior. But now we have an artificial villain in Dany set up to do battle with Jon Snow and the rest of The Starks and the whole thing just feels hollow.
Breh, go rewatch that scene where she lands and the bells are going off.

That’s the best acting Clarke has done in 3 seasons.

That bytch got her first real taste of burning shyt, not just a train of supplies, not just some slavers....she got to finally, FINALLY rolls up on Kings Landing, the place her “birth right” was “taken” from the place where her father was the place where Cersi was hiding after killing one of her babies and beheading her best a place crawling with people who didn’t love her, who didn’t trust her, who would only fear her.....and she saw that shyt, she saw that she had won, and she went balls deep in that victory lap, riding high on blood lust.

That’s was 8 seasons of frustration pouring out in dragon fire Breh.

That shyt was fantastic lmao.


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
They gonna have to move the capital to Highgarden because they cant fix all that shyt in her lifetime. Not to mention she killed the workforce.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012


old pig

Nov 12, 2017

See y'all next Sunday btw :salute:

I’m just glad the shyt will be over @ this point smh...I went from “I’m gonna miss this show when it goes off the air” to “hurry up and get this shyt off my tv”...I’m gonna need to marathon seasons 1-4 ASAP to rid myself of the stench of this last season


Mar 13, 2014
Once the bells rang, Dany should have flew to the red keep and burned it down. Tyrion and Jon still have a reason to turn on her because of the collateral damage caused and she goes mad out of lust for revenge without completely burning an entire city down for no reason at all.

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
I’m just glad the shyt will be over @ this point smh...I went from “I’m gonna miss this show when it goes off the air” to “hurry up and get this shyt off my tv”...I’m gonna need to marathon seasons 1-4 ASAP to rid myself of the stench of this last season
i'll still miss it :yeshrug: even the spoilers thread doing heavy numbers :mjlol: gonna be an essential forum thread by weeks end


Ni**as Still Weird - Me
Apr 12, 2017

It's why I keep saying I don't envy them at all. They are not as talented as GRRM is, but GRRM has no idea how to finish shyt. Those books are NEVER coming out. Accept that shyt and move on with your lives -- in that regard. It's not that he's lazy. He's able to finish other projects and books, easily. It's that by the rules and logic of his own epic in scope story, he can't bring the endgame (characters) together in a way that makes sense. He's stuck. He has been for years and probably always will be. A lot of this is his fault.

In turn, every decision the writers make without the source material backing it comes under hyper-scrutinization. Like, imagine if the books ran out in season 3, and season 4 played out exactly the same. People would be out for blood if Oberryn died the same way without the books as a reference. Hell, I was and it came from the books.

I also can't really fault them or the actors for wanting to do other things. Some of the actors literally grew up on the show. Literally have seen them come from little kids to doing sex scenes and shyt.

Seasons 7 and 8 was not enthralling or captivating television by any measure, but I thoroughly enjoyed the ride overall when I think about the full journey. When I started binge watching the first season after it aired, I would've never imagined this show would become such an integral part of my life in terms of entertainment. :wow:
This us actually facts. I think people forget he still has TWO books to finish. The first one was supposed to be done 4 years ago. These books ain't coming out for at least a couple more years and the last one won't be out in the next 6-7 years. The ending by then will be very different. Ending a story is difficult as hell and very few shows have ever done it great. I think with TV they try so hard to go out a on a big bang and no be predictable that they fukk themselves. We all knew how Avengers Endgame was gonna end for the most part but alot of us still loved it because of how we got there and how it was done. GOT fukked this shyt up badly and another reason so many people are pissed...WE WAITED 2 YEARS FOR 6 EPISODES ONLY TO GET THIS shyt. :snoop:


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
The "not making sense" thing is much more about the whys and hows than the whats of the story.

Dany burned and killed people that betrayed her, opposed her or stood in her way of being a good/different kind of ruler she was never a mass murderer nor felt compelled to kill innocent people. She showed mercy from Season 1 when the Dothraki were raping and destroying towns and even got in trouble for that. I would buy her becoming mad like her father if HOW she got there made more sense. I'm pretty sure GRMM's idea is to make her go crazy too. But this was so plot driven that if felt forced as hell. Varys and Tyrion didn't fail to reign her in, they were the MAIN reason everything went to shyt and her life was in shambles.

We just saw how destructive Drogon is. From day 1 Dany wanted to go to King's Landing, burn the Red Keep and get rid of Cercei. Now we know that would've taken her 10 minutes. The show made it a thing to destroy Tyrion's intelligence by making him take retarded decision after retarded decision just so Dany's forces would get depleted and we could feel there was a level playing field between her and Cercei...turns out that none of that even mattered because Drogon obliterated the entire city with the quickness anyways :pachaha:

Tyrion NEVER loved Cercei, he only cared for Jaime because he was good to him when nobody else was. He despised her sister, over and over again. He promised her he would hurt her if he had the chance. But when the story needed him to stop Dany, Tyrion had to trust Cercei a bunch of times and be made a fool. Now not only that happens, but now we have to believe he cares for her to live to the point of sending Jamie to rescue her? :dead: Tyrion didn't give a single fukk about his family when he killed his fukking father for being an a$$hole to him and fukking his girl but he's all about family now? :dahell:

She killed the Tarleys for not bending the knee. She told the slaves to rebel against their masters then allowed them to mutilate and crucify them, everything she did in Qarth (OK Qarth was justifiable). She killed the dude she bought the Unsullied from. Mereen was is complete disarray. And all of the innocent Dothraki that she locked in a hut and set on fire. She's been a savage. And she let them give her brother a golden crown. Half of the people she burned, she didn't have to. You can't gloss over her actions, regardless of how you interpret her intentions. It always came down to "serve me or die."

She had no diplomacy. Tyrion and Varys were all about diplomacy and uniting the 7 kingdoms. Everything they advised her to do was how to execute with minimum damage. Her army were mindless soldiers and savages, outsiders, and she would've had to fight the other 6 kingdoms. They explained that. So all of Tyrion's decisions were about maintaining the peace, not dumb. His war strategy was a good one, BUT Euron was a wildcard that no one saw coming; he came out of nowhere with presents for Cersei and that's how he got in. Jamie even said that Tyrion made a good strategy, but Jamie just ended up using Robb's strategy. As for going to the north, that was ALL Dany. All Tyrion said was let them have the dragonglass, and gain him as an ally. That was Dany's decision to go to go follow some new-D. From there, it went to let's see if Cersei will help.

Tyrion doesn't hate Cersei, and he didn't hate Tywin. He was all about family when Tywin was constantly belittling him, making him seem like less a man, he didn't deserve to live, etc. Tywin was cruel but cared about the family name, his children were a part of that. If Tyrion killed Shae, the woman he loved, and Pop Dukes, all in one night (crime of passion), how is it not possible that he did care about family? If Shae hadn't been in Tywin's bed, Tywin would've been able to talk him out of everything. That's also why Tyrion has admittedly been tormented. Everything Tyrion did was to gain his father's approval, and acceptance. Tywin was never gonna let Tyrion be executed. He went to Cersei numerous times when he was supposed to die. He wasn't close to her, but he still cared for her. And she cared for him. Hell, any one of them could've killed each other at any time, and none ever did. Nothing even happened to Jamie for breaking Tyrion out, cause their father to be killed. Even her ploy to send Bronn was a bluff, because she knew he was close to them.


Ni**as Still Weird - Me
Apr 12, 2017
Once the bells rang, Dany should have flew to the red keep and burned it down. Tyrion and Jon still have a reason to turn on her because of the collateral damage caused and she goes mad out of lust for revenge without completely burning an entire city down for no reason at all.
In her own words during season 7 "My enemies are in the Red Keep":francis: