OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19

May 7, 2012
Tyron clearly said if the bells start ringing it means surrender and the people will open the walls and cast Cersei out

Not to mention golden company was died and she was standing over the Lannister army who had they swords in the ground.

Her turning up even more made greyworm turn up and it was all she wrote

I know Tyrion said that....but Cersei didn't actually surrender. That's my point. Civilians don't have the authority to surrender lol

They were running scared, they weren't casting Cersei out.


Nov 19, 2016
People just complaining for the sake of it now. GoT never been about fairy tale endings.

Episode was nice, only thing that didn't make sense is how the scorpions became useless all of a sudden after being so devastating last week :what:

Writers some idiots.

All in all Daenerys just showed her true self. We all knew #targset never been 100% in the head :manny:

Jon's simp ways caused the death of a million innocents :francis:

Is she still your queen you fakkit? :mjlol:

Time for the true Starks - Arya, Bran, Sansa to deal with the mad queen :ehh:
#starkset #wolfgang, we the 7 kingdoms last hope :wow:
nah, I can't shyt on our brother Snow Man. He didn't ask for any of this just like Ned never asked for any of what consumed him.

Baratheon, Lannisters, Targaryens, all these houses are the same nonsense :hhh: #starkset is the only gang who can never have their morals questioned at the end of the day :wow: we just get caught up in the fukkery and ultimately have to clean up the mess :banderas:


All Star
Oct 27, 2014
I'm fine with the Dany stuff. She didn't even really go mad, she just gave into her worst impulses. Perfectly understandable given her best friends and dragon's death and the terrible advice Tyrion has given her lately.

I feel they fukked up Jaime's arc by not having him redeem himself by killing Cersei to protect innocent people or even Tyrion. It would have been a nice echo to his original sin (killing the mad king), and closed his character out a lot better.

jamie was supposed to be azor ahai :damn:

but he got crushed by some rocks :troll:


Aug 18, 2014
You think Jamie put a b*stard in Big Brea, and thats how they will carry on the Lannister name? Cause no fukking way the imp survives this shyt.

:russ:Tywin took so much pride in his linage and ensuring the next generation carried on the Lannister name. Bet homie is rolling in his grave, his house is fukking finished.


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
Right, people forget that they dared her to do this and she did it, what is she supposed to be on some captain America shyt and let Cersi pull a villian move and hide behind a defenseless soccer mom or kid or in this case a whole city?

naw, Cearsi got them people killed not Dany

People saying dany's heel turn happend too fast, no it didnt she been a heel for a while now, all that shyt she done seen in the last two episodes is more than enough reasons let alone the rapes and shyt she went through, naw this world made her a heel a long time before they killed that 2nd dragon

Right, she never needed all them people, thats why I said from the jump, there is no way an army can stop 3 dragons, and every army that took out one ended up dead anyway. You have to be a arrogant fool to think that it was a good idea to go to war with a highly trained army of killers and a fukking dragon.

Sometimes people have to be sacrificed for the greater cause. it aint like any of them actually cared about anything other than power, why should Dany?

She been burning everyone who opposed her for like 5 seasons, but now she is "Mad" naw, she is who she always has been.

But it would have been ok for Arya to kill Cearsi while she was pregnant and is no real threat to her?

These narratives online are like you said weird

Welp, she went mad.
":cape:B b but remember when he hanged the guys who stabbed him to death? Or killed people in the battle of the b*stards?

:cape: the brilliant writers anticipated this he was always a mad king brehs

You don't see the seeds breh!:damn::damn:the seeeeeeds"
Remember when Jon and Sansa made Ramsey's own dogs eat him alive?



Rrrrremember when Arya made Lord Frey eat his own son's into a pie she baked!!!


:manny: She always has been breh. The people who her family ruled did not want her or here family. That is why they rebelled in the first place. The fact that she wants to conquer a place that doesn't want her makes her a tyrant.
That's every house in another part of Westeros then. Unwanted rulers didn't start or end with Dany. Hell, they didn't even start or end with the Targaryen Dynasty given how Westeros was in an eternal struggle when the 7 kingdoms were seperate. All Aegon did was consolidate them under his rule. He conquered and then brought peace to the land, and even accepted their religion, culture, and heraldry.

Hell, a good portion of the great rival houses of Westeros turned on each other and supported Aegon to gain favor with him during Aegon's Conquest.



All Star
Oct 27, 2014
nah, I can't shyt on our brother Snow Man. He didn't ask for any of this just like Ned never asked for any of what consumed him.

Baratheon, Lannisters, Targaryens, all these houses are the same nonsense :hhh: #starkset is the only gang who can never have their morals questioned at the end of the day :wow: we just get caught up in the fukkery and ultimately have to clean up the mess :banderas:

#starkset isn't the same with sansa in charge. bish is a demon.


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
What ever happened to the little girl that Varys had on the secret mission, obviously going to do something to Dany. I know that D&D know the ending that GRRM told them, the very best thing that they could do right now to honor the loyal book readers, and GRRM's source material is to come up with their own ending, to prevent the show from butchering anymore of the source material. I'm not saying they are complete hacks, because they did a good job spreading the word of this fukking awesome series, but the folks that have stuck it out with GRRM all these fukking years deserve an ending that isn't rushed just because D&D are sick of it and want to start Star Wars.


Aug 6, 2012
nah, I can't shyt on our brother Snow Man. He didn't ask for any of this just like Ned never asked for any of what consumed him.

Baratheon, Lannisters, Targaryens, all these houses are the same nonsense :hhh: #starkset is the only gang who can never have their morals questioned at the end of the day :wow: we just get caught up in the fukkery and ultimately have to clean up the mess :banderas:
You did see that there starks and other northern houses soldiers were also killing and raping people they dont look like there cleaning up anything .


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
They rushed the "everything she lost" role via silly plotlines and bad millitary decisions just so she could go mad. That's cheap. What made the dragons and all of her might more succeptable to failure in Westeros than what she experienced in Essos? Was it the giant crossbows that she forgot about when "Forgot about the iron fleet"? <---As the producers pointed out.

Instead of getting a personal kill shot on Cersei and the Lannister army, she burns every man, woman, and child, when her whole character arc has been based on being the "Merciful" Conqueror? The same missa missa who chained up her dragons under the mere ssuspicion that it killed a man's child. Westeros took alot from her for sure, but most of it was via bad decisions and her taking heed to leadership that failed her. You could say most of her L's took place in The North if you wanna go that route. Yet half of those folks she listened to, are still alive, while every man, woman, and child who she had no interpersonal beef with, got fried. That's forcing the Mad Queen arc without killing any beloved character's(Ahem!! The Starks!! Tyrion!!)

But even if her heel happening this quickly is justifiable, why didn't she sack KL literally right after they sliced Missandeis head off? How much time did they really need to sack kings landing if their intent was to make it a slaughterfest anyways? They literally supressed the madness for one more epsiode, even though there were no more developing details between last Sunday and this Sunday that would/should/could pushed her to madness this week. They literally had her sit and listen to Tyrion's council this episode just to be like "screw it". You pointed out how she lost everything, but why does she then decide to go mad once she secured a Victory? She finally has her first military victory pretty much since last season when they roasted Tarly/Lannister army.

Why not kill Tyrion right there and then if she already lost her wits and made the decision to burn KL the night they executed Varys? Why keep Tyrion around to keep fumbling the ball and keep getting chance after chance? Why not just end his arc there and then? Kill Tyrion to add intrigue to Sansas plotline towards the end. Hell why not kill Arya to add even more juicyness?

They could at least let her sit the iron throne first to show the differences in ruling, heraldry, tradition, etc, etc, between Essos and Westeros. They didn't even showcase how Westeros and KL would deal with the return of a Targaryen monarch to the throne. Why have her burn hundreds of years of Targaryen lineage to the ground, even though her whole arc was at least partly based on knowing "Who she was" lineage-wise.. I mean, I guess you can say she broke the wheel, but c'mon.

We all knew she was eventually going to have a heel, but to do it im such a unnecessarily rushed, forced and brutal way was cheap.

One doesnt decide to go mad, that shyt kinda just happens you know? she didnt intend to to do anything until after she confirmed Jon wasnt ride or die, that was her last hope. and just seeing the red keep made her say fukk this

At this point I need that troll cliff hanger ending.:yeshrug:
I hope they dont resolve anything,but just leave a million plot threads hanging for twitter to rage over.:mjlit:

That is the ending the show and viewers deserve.
Sansa/Jon in the Norf, Dany/Grey Worm/Tyrion down south. Beef between both sides.
The Games never stop being played. The wheels keep turning.

I agree, that better than Dany getting betrayed by jon on some I did this for the people shyt and its better than Arya the hero coming back to kill her cause its needed to be done.. naw I hope the show ends on some '97 episode of Nitro, one of them Citidel nikkas thats been roaming the streets since season 6 be like "thats all the time we have for this week folks, we have to sign off, while Jon, Dany and whoever they bring back for a surprise return standing in the iron throne about to face off. Then have a message saying to be continued in the books which have secretly been finished and realeased the next day
These nerds deserve it for shytting on this season

Breh I have been feasting on cac tears for the last hour. You know how serious they take this shyt, watching their YouTube reviews has been:mjlol:. Some of them are saying there is a remake seasons 8 petition out, I haven’t heard of that.

entitled as fukk, it is no where near that serious


May 1, 2012
If they were going to make the night king and the white walker threat so pointless they should have wrapped that shyt up last season. Then this season should have focused completely on Dany going crazy to make it not seem so dramatic and rushed.

They literally wasted half of this season on some shyt that most people probably forgot about already.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
But they showcased a member of her army about to brutally rape a woman, and showcased Jon heroically saving her. Why would they show this if it was "High time dany needed to do what needed to be done". They wanted to showcase her madness, and that's what it was. Nothing more, nothing less.
That was one of Jon's own men from The North.