OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
yeah, as someone said, its a good spectacle but everything should been better built up.

Dany fully becoming who she was destined to be. mad.
she been slaughtering her way to where she is...why stop now when youre right there.

Kings Landing deservedly going down in flames.
fukk them and their bell after they were baying with baited breath for the death of the good brother Ned Stark.

i enjoyed seeing people react to Cersai not getting this death people wanted for her.
in a way it kind of made sense how she died though. Tyrion was an idiot and Jamie just goofy this episode.

they did my guy Varys dirty. ".....xo xo Gossip Girl."
i don't like how they got him out of here man. one of the smartest guys in the show and he goes like that.

the Starks are idiots.

Jons really is a dull, charmless, people pleaser. haven't really cared about him since he got resurrected.
hopefully he kills Dany then someone kills him or he goes to be with the wildings.

the Hound


it would have tool 2 more season for all this build up people wanted,

Just listened to another review and the author offered an interesting catch.

Did anyone else deduce Varys was using Martha, the little bird, to poison Daenerys' food?

I remember watching that scene but I totally missed that is what he was up to.

maybe thats why he was trying to get that girl to make her eat.. i think that would be weak tho, its possible and would make sense but I would be so disapointed

You think Jamie put a b*stard in Big Brea, and thats how they will carry on the Lannister name? Cause no fukking way the imp survives this shyt.

next episode will see the fate of jon and tyrion, I dont think Jon will bend the knee anymore and I dont thikn arya will let all that death and destruction slide she might try to get revenge for them families

however I wouldnt be mad if that was her character riding off into the sunset. like fukk all this shyt, these people crazy
fukk Jamie, fukk Tyrion, fukk Cercei. We got eight seasons of Cersei being Cersei, and she gets a tragically romantic ending in the arms of Jaime (who should have been dead after that first stab wound). Cercei did not earn that ending . I was really hoping he would stab or choke her or something when they were in the map room.

I cannot even be mad at Dany at this point. Dany basically saw two of her children and best friend killed right in front of her . fukk EVERYTHING! But Dany's reputation as a fearless and ruthless but ultimately humane queen ruined by her torching a city AFTER THEY SURRENDERED. And she torches innocent women and children yet doesn't torch Cersei who's standing out in the open on a balcony. WHAT IS THAT ALL ABOUT???:patrice:

I think Arya has one new name on her list.......Arya might be the one kill Dany :patrice:

Also, way to live up to the hype, Golden Company. The Houston Rockets are disappointed in you.:hhh:

Jon Snow being a total spineless bytch who stands around looking confused. You know nothing, Jon Snow.:hhh:

Varys had it coming:manny:

The only positive have about this is that we got the Hound dying a heroic death, and Arya showing her humanity till the end. :salute: at The Hound.

That's all I can say about this episode.

agreed, Cearsi deserved a more brutal death imo
they let her off easy, like she had ever done anything good

Yes, and she had a change of heart thanks to Clegane. Why is it so hard to grasp that characters can change? At her heart she's still ned Stark's daughter. Sansa is probably more corrupted than Arya at this point.

It would honestly have been cartoonish and predictable if she had killed cersei. Y'all really treat this like a marvel movie sometimes

exactly, they say they want depth but when they get it now they complaining about that. The hound made a great point and delivered it in a way she could understand.. Arya came to kill cearsi, at that point Cearsi's death was already inevitable, why stay and die, she is still only like 18
shyt she should ride off to be with her bae and be his hand or assassin or whatever makes her happy

Food Mane

May 1, 2012
I didn' the hell were we supposed to deduce that?:pachaha:

I guess it fits tho. She worked in the kitchens. But this is yet another storyline ruined by their insistence in rushing the ending. They just showed Varys writing letters, to whom? Who knows.

We will probably find out next week. My guess is whatever Lords are left letting them know about Jon's identity. That, combined with word getting out about Dany burning King's Landing should be enough to rally Westeros behind Jon.


May 1, 2012
/thread since when has being entertained been so low on the totem pole?
I mean really, people are acting like all that stuff didnt happen, like people just go crazy overnight, her whole entire existence on this show was leading up to her becoming crazy, everything that happened made sense, these dudes only dont understand it cause its not what THEY wanted, so everything not going their way has to be bad writing now. They are sure GRRM has this amazing plan in the 2 books (that re never coming out) to make everything make sense. To be all the way honest even IF the books does come out who is really going to care unless they make a movie or another show, which doesnt really sound all that appealing. Book readers are niche as fukk, this is the way GOT is ending I dont give a damn what actually happens in the books.

Group think

he hit one more time tho before he got all moral

The hound knew arya before she was a phycho killer, her whole existence was driven by revenge, his words stuck to her cause she saw what he became and he made realize that she didnt want that life. Also EVERYONE was a scared little girl when dragons are flying around burning everyone in sight. that type of shyt humbles you real quick

Different people handle shyt differently, you cant expect Dany to react the same way everyone else does, especially since she has crazy dna. Arya and sansa are not normal by any stretch, one has been killing people since she was 14 and the other will be a cat lady becuase she will never trust anyone again

cause she was scared, she couldnt trust anyone. she wasnt about to trust Tryion of Jon anymore cause they showed they weren't loyal. She saw the building that her people built and it made her say F this im going to destroy and rebuild it better. She got turned up for a fight to release some of that anger from the past two episodes of shyt and to show people that she aint to be played with. She wasnt about to just go home and be like yay we won.. They went there to get Ceasi's head them people were just road blocks

="Kenny West, post: 33633392, member: 3087"]":cape:B b but remember when he hanged the guys who stabbed him to death? Or killed people in the battle of the b*stards?

:cape: the brilliant writers anticipated this he was always a mad king brehs

You don't see the seeds breh!:damn::damn:the seeeeeeds"

Come on my guy thats so stupid, the difference between heroes and villains is how they react to the bad shyt that happens to them, heroes mourn and keep it moving villains go crazy and try to get revenge thinking that will ease the pain. Dany has crazy in her blood so when she has some fukked up shyt happen to her she is going to react different than a normal person or Jon. Thats the point, ALL that shyt that happened to her was planting the seeds, this past 2 seasons were the tipping points. Lets not forget that she basically was extra emotional after going through a bad break up[/QUOTE] when did he hit it again. He pushed her away everytime since then

Once Jamie couldn't get in the Red Keep, I thought he was gonna go ring the bell, but nah he didn't. He went to find that boat Tyrion told him about so he could sneak in the way he was supposed to sneak out.

The civilians doing it makes Dany's decision a bit more defensible imo. The ringing bells didn’t actually mean what Tyrion was claiming they meant. Cersei wasn't surrendering. It was the last bit of bad advice from him and Dany finally smarten'd up and stopped heeding his bad advice.

Why she didn't just go straight to the Red Keep, I dunno tho :francis:
Tyron clearly said if the bells start ringing it means surrender and the people will open the walls and cast Cersei out

Not to mention golden company was died and she was standing over the Lannister army who had they swords in the ground.

Her turning up even more made greyworm turn up and it was all she wrote


Mjpls I'm already black
Aug 7, 2015
Qyburn: :lupe: Your grace, we gotta bounce

Cersei: :jawalrus: Nah, we got this. I have scorpions!

Qyburn: :merchant: Fire crotch took them all down

Cersei: :blessed: well, the gold company got it. 20k deep, fool.

Qyburn: :whoa: They got blasted, too

Cersei: :rudy: fukk them. My BD Already took one down. He already said the first one was just a real big lizard. We good. Blackwater bay good.

Qyburn: :skip: Them gone, too.

Cersei: :dwillhuh: gone, you say? Welp, at least the red keep gonna keep us safe. Ain’t never fell. Ain’t falling today.

Qyburn: :mindblown: unsullied just breached the red keep you dumb bytch.

Cersei: :damn: halp.



All Star
May 25, 2012
People just complaining for the sake of it now. GoT never been about fairy tale endings.

Episode was nice, only thing that didn't make sense is how the scorpions became useless all of a sudden after being so devastating last week :what:

Writers some idiots.

All in all Daenerys just showed her true self. We all knew #targset never been 100% in the head :manny:

Jon's simp ways caused the death of a million innocents :francis:

Is she still your queen you fakkit? :mjlol:

Time for the true Starks - Arya, Bran, Sansa to deal with the mad queen :ehh:
#starkset #wolfgang, we the 7 kingdoms last hope :wow:


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
People mad because stuff ain't fitting they head-canon. I'm not saying its the best episode ever, but I was ENTER-fukkING-TAINED.

Arya is a badass, but getting to King's Landing and realizing the Westerosi 9/11 is going down, is GONNA change shyt quick. Even Jon who is Mr. Perfect is frozen with realization when he realizes what is happening. Arya prolly at CTE levels of Concussions...people ain't badasses all the time...sometimes shyt gets real and you just gotta live.

They been alluding to Dany's mental state since Season 2. When she was losing her shyt in Qarth over the ships, then when she crucified all the slave owners in season 4, when she burned up all the Khals in season 6. Even in Mereen she wasn't a particularly effective ruler. Dany ALWAYS had a mean streak when some shyt needed to get done. But she ALWAYS had Jorah to temper her, then Tyrion to give her nuance, Missandei helped with her compassion and companionship, then Jon became the lover. She's lost ALL of them this season. She snapped, breh. She couldn't stick to the plan.

Exactly. And to add on, she went on sabbatical in Mereen...straight took her dragon and rode off without a word.

If her getting the Unsullied for cash +1 dragon, then using the dragon she just sold to burn it's owner didn't click with you, then her locking in a horde of Dothraki and burning the entire place down should've. Jorah, Missandei and Tyrion kept her from going full en fuego, and Tyrion been pleading with her for the past 3-4 seasons not to go into KL and burn everything, like she wanted to from the gate.


May 1, 2012
i'm not as hard on this season as other ppl but the quality has definitely dropped because everything was rushed, specifically the night king story and battle.

dany turning into the mad queen is a good story but the burning down the city dragged out longer than needed and cersei and jaime's death was disappointing. it should've been something more brutal. i just hope arya isn't the one who kills dany. that would be awful to have her kill the night king AND dany. it should be jon that does it at this point.

The axe murderer

For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Aug 27, 2015
Breh I have been feasting on cac tears for the last hour. You know how serious they take this shyt, watching their YouTube reviews has been:mjlol:. Some of them are saying there is a remake seasons 8 petition out, I haven’t heard of that.
seriously? :russ::russ::mjlol::laff::laff::laff::laff: The fallout from this show's fandom is legendary:laff::laff::laff:

Food Mane

May 1, 2012
I'm fine with the Dany stuff. She didn't even really go mad, she just gave into her worst impulses. Perfectly understandable given her best friends and dragon's death and the terrible advice Tyrion has given her lately.

I feel they fukked up Jaime's arc by not having him redeem himself by killing Cersei to protect innocent people or even Tyrion. It would have been a nice echo to his original sin (killing the mad king), and closed his character out a lot better.