Nino Soprano
Qyburn’s death was great 

If you remember back though, to season 1, Neddard told Bran, there is no brave without fear! Not saying Arya is running around like a coward, but bravery without fear is just being a fukking crazy psycho, and I think they are humanizing Arya again after she has been running around the last few seasons acting like the emotionless assassin.You're the second person to say Arya turned around because she was scared. I don't understand where people are getting this from. I thought it was clear that she changed her mind because she didn't want to be a vengeful spiteful shythead like the hound was. It's an old Hollywood trope but I thought it was clear
That's not genocide. That's total war. It happens.They aren't casualties of war, it was genocide. War was over, Lannisters had surrendered. She killed everyone anyways
If it was that easy to take down Kings landing. She should’ve did that as soon as she got to dragonstoneall three dragons would still be alive
Varys telling Jon was actually the dumbest thing in the episode. In what world would Varys do that? Unless he had a death wish he would never walk up to Jon and basically tell him to commit treason.
The little girl Arya tried saving was holding a white horse
Could the Pale horse be a way of showing Arya died in the fire?![]()
First 4 seasons are great but for my money season 6 contains the GOAT episode. That finale is perfect from start to finish and connects the story beautifully.The first four seasons are still peak television. Last season was just as bad this season but the conversation about the show was mostly positive. There’s a lot of piling on going on because it’s the cool thing to do. The writing has suffered but I see some of the complaints and I wonder if people are just made that the fate of the favorite character isn’t what they hoped it would be.
They rushed the "everything she lost" role via silly plotlines and bad millitary decisions just so she could go mad. That's cheap. What made the dragons and all of her might more succeptable to failure in Westeros than what she experienced in Essos? Was it the giant crossbows that she forgot about when "Forgot about the iron fleet"? <---As the producers pointed out.I think that's the point though. Is the fact that she DID have victory and couldn't keel her cool. She was triggered breh. All her day ones is gone.
Let's remember that Dany's liberation of Slavers' Bay went about as well as it could go. She ruled in Mereen and people STILL revolted. Hell it cost Barristan his life and almost killed Grey Worm too. Dany ISN'T A GOOD RULER, she's a conqueror. That has been built up since season 2-3.
He actions AREN'T justified that's what makes them crazy. Again, I'm not saying the episode was godbody. I KNEW this season would be rushed. But I also know that the ground work for all of this had been laid. And Dany's heel turn wasn't all that illogical at all. She's spent the entire show trying to "get back to Westeros" and she been over there for all of a couple months and Westeros and it's taken EVERYTHING from her. 2 dragons (which are basically like children to her), a "boyfriend", a best friend, a Dothraki horde, the new dikk, two advisers...
In her mind she's like "fukk Westeros".
- clegane bowl was wtf...
- randomly following arya, unless she's now directing her vengence toward dany, another sort of "why", we knew you're not going to kill her
- they played too hard on the "i love my kids/save my baby" angle for cersei, it doesn't work, she's a c*nt who very much deserved to die, wish it would've been a worse death
- as i said last, week, jamie is the biggest simp in this series...
- tyrion
- grey worm put in work
- the random fight with euron was superfluous as well, we coulda seen him die on the boat and called it a day, not like he killed jamie nor that jamie's injuries prevented the final outcome of them being trapped under the keep
- kinda weird for that episode to finally happen and i feel nothing, again, this rushed storytelling just makes so many of these big arcs and events feel like they're less than, i guess it was cool to see the city burn, but i don't feel like i got anything from that visually that i didn't get from seeing people burn in the loot train episode