OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
People mad because stuff ain't fitting they head-canon. I'm not saying its the best episode ever, but I was ENTER-fukkING-TAINED.

Arya is a badass, but getting to King's Landing and realizing the Westerosi 9/11 is going down, is GONNA change shyt quick. Even Jon who is Mr. Perfect is frozen with realization when he realizes what is happening. Arya prolly at CTE levels of Concussions...people ain't badasses all the time...sometimes shyt gets real and you just gotta live.

They been alluding to Dany's mental state since Season 2. When she was losing her shyt in Qarth over the ships, then when she crucified all the slave owners in season 4, when she burned up all the Khals in season 6. Even in Mereen she wasn't a particularly effective ruler. Dany ALWAYS had a mean streak when some shyt needed to get done. But she ALWAYS had Jorah to temper her, then Tyrion to give her nuance, Missandei helped with her compassion and companionship, then Jon became the lover. She's lost ALL of them this season. She snapped, breh. She couldn't stick to the plan.
/thread since when has being entertained been so low on the totem pole?
I mean really, people are acting like all that stuff didnt happen, like people just go crazy overnight, her whole entire existence on this show was leading up to her becoming crazy, everything that happened made sense, these dudes only dont understand it cause its not what THEY wanted, so everything not going their way has to be bad writing now. They are sure GRRM has this amazing plan in the 2 books (that re never coming out) to make everything make sense. To be all the way honest even IF the books does come out who is really going to care unless they make a movie or another show, which doesnt really sound all that appealing. Book readers are niche as fukk, this is the way GOT is ending I dont give a damn what actually happens in the books.

how did this post get so many daps? :what:
Group think

causes she’s his aunt. He doesn’t wanna fukk her no more. Not how they get down in the north

he hit one more time tho before he got all moral

Characters had arcs/progression. I'm talking years of carefully laid out ground work of experiences that we thought would lead to profound actions/choices or state of being.
But since the writers want to end the series asap everybodys arcs have been rushed, which leaves us with either some character telling us something profound in a sentence that we've been waiting to play out for a Decade then moving on to the next scene like nothing happened. For example Jon telling his family that he's a Targaryen is Huge fukking deal. And he let Bran do the shyt
Or we get people surprising acting different from one scene to the next. Arya is a fukking Assassin who feeds children to their father in a pie. Just killed Death himsrlf in the night king but all of a sudden turns into a scared little girl who can't kill Cersei cuz the hound said don't be like me :dahell: This shyt all over the place. I don't even won't to get into the rushed shyt with Dany I'm tell y'all dhe Mad in an episode but not show how she got to be mad Targaryen.
Its alot more but im on my phone and hungry, I'll respond later. But this shyt is bad compared to what it was and could have been. It's Michael Bay taking over the last 30 minutes of a Nolan or Scorese movie. Yeah, that shyt gone be lit but at what cost of theit cohesive story:heh:
The hound knew arya before she was a phycho killer, her whole existence was driven by revenge, his words stuck to her cause she saw what he became and he made realize that she didnt want that life. Also EVERYONE was a scared little girl when dragons are flying around burning everyone in sight. that type of shyt humbles you real quick
Why would some bells now be the trigger, on some "when I ring the bells, you will become a psycho" hypnotist stuff. The show is filled with vindictive ppl and folks with agendas. Arya kills all the Freys, we applaud, and she keeps her wits. Jon and Sansa get their revenge on Ramsey and make his own starving dogs eat him alive. Jon hangs the boy who was manipulated by The other watchmen into killing Jon. But Dany supposed to go 0 to 60 and forsake all military strategy just because we knew her arc could potentially end as the Mad Queen? Cheap way to get to a conclusion we all knew was a strong possibility.

Different people handle shyt differently, you cant expect Dany to react the same way everyone else does, especially since she has crazy dna. Arya and sansa are not normal by any stretch, one has been killing people since she was 14 and the other will be a cat lady becuase she will never trust anyone again


You know how the MQ thing *might* have worked? If Dany burned KL out of desperation. If the bells hadn't rung, and Cersei was still holding her ground, and Dany snapped on some LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO kind of thing. But...the bells were ringing. It was over. bytch, you won. You're...burning your own shyt. FUH WHUT!?!?!?
cause she was scared, she couldnt trust anyone. she wasnt about to trust Tryion of Jon anymore cause they showed they weren't loyal. She saw the building that her people built and it made her say F this im going to destroy and rebuild it better. She got turned up for a fight to release some of that anger from the past two episodes of shyt and to show people that she aint to be played with. She wasnt about to just go home and be like yay we won.. They went there to get Ceasi's head them people were just road blocks

="Kenny West, post: 33633392, member: 3087"]":cape:B b but remember when he hanged the guys who stabbed him to death? Or killed people in the battle of the b*stards?

:cape: the brilliant writers anticipated this he was always a mad king brehs

You don't see the seeds breh!:damn::damn:the seeeeeeds"[/QUOTE]

Come on my guy thats so stupid, the difference between heroes and villains is how they react to the bad shyt that happens to them, heroes mourn and keep it moving villains go crazy and try to get revenge thinking that will ease the pain. Dany has crazy in her blood so when she has some fukked up shyt happen to her she is going to react different than a normal person or Jon. Thats the point, ALL that shyt that happened to her was planting the seeds, this past 2 seasons were the tipping points. Lets not forget that she basically was extra emotional after going through a bad break up


All Star
May 6, 2012
During the sack of Kings landing Tywins army raped women and killed the innocent as well.

We call these people casualties of war. At worst Dany committed some brutal war crimes.

They aren't casualties of war, it was genocide. War was over, Lannisters had surrendered. She killed everyone anyways


We Are NXT!
Jun 16, 2013
The NXT Universe
I know it's a long shot with these writers but does anyone think the Night King put his essence into that baby that is immune to the whole Night King dies, the rest die rule? It's a stretch theory but it could be a cool last shot for the series you see his "other" body awaken. :yeshrug:
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Eddy Gordo

Nov 18, 2016
this...i hate the dany character, but the way they rushed her turn and then want to use past events, that were justified, is some dumb shyt.

- she burned the dude who owned the unsullied, slaveowner who took pride is mutilating tens of thousands of men
- she burned three slave owners who were trying to war with her
- she burned khals who were going to kill and rape her
- she burned enemies of war after giving them a chance to kneel (it was only a handful of people who were like "see mad queen" after loot train, most people felt like the tarly's walked into that, and quite a few happy about pa tarly after the way he sonned sam...)

i'm not with the people who are acting like there were no signs of madness, even if there weren't, the show was heavy handed in letting you know that's the case, but for folks who argue the examples on which they tried to paint her as mad don't really stand, I get it.
When she landed on dragonstone her first plan of action was to BURN THE CITY.

Tyrion had to talk her out of it.

She not mad. She being pragmatic. She doesn't have any friends in westeros. So she's gonna have to rely on fear to solidify her rule. Not to mention fighting amoral people like cersie with your own morals intact and you wind up like ned.


Mar 30, 2013
I know it's a long shot with these writers but does anyone think the Night King put his essence into that baby that is immune to the whole Night King dies, the rest die rule? It's a stretch theory but it could be a cool last shot for the series you see his "other" body awaken. :yesshrug:

Night king been bushed breh, turns out the apocalypse ain’t shyt :pachaha: