OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
I love ruthless dany. She ain't mad. She just being who she meant to be. The second coming of aegon the conqueror.

Aegon didn't give shyt about the peasants in harrenhal. Dany shouldn't be concerning herself with the peasants in Kings landing.

Folks wouldn't have dared try aegon like the way folks keep trying dany. Y'all think aegon would've put up with Sansa constant disrespect. It's been past time to remind everybody who runs shyt. Gotta establish a fear that shakes men to their soul. Because that's the only way these hard headed folks gonna listen.

The time for putting up with fukkshyt is over.

It's officially time to put folks on notice.

Right, people forget that they dared her to do this and she did it, what is she supposed to be on some captain America shyt and let Cersi pull a villian move and hide behind a defenseless soccer mom or kid or in this case a whole city?

naw, Cearsi got them people killed not Dany

People saying dany's heel turn happend too fast, no it didnt she been a heel for a while now, all that shyt she done seen in the last two episodes is more than enough reasons let alone the rapes and shyt she went through, naw this world made her a heel a long time before they killed that 2nd dragon

Man...she did all that damage with just 1 Dragon!!! Imagine if she still had all three!!! She should’ve done this much earlier in the game!:wow: She tried to play nice but ended up costing her too much! She just said fcuk it, the kid, the dog, everybody dying, no lying!:wow:

Right, she never needed all them people, thats why I said from the jump, there is no way an army can stop 3 dragons, and every army that took out one ended up dead anyway. You have to be a arrogant fool to think that it was a good idea to go to war with a highly trained army of killers and a fukking dragon.

Sometimes people have to be sacrificed for the greater cause. it aint like any of them actually cared about anything other than power, why should Dany?

Dany - Daughter of the mad king who went crazy and burned everyone

- watched with satisfaction as her brother was burned to death with liquid metal

- burned to death the witch who saved her husband like she asked

- reneged on a deal to buy the unsullied and had her dragon burn the slaver instead of paying him

- Adopts a bend the knee or die by fire mantra, starts burning lords

- spends 3 full seasons wanting to burn King’s landing and keeps getting talked out of it

- wants to keep banging her nephew and stay queen even though he has a better claim and make him promise to never tell anyone

- loses two of her three Dragons and has her best friends head chopped off in front of her.....starts finally burning Kong’s Landing

- gets a taste for it and desires to not stop


I’m done with all you wierdos


She been burning everyone who opposed her for like 5 seasons, but now she is "Mad" naw, she is who she always has been.

But it would have been ok for Arya to kill Cearsi while she was pregnant and is no real threat to her?

These narratives online are like you said weird

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
great spectacle. but all this shyt should have been built up to longer.

what was up with arya and the pretty pony?

#targset did it for missandei :mjcry:

War is war brehs, this doesn't make dany mad. But tyrion, jon and co have turned into a bunch of soybois. Think of the other ruthless moves that people like tywin made, this is just similar.

Vary's death was underwhelming and he was moving like an amateur. No closure on the voice in the flames.

Like some posters said, past 2 seasons have just been checklist scenes and set pieces, without any good dialogue.
She used a dragon to slaughter innocent women and children after the city had already surrendered breh...

That's not war, that's madness...


May 5, 2012
Uptown, Downtown, Switzerland
yeah, as someone said, its a good spectacle but everything should been better built up.

Dany fully becoming who she was destined to be. mad.
she been slaughtering her way to where she is...why stop now when youre right there.

Kings Landing deservedly going down in flames.
fukk them and their bell after they were baying with baited breath for the death of the good brother Ned Stark.

i enjoyed seeing people react to Cersai not getting this death people wanted for her.
in a way it kind of made sense how she died though. Tyrion was an idiot and Jamie just goofy this episode.

they did my guy Varys dirty. ".....xo xo Gossip Girl."
i don't like how they got him out of here man. one of the smartest guys in the show and he goes like that.

the Starks are idiots.

Jons really is a dull, charmless, people pleaser. haven't really cared about him since he got resurrected.
hopefully he kills Dany then someone kills him or he goes to be with the wildings.

the Hound

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SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
Stop it slime, Danny could not even approach 10 ships last episode and her dragon get 3 shotted from a mile away. I’ll only suspend belief so far for a show, you have to have some sort consistency at least.
This is what i'm saying here. Notice how in the first pic they are still trying to determine if it's the dragon because it looked like a bird.


By the time shot they realize it's the dragon and they shoot their first shot and Danaerys dodges it. We've seen her dodge smaller arrows before when she took out the Lannisters and the Tully army.

AFTER the first shot is missed that's when you see the guy below says "TURN IT" while they try to reload the projectile.


As Euron is once again struggling to find where she's hiding she comes down again from the cloud and takes out the first couple of ships



Again you see and hear them saying "turn it around"

Then as she headed to the walls she flew low as if to bait the Lannisters on the wall to shoot bad shots low and all she had to do is come up and dodge them all in one move. Once you miss it takes time to reload and then point the damn thing towards your MOVING target while you are stationary.

Again, doggy i know it's fantasy and Danaerys was meant to win but it aint too farfetched. The farfetched thing is that the dragon had that much fire to tear down an entire city os brick homes :pachaha:
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The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
Breaking news.....the idiot above who didn't even understand why The Hound and The Mountain had a showdown doesn't remember all the seeds planted of Dany being mad

Like even back in season 1 when when she allowed her own brother and her king, her only family member, to be murdered because of her power thirst.

And now, she is on the tip of achieving that power and realizes it will be ripped away.

Ehrmygawd why did she go baaadd!!!???!!:bryan:

"But it came out of nowhere"--hmmm, if only some event had occured that flipped the switch....something like her finding out her rightful heir nephew existed and the people only accepted him. If only that had happened!

First off you you bad faith arguing disingenuous fakkit, I never said I didn’t understand why they would fight. I said they did a poor job of showing Hounds motives just like every other character in this season as they ignore development to rush this off. Second, you are confusing violent tendencies to being completely insane and mad. You really used her brother as some plot point like he wasn’t threatening to rape and rip a baby out her wound? That’s called motive. And I just listed numerous examples of her going against that nature. Now all of the sudden bells turn her into a psycho. And the Jon identity thing is also poor. Who is everyone? Sansa, All the north, and the wildlings who know Jon so of course they would obviously follow him? That’s a real good explanation. Keep shilling bytch. Maybe if you send these post in to DD you can get hired as a catering manager on the set of their confederate show
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Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
Dany hasn't done anything more reprehensible than anyone else on this show. That includes the Starks. Her past punishments are only seen as reprehensible because we all knew she had the potential to become the Mad Queen, just based on her ancestry. But they went from 0 to 60 with Dany. And we're to believe her actions in this episode being the end of her arc is justified, just because she roasted some slaver masters in Mireen and roasted the Tarly's? Who else on the show has done reprehensible things just to go mad on one episode? Not even past Targaryen dragon riders have gone this crazy with no real reasons as to why. She had the victory and still snapped.

I think that's the point though. Is the fact that she DID have victory and couldn't keel her cool. She was triggered breh. All her day ones is gone.


Let's remember that Dany's liberation of Slavers' Bay went about as well as it could go. She ruled in Mereen and people STILL revolted. Hell it cost Barristan his life and almost killed Grey Worm too. Dany ISN'T A GOOD RULER, she's a conqueror. That has been built up since season 2-3.

He actions AREN'T justified that's what makes them crazy. Again, I'm not saying the episode was godbody. I KNEW this season would be rushed. But I also know that the ground work for all of this had been laid. And Dany's heel turn wasn't all that illogical at all. She's spent the entire show trying to "get back to Westeros" and she been over there for all of a couple months and Westeros and it's taken EVERYTHING from her. 2 dragons (which are basically like children to her), a "boyfriend", a best friend, a Dothraki horde, the new dikk, two advisers...

In her mind she's like "fukk Westeros".

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
Oh yea and before you predictably come back with well once everyone finds out Jon is a Targ they would all fall behind him so she had no choice, the show has already established that it didn’t matter who had rightful claim. Everyone knew Jamie incest kids were not legitimate and didn’t care. The convo Tyrion/Varys had where they basically said people didn’t care who is ruler as long as they are provided for also debunks that. So miss me with that