OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
I don’t think it was. The ringing of the bells signified a compromise and at this point she was sick of compromising. She already lost 2 dragons and her right hand chick. Plus everybody around her shyt talking her, questioning her authority AND the man she loves turns out to be her relative and the rightful heir to the throne. Those bells ringing were like the car horns beeping for a Michael Douglas in Falling Down. At a certain point enough is enough and just like her daddy once said, “burn them all” :fire:.

Also wanted to add another part to this. Seeing her burn of Kings Landing and the green wildfire exploding in the castle was very reminiscent of the mad king. In a sense she fulfilled his wishes. Lot of dualities happening at that moment.



Master Baker
May 1, 2012
Maggy told her she’d be cast down by a younger and more beautiful queen. She didn’t listen. It’s weird because on some level I felt bad for her. She sounded more vulnerable and hysterical than she ever did, as if she knew it was really over. She sounded human for once. No one else made Cersei bytch up like that. She broke. In a way Cersei underestimated Dany just like the High Sparrow underestimated Cersei. The difference was Dany was a whole different kind of animal. Cersei blew up a sept. Dany blew up the entire city.
cersei sold breaking down and being human when she confronted ellaria before poisoning her daughter, her "why'd you do that?" was so real. this scene tho, shyt was legit a no-sell for me. it's like they tried so hard to plant that seed with no real recent moments to back it up, just didn't work for me, nor did her dying with jamie. whole scene was infuriating

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013

Kings Landing held highest of population in Westoros I believe by a large margin. She just killed a million people :patrice:

most of the North is wiped out :patrice:

Most entire houses and kingdoms throughout Westeros are destroyed or vacant :patrice: out of the houses, they only down to a handful of family left :patrice:

Stark - 3 people left (sansa, arya and bran)
Arryn - 1 left? (The vale kid)
Baratheon - 1 left (gendry)
Tully - 1 left (sam)
Greyjoy - 1 left (yara)
Lannister - 1 left (tyrion)
Tyrell - wiped out
Martell - wiped out
Targaryen - 2 people left (jon and dany)

Someone update if im mistaken

Still plenty left. The less great houses dead the better for her to replace them with people loyal to her.


All Star
May 6, 2012

Kings Landing held highest of population in Westoros I believe by a large margin. She just killed a million people :patrice:

most of the North is wiped out :patrice:

Most entire houses and kingdoms throughout Westeros are destroyed or vacant :patrice: out of the houses, they only down to a handful of family left :patrice:

Stark - 3 people left (sansa, arya and bran)
Arryn - 1 left? (The vale kid)
Baratheon - 1 left (gendry)
Tully - 1 left (sam)
Greyjoy - 1 left (yara)
Lannister - 1 left (tyrion)
Tyrell - wiped out
Martell - wiped out
Targaryen - 2 people left (jon and dany)

Someone update if im mistaken
Those are all just nobles. The peasants sre still Alive. And a lot of those people can reproduce.

I think there are still Martells left they just aren’t shown
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May 7, 2012
Thats cause the 1st mountain actor was the taller than current mountain. The actor in this picture is actually 7’ tall. The 2nd Mountain was the tallest at 7’1 :huhldup:

The hound is 6’6 in real life or so

Thats also The Hound leaning down while The Mountain is standing upwards, if you watch the fight in action theyre closer in size when both standing up right

The current Mountain in season 4-8 is 6’9 in real life, the shortest Mountain of the 3 actors that played him

If you look at the video in season 7 when they stand off, they are actually eye level (they either made hound actor taller or mountain actor shorter)

But in this episode they made the hound look tiny. The mountain picked him up like a doll. Complete bull shyt. :dead:

So why did you say they portrayed them as the same height got 8 seasons? :dwillhuh:

Even last season the Mountain was shown to be bigger:

Most of last night fight took place with the Mountain on a higher step. He looked bigger than the Hound (as he should) but the Hound didn't look "tiny". Unfortunately, I can't screen grab from HBOGO:beli:

Edit: and as far as the Mountain's insane strength in picking up the Hound like a rag doll, did you forget that this Mountain is essentially a souped up version created by Qyburn? Of course he's much stronger. He also couldn't be killed by swords to the heart or head. :dahell:
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May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
I see the shills are active in defending the poor character assassinations, writing, and plot armor. Bu...bu...bu...but Dany was always going mad. You just never saw it! You never caught the hints! Where did I miss it? When she was freeing the slaves in the east? When she was stopping her own Dothraki from raping women? When she chained her dragons up for suspicion of killing a child? When she was lying in bed with Daario saying she wasn’t going to be a butcher? Or queen of the ashes? Now her actions in this episode could have nullified all that if they’d at least tried a slow heel development throughout the past couple of seasons. But nope. Missande is dead and people don’t like me for no indiscernible reason or explanation. I’m mad and everyone must die. FOH
Breaking news.....the idiot above who didn't even understand why The Hound and The Mountain had a showdown doesn't remember all the seeds planted of Dany being mad

Like even back in season 1 when when she allowed her own brother and her king, her only family member, to be murdered because of her power thirst.

And now, she is on the tip of achieving that power and realizes it will be ripped away.

Ehrmygawd why did she go baaadd!!!???!!:bryan:

"But it came out of nowhere"--hmmm, if only some event had occured that flipped the switch....something like her finding out her rightful heir nephew existed and the people only accepted him. If only that had happened!


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
So why did you say they portrayed them as the same height got 8 seasons? :dwillhuh:

Even last season the Mountain was shown to be bigger:

Most of last night fight took place with the Mountain on a higher step. He looked bigger than the Hound (as he should) but the Hound didn't look "tiny". Unfortunately, I can't screen grab from HBOGO:beli:
Zoom in on that picture, theyre eye level. I think youre confusing mountains helmet as extra height. Just watch the fukking video :damn: youll see the hound eyes dont go up and stays straight, eye level

I also said near in size.. 3-5 inches is near enough

In this episode they cgi’d the mountain to be like 2 feet taller :beli:

When they were on same step the mountain is still way taller

When at best the mountain is only 3-6 inches taller

Im saying in this episode and ONLY this episode they CGI’d the mountain size... and I said it was a waste of budget

Do you disagree with them CGI’ing an extra foot of height on the mountain wasnt a waste of budget money :dwillhuh: