Sensitive Christian Grey
The Fisher King
I know it's been said a ton of times here, but ultimately the idea of turning one of your long-standing, fan favourite, main characters into the villain at the final hurdle is egregiously terrible especially if you aren't prepared to give us another season for the heel turn. It doesn't make sense for the writers to keep on making the character morally grey well into the last two seasons; to then turn her dark is having their cake and eating it too. We still don't know why Dany isn't respected, because there haven't been enough efforts to show her efforts of pleasing the people to fail. On the other hand, there hasn't been enough instances of disrespect towards Dany for her to grow in bloodlust, paranoia and rage (
not saying Dany's bloodlust is justified, just not fueled). There hasn't been reason for Dany to ignore her lessons of the past seven seasons - she locked up her dragons because they killed one child. She said she'd rule with fear, but if she knows the benefits of being a loved ruler and it's piss easy to win the war, then why is she so weak and eager to turn to ruling by fear? Because she's crazy? When there's opportunities of treason and disrespect to establish and create bitterness and resentment? And that resentment could come to a head when she has to choose between burning the populace in the Red Keep or abandoning the throne, and she chose taking the throne regardless? That's weak. This madness is a cop-out because these people absolutely don't know to write and conclude a morally-grey villain (see Ramsay and Euron, Dany only barely avoided being a caricature by being a main character where we could see her rise). It's been said but I'll say it again for emphasis - the mass murder in this episode was illogical and was simply made for character assassination.

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