That's still bending the knee to a southern queen - and a Targaryen at that.
There will be wars to come whether The North wants to be an independent nation again or not. There'll always be a Southern Conqueror wanting to unite the kingdoms. There'll always be enemies of the North, hell, enemies of the Starks themselves from years past.
Recently they're making her look mad because of the rushing, but I've been on here head since season 5.
Yeah everyone has their hands dirty, but they intentionally built daenerys up as this slave freeing, great white hope goddess while she constantly flip flopped on issues, had no idea what she was doing, and showed traits of a conqueror.
And yeah, you have to prove yourself strategically, thats how its been for everyone who has come for the throne.
And the nobility of the starks has setbacks, they make retarded decisions that get them killed. Yet, i notice when Dany does her Dany stuff there's always some insulting excuse on why what she did makes her a great queen.
You said it yourself, The Starks have made hella mistakes, yet the restoration of the Starks honor is an ongoing theme.
Sansa snitches to Cersei about Ned's plans to "out" her and Jamie's dirty little secret, and it ultimately gets Ned killed. But through trial, hardship, tribulation and wisdom, Sansa's honor is restored as she's the leader of The North. Honor restored.
Robb Stark promises to marry a Frey daughter, betrays Walder Frey because he falls inlove with ol girl. It ends up getting him killed and getting plenty of Northmen killed, but his honor is always kept alive in memory. And Arya gets payback. Honor restored.
Arya joins the faceless assassins. Constantly refuses to become "no one" and keeps acting on emotion. She survives The Waif, gets her sight back and his sent on her merry way with cool new fighting skills. Honor restored.
Jon Snow(Aegon Targaryen) gets sent to the wall, goes beyond the wall and betrays his oaths, joins the wildlings and takes them in. Gets stabbed up for betraying his Oath, and gets risen from the grave and gets his revenge and gets to dessert the nights watch. And is viewed as a hero in the eyes of many. Honor restored.
But Dany has to constantly answer for mistakes and flaws in strategy as if she didn't unite all Khalasar under one rule and take them across the sea for the first time in history. She birthed dragons into the world for the first time in hundreds of years. Freed thousands of slaves and conquered cities. But she constantly has to prove and prove and prove as if the Starks are faultless. The Starks arc is forever wrapped in Honor.