OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
Last week is when I checked out and this officially became a Lost-tier show for me. I just want to see it finish now.

I'd been in denial and excusing a lot of the bad writing before but this shyt is just atrocious and irredeemable now. I'm honestly glad that a lot of my favorite characters are dead before they can be ruined further the way that D&D have done so with the surviving cast. I'll appreciate the production and acting (given what they have to work with) but its really a shame how badly this has all ended up.

:manny: its been over. this is the epilogue

I hear you

I fought the good fight and defended the show until 6x07 finally broke me.

It was like the blinders lifted from my eyes when I finally accepted that the writing quality was gone and wasn’t coming back.


Jan 26, 2017
Why is everyone upset at Dany for approaching Cersi when it was Tyrions idea and advice? Dany wanted to attack them and light them all the fukk up.

The writing is terrible tho in the first episode Dany gets mad at Tyrion for believing his sister would send troops them fight. Then he trusts Cersei again that she will bend the knee to dany??? It makes Tyrion look stupid as fukk

It's because the entire episode was made for people to turn on Dany.

I think once people look at the episode again, they will realize Tyrion and Varys are bad advisors and Dany is in this bad position because she listened to them
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Not here for the Sansa slander, her & Arya trying to save Jon from doing Ned Stark shyt :camby:

No she’s not

I don’t know how many examples are needed to prove that Sansa doesn’t give a fukk about Jon or anybody but herself. She’s playing the game to put herself in the best possible position of power. Thats her angle. Period

Jon should’ve been hip to that when she essentially sentenced him to death in the battle of the b*stards. She’s a traitor to every single Stark in the show


Bounty Hunter
Jun 14, 2018
Lol at that pun.

Information for what exactly? I'm asking in earnest - what is this information everyone is looking for him to provide and for what purpose?

For example, you mentioned Valyrian steel recipe? I don't want to assume, but are you talking about with regards to the long night battle? In the end, that panned out exactly how it was supposed to - the NK was killed. Or are you speaking about another situation?

During the battle, he sat his was in the chair and didn't move because he was bait. His only purpose was to sit and wait. That was the plan, was it not? What was he supposed to be doing? I'm intrigued by the notion he was supposed to be doing something else up until the point the NK finally confronted him face to face.

Besides informing Jon of his heritage (and now watching how that unfolds, especially with his connection to Dany), what is it that he needs to be telling people?

Not being obtuse but I'm really trying to understand what people are looking for from Bran. He seems to be subtly watching and influencing those around him, just as his tree-bound predecessor was doing.

From your point of view, what should he have been doing at the battle...or, I guess, what should he be doing at this point period to show his character's purpose?
Thats the point tho

WHAT INFORMATION could bran have that helps ANYONE in westeros. Why does him being able to verify history mean anything? Kings change. Lines change. History is written by the winners not the creepers.

Hes here to:
A)To kill off characters we love by defending him (why?)
And b) tell jons history
And c... dumbest of all “lets sit in a forest while the god who wants to kill me rides a fire breathing dragon as bait”

Literally only information needed for that fight was valyrian steel. Yet he builds himself ... a wheelchair...

Hes all powerful but instead of helping his brother end the final war hes... sitting down.

They dont explain anything with his character. Give us a sentence “hes HISTORY Of man” and expect us to take it as GOSPEL.

This show used to lay threads and slowly build and now its like entire points we been waiting to know are made and never touched upon again in the same scene.

This entire season is fan service and visual moments. Characters reverting to their selves from season 1 to provide callbacks. Theres been like 10x call backs/repeated lines in past 3 eps.

Whole shyts rushed. Dont wanna hate bran but they arent doing shyt with him and its just... off. No character has ANY reason to treat him with reverence.
Nov 18, 2016
Cersei prolly wants dany leading em cause she knows she's a terrible strategist. With jon as king her chances are slim. He's already won many wars. Might as well let dany live for the time being. This spoiled brat doesn't know what the fukk she's doing. Everybody can see that except for jon. Smh
But she killed Missandei. If you are that ruthless why not take out the main army right there?


Jun 10, 2012
I think Cersei keeping her was a Bow Down move more than bargaining and expecting. Same with the greeting and terms, that seems to be more of a formality/rule of engagement to see if the approacher is coming in peace/to bow down/request help or whatever, notice Dany did it to every city she eventually conquered. And then give each side time to gather their militia.

:comeon: All that went out the window when she didn't send troops to help with white walkers. The sneak attack, killing a dragon, and kidnapping sealed the deal. There is no negotiating with Cersei after all that. Even going there to get Missandei back makes no sense. She's a casualty of war. Charge her to the game.

I just realized they avoided killing off nikkas like Tormund and Sam just have to a few more "heartwarming" scenes this episode. They wont even be a factor in the remainder of the series

:mjcry: these writers should be black balled from the industry

Tormund turned into comic relief :hhh:
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Citi Trends

aka milobased
Nov 9, 2014
arya was feeding a man his own sons lmao

and no, they did not lose more than dany either. most of what the starks lost is the starks own damned fault. i don't know what math yal been using to get that one...
Sons who aided in killing her family. Not random people. They specifically made it a point that she didnt kill the daughters.

And how was Ned being beheaded, Catlyn and Robb being killed, their house being bombarded and taken over multiple times, friends and family being killed, family being split apart, being sold to different mad men, being literally killed and brought back etc...Jon, Arya, and Sansa's fault? What more has Dany lost than them to justify this conquest? everyone in the show has lost people and has a backstory.

And did you forget where missandei and drogon being killed were due to Dany's decision?

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
Sons who aided in killing her family. Not random people. They specifically made it a point that she didnt kill the daughters.

And how was Ned being beheaded, Catlyn and Robb being killed, their house being bombarded and taken over multiple times, friends and family being killed, family being split apart, being sold to different mad men, being literally killed and brought back etc...Jon, Arya, and Sansa's fault? What more has Dany lost than them to justify this conquest? everyone in the show has lost people and has a backstory.

And did you forget where missandei and drogon being killed were due to Dany's decision?
this is what im getting at

starks being portrayed as noble victims at this point is straight up ridiculous :mjlol:


Legal Bookie
Apr 30, 2012
Las Vegas
The hyperbole in this thread :mjlol:

Where was this energy for last week?
Hyperbole? There’s a fukking Starbucks cup in one of the shots front and center. The writers and directors phoned it the fukk in. Just a horrendous all around job. The scene where tormund is saying what king Jon would make while dany is side eyeing from the table she has a latte in front of her. :dead: a complete abomination
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Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
For me...

I get all that...but I guess this is why I don't like gods in general.

If you have all this power and you don't use it to benefit me in my struggles or mankind, then what good are you?

Everybody is dying and suffering you do nothing?

And while everybody else still cares about you and you just wanna be all mysterious and talk in fortune cookies?

Screw you.

Isn't the whole point of an outside god just to show a follower s/he is ultimately his/her own savior anyway? How does truly become a master of self if he is constantly being saved from himself versus having someone lead you to look within and judge and know thyself?

Regarding undue suffering, how does one learn empathy - like, really being able to understand others- without suffering, especially when you have to witness the suffering of innocents. How can you truly see another's point of view if you aren't willing to set aside judgment and taste his life for a time?

From a god's perspective, there are no wasteful experiences in the economy of life, meaning you can learn from anything and anyone, no matter how beautiful or horrific the person or experience may be.

Got off topic for a minute. My bad. I'm saying that to say, again, T3ER is only to influence and guide. He even told Jon tonight it was his choice if he wanted to move forward with telling his family about his identity.

No one can fully own his decisions and power if he's looking to an outside entity to always step in and help. Sometimes man is fukked up and needs to witness the horror and effects of his decisions to inspire change from within, not have a god directly intervening from the outside to save everyone. I'm still speaking of the characters within this show, I mean.

Citi Trends

aka milobased
Nov 9, 2014
No one's hands are clean. Yet Dany is made to look like the Mad Queen and made to look like the selfish one, in a world in which every ruler has their hands dirty. They making the Starks look a little to noble for my liking.

The Starks were born with much more than Dany. They were born into nobility. Ppl forgot Dany grew up in poverty in Essos and was a slave and a capture. The Starks always had each other, even if Ned and Cat were gone. Her whole life all Dany had was an abusive older brother, and when he died she became the last of her kind. Rape, Slavery, Poverty, begging, traveling from town to town to avoid Robert Baratheon finding out she's still alive. Dany was born with an X on her back.

Yet time and time again she has to prove her legitimacy and prove she isn't crazy and has to constantly lower herself to quell everyone's paranoia, even though she lost damn near everything at their behest. She lost so much for the "good of the realm".

Dany should just leave and let Cersei rule the realm. And we'll see what happens.


Recently they're making her look mad because of the rushing, but I've been on here head since season 5.

Yeah everyone has their hands dirty, but they intentionally built daenerys up as this slave freeing, great white hope goddess while she constantly flip flopped on issues, had no idea what she was doing, and showed traits of a conqueror.
And yeah, you have to prove yourself strategically, thats how its been for everyone who has come for the throne.

And the nobility of the starks has setbacks, they make retarded decisions that get them killed. Yet, i notice when Dany does her Dany stuff there's always some insulting excuse on why what she did makes her a great queen.


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
For someone who clearly missed the point of the books, you are arrogant as hell :gucci:

The books are called "A Song of Ice of Fire". The series title can literally be translated into "A story of how Westeros Moses saves the world". The books literally start years after a major war where everyone died fighting over a conflict that wasn't important (people like you) whereas the tragic characters in the center of the war were preparing for the fight that the books were actually about. You keep talking about the Game of Thrones when the story's not about that. You like that part more because you don't give a fukk about the real story. That's on you, and on the show's writers for not adapting it properly but its highly annoying hearing you say the central plot to the books is irrelevant. That's literally like saying the Ring was not the main plot of Lord of the Ring.
The shown and the books are not one. And how isn’t the jon arc in the show following that opening sentence?

Seems to me you have the problem with letting go of some of the book for how the show adapted it :ld: