OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
No she’s not

I don’t know how many examples are needed to prove that Sansa doesn’t give a fukk about Jon or anybody but herself. She’s playing the game to put herself in the best possible position of power. Thats her angle. Period

Jon should’ve been hip to that when she essentially sentenced him to death in the battle of the b*stards. She’s a traitor to every single Stark in the show
Sansa's made big mistakes, but it was because of Sansa that the Knights of The Vale came riding in to save Jon and his army from getting killed by Ramsey during the battle of the b*stards. My issue isn't with Sansa so much as a leader, my issue is collectively with the Dany slander at the defense of the Starks. All have made mistakes. I think Sansa gets unfair criticism from fans of the show, but she gets so much props in the show by those who know her and by the North. On the flipside all writing points to Dany turning into this unsympathetic mad queen, while The North resents her and the South resents her, and the fans resent her. Dany deserves better. But Dany going through more trial and tribulations makes for Good TV.


I'm conflicted.


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
Lol at that pun.

Information for what exactly? I'm asking in earnest - what is this information everyone is looking for him to provide and for what purpose?

For example, you mentioned Valyrian steel recipe? I don't want to assume, but are you talking about with regards to the long night battle? In the end, that panned out exactly how it was supposed to - the NK was killed. Or are you speaking about another situation?

During the battle, he sat his was in the chair and didn't move because he was bait. His only purpose was to sit and wait. That was the plan, was it not? What was he supposed to be doing? I'm intrigued by the notion he was supposed to be doing something else up until the point the NK finally confronted him face to face.

Besides informing Jon of his heritage (and now watching how that unfolds, especially with his connection to Dany), what is it that he needs to be telling people?

Not being obtuse but I'm really trying to understand what people are looking for from Bran. He seems to be subtly watching and influencing those around him, just as his tree-bound predecessor was doing.

From your point of view, what should he have been doing at the battle...or, I guess, what should he be doing at this point period to show his character's purpose?
Thats the point tho

WHAT INFORMATION could bran have that helps ANYONE in westeros. Why does him being able to verify history mean anything? Kings change. Lines change. History is written by the winners not the creepers.

Hes here to:
A)To kill off characters we love by defending him (why?)
And b) tell jons history
And c... dumbest of all “lets sit in a forest while the god who wants to kill me rides a fire breathing dragon as bait”

Literally only information needed for that fight was valyrian steel. Yet he builds himself ... a wheelchair...

Hes all powerful but instead of helping his brother end the final war hes... sitting down.

They dont explain anything with his character. Give us a sentence “hes HISTORY Of man” and expect us to take it as GOSPEL.

This show used to lay threads and slowly build and now its like entire points we been waiting to know are made and never touched upon again in the same scene.

This entire season is fan service and visual moments. Characters reverting to their selves from season 1 to provide callbacks. Theres been like 10x call backs/repeated lines in past 3 eps.

Whole shyts rushed. Dont wanna hate bran but they arent doing shyt with him and its just... off. No character has ANY reason to treat him with reverence.

its being slowly but surely taken out now in this season but in previous seasons it was highly alluded and even pointed out a few times that Three Eyed Ravens can see current and future events. If even just to warg into the ravens and fly over people to see shyt...

in season 8 this seems to be removed from their arc or just completely horribly written though and hes just "living in the past" even though Jojen could predict his own death and the Three Eyed Raven used multiple ways to contact Bran to even get to the tree in the first place.

Even in the last episode he warged into ravens to find the night king.. he cant warg into ravens and listen in on Cersei plans? He cant fukk with Cersei in her head in her dreams like the Blood Raven entered Brans dreams??

he cant spy anymore??

I hate the character so much. Worse written character in a major TV show that I can recall.

Also dont forget the show had OTHER wargs/skinchangers/greenseers to show examples of going into other animals (an eagle, owl and wolf)


90-9-1 Principle
May 10, 2012
The Land of fukkery
So Dany about to blow a 3 dragon lead Dany needs more help ?


Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
Thats the point tho

WHAT INFORMATION could bran have that helps ANYONE in westeros. Why does him being able to verify history mean anything? Kings change. Lines change. History is written by the winners not the creepers.

Hes here to:
A)To kill off characters we love by defending him (why?)
And b) tell jons history
And c... dumbest of all “lets sit in a forest while the god who wants to kill me rides a fire breathing dragon as bait”

Literally only information needed for that fight was valyrian steel. Yet he builds himself ... a wheelchair...

Hes all powerful but instead of helping his brother end the final war hes... sitting down.

They dont explain anything with his character. Give us a sentence “hes HISTORY Of man” and expect us to take it as GOSPEL.

This show used to lay threads and slowly build and now its like entire points we been waiting to know are made and never touched upon again in the same scene.

This entire season is fan service and visual moments. Characters reverting to their selves from season 1 to provide callbacks. Theres been like 10x call backs/repeated lines in past 3 eps.

Whole shyts rushed. Dont wanna hate bran but they arent doing shyt with him and its just... off. No character has ANY reason to treat him with reverence.

So, I see him as the objective history of his world. As you said, history is written by the winners....not the creepers (is that shade at the 3ER again?). So, that means, for example, the information one might find in scrolls at the Citadel would fall in line with the note about the "history", while we know the 3ER actual sees events as they transpired, void of agenda and solely as a witness.

Like in real life, we know the history we are taught about many things is to preserve a culture or societal standards. We can't ever say 100% if it is all true or false because we weren't there. There is agenda to the history we read and, depending on our desires, we could probably seek out historical sources which provide us with facts that help us solidify a paradigm in the present.

For example, a White Supremacist can find history books containing ideas which, to him, substantiate his position on why his group is better than another. We might say this of any person or any group who seeks to find evidence to support a similar position....and he will certainly find it because, as it says in Ecclesiastes, there is nothing new under the sun. Meaning people are always looking for ways to make things look like everything other than the real truth.

That being said, who is right? History, as we know it, will always be subjective because of the reasons you mentioned, so, no one can really know the real truth...right?

However, if you (like me) look at this planet as it's own entity with its own soul and memory, then you could say there is a source for objective history. In short, if the planet had a voice, you could ask her what her existence has been like, what has happened here and she could tell you. I personally think this is what shamans are able to do but that is another story. The point is this planet is not just this thing we live on - it's a being with a soul and memory.

That being said, Bran/T3ER in GOT is kind of like that- a physical manifestation of the world's consciousness. The character is in the form of a "man" but his purpose is the same as the soul/memory of any creature - to record the events of history and all that has happened.

I know that was a lot. Sorry about the essay. The point is that Bran serves as the pure recording of history, showing all that truly was/has been or is. He is not necessarily there to steer the course of men but just to exist as does the memory of any other entity.

Your point makes me think of the scene in the Citadel when Sam was telling the Maesters to lend credence to the scroll they got from Bran. I always took them ignoring him because they wanted to maintain their own agenda (not because they didn't believe him). Bran's perspective serves as the truth, a pure accounting of what was and is for those who truly want to know and would seek him out.

It's no different to me than someone who would align with a popular religion which has principles that help him feel good versus the person who would seek to go down a scarier but perhaps more revealing spiritual path.

If history and information exist, there will be those who seek out what helps them further their own agendas...and then those who will open themselves up to truly learning what is. The latter person requires a good level of detachment from his own beliefs and just a willingness to observe and learn without passion or judgment. That path is harder to take but is possible for those who wish to because the truth of life is always there for the one who really wants to find it. Nature is as true a memory for the planet as anything and that is kind of what T3ER is (seeing through the eyes of the trees as well as the creatures around them).

I'm sorry. It's late as hell and I'm clearly all over the place at this point. I am trying to simply say Bran/3ER is perhaps the world's soul or perhaps the fused soul of the world and humanity....something like that. If you look at it like that, it is easier to see why it's hard to answer the question of Bran's character's purpose. It's like asking what is purpose of the soul of any living thing?

Does this make any sense to you lol?

Citi Trends

aka milobased
Nov 9, 2014
There will be wars to come whether The North wants to be an independent nation again or not. There'll always be a Southern Conqueror wanting to unite the kingdoms. There'll always be enemies of the North, hell, enemies of the Starks themselves from years past.

You said it yourself, The Starks have made hella mistakes, yet the restoration of the Starks honor is an ongoing theme.

Sansa snitches to Cersei about Ned's plans to "out" her and Jamie's dirty little secret, and it ultimately gets Ned killed. But through trial, hardship, tribulation and wisdom, Sansa's honor is restored as she's the leader of The North. Honor restored.

Robb Stark promises to marry a Frey daughter, betrays Walker Frey because he falls inlove with ol girl. It ends up getting him killed and getting plenty of Northmen killed, but his honor is always kept alive in memory. And Arya gets payback. Honor restored.

Arya joins the faceless assassins. Constantly refuses to become "no one" and keeps acting on emotion. She survives The Waif, gets her sight back and his sent on her merry way with cool new fighting skills. Honor restored.

Rob Stark(Aegon Targaryen) gets sent to the wall, goes beyond the wall and betrays his oaths, joins the wildlings and takes them in. Gets stabbed up for betraying his Oath, and gets risen from the grave and gets his revenge and gets to dessert the nights watch. And is viewed as a hero in the eyes of many. Honor restored.

But Dany has to constantly answer for mistakes and flaws in strategy as if she didn't unite all Khalasar under one rule and take them across the sea for the first time in history. She birthed dragons into the world for the first time in hundreds of years. Freed thousands of slaves and conquered cities. But she constantly has to prove and prove and prove as if the Starks are faultless. The Starks arc is forever wrapped in Honor.
I agree with all your points, but I think we're mixing actions having consequences with being a blatant hypocrite who desires followers.

On the first example, you make it about honor being restored, when Sansa got her father killed. Thats a huge consequence for her to learn as a character. And there's alot more between that and her becoming leader of the north.

Whether people remember Robb's name or not he got himself, his mother, and his pregnant wife killed.
For Arya and Jon I agree with that, they're "special" for the writers.

But the thing is, the people you named aren't traveling the world to recruit an army based on heavenly principles and claim. They fight for the Starks and Winterfell for the most part.
The Starks aren't demanding people across the 7 kingdoms bow to them based on their honor as starks. And if they did do that, they paid heavily for it.

Ofcourse she's going to have to prove, the only one you can compare her journey to is Jon and he has been constantly going around fighting to unite everyone including enemies. He hasn't gone around saying "I have dragons, im your king, now follow me". He hasn't earned his following through fear and manipulation, it's been through honor. I get that that honor seems given to him, but she's relied on the threat of her dragons. What does she expect people to look to her for?


Bounty Hunter
Jun 14, 2018
I read somewhere that emilia clarke had to tell these fukks that dany should pick up a sword to help jorah in ep 3 to show the desperation... and because it makes fukking sense

That tells me everything i need to know. These guys really dont give a fukk anymore and just ending this shyt quick

I dont get why this always happens with my fav shows on hbo

Based Lord Zedd

Colts or Die
Apr 30, 2012
Houston TX
Episode 4 was much better than episode 3. I almost wish they left the white walkers completely out of the show.
Why is Dany so awful at decision making? Lost 2 dragons off of pure stupidity. This is after she's been bailed out of other dumb decisions.
How does Qyburn get back in the gate?


Tell me moar
May 1, 2012
A few Floors Down from the Daily Grind
I can’t get over some of you fukks just looking for something to complain about all the time now, like this is the Sons if Anarchy or some shyt.

1) Cersi has been building and preparing for their return the entire time.

2) Dany took her fleet back to her HOME BASE. Why would you think Euron floating around with some Dragon Bows waiting for their return is some stretch???? They have a fleet, and Dragonstone is north of Kings landing on the same damn coast....they got to come down that coast to get to King Landing brehs no matter what.

3) How many times does Jon have to tell the truth to make you people realize it’s who he is? He couldn’t lie to Yigrit, he couldn’t lie to Cersi, he couldn’t lie to his sisters. What other people do with that shows their motives.

4) Tyrian legit knows that if Danny burns Kings Landing, her chance to rule is over. When he sees his sister set in her ways, he’s looking for ANYTHING to try to stop all the innocent people from dying. He pulled out his last trick and it didn’t work.

5) Euron was most definitely lying in wait for their return with the hope of killing a dragon by surprise and getting hostages. It’s not hard to find the boat with the higher ups on it and they met M at their face to face meeting last year. They lit up the boats and went for hostages, not hard of a concept.